Watch this if you want any hopes you might have for Starfield instantly crushed.


Learned to love the bomb

1. "Yeah the whole inspiration we had going for this was oblivion with guns in space."
2. Planets are randomly generated and most of them are literally empty.
3. Significant parts of the gameplay loop will revolve around gathering resources on those empty worlds.
4. "So the lore and the characters in the game refer to space-travel as being dangerous, but we aren't going make it even slightly dangerous gameplay-wise because we can't have interesting mechanics getting in the way of the player moving to the next quest marker in the most unchallenging way possible."
5. "I don't really understand much about spaceships or space exploration, didn't bother researching much either. I think that rockets and space are really cool though."
6. "Originally we were going to have a mechanic where ships would have limited fuel and players would have to plan their travels accordingly, but we figured that running out of fuel wasn't fun so we cut that out."

So, yeah, basically they are continuing with the Bethesda way of doing things where nothing has any glimpse of depth whatsoever. Only the most bare bones of gamelay mechanics that rank lower on their level of complexity than some arcade machines from the 1970s. Expect Outer Worlds, but instead of gayness there will be stripped down elements of No Man's Sky and some Emil-tier story about a hero saving the galaxy from generic space pirates or whatever (and maybe some gayness too idk).

Wtf man, don't they know that actually good sci-fi space exploration video games exist out there? Who is this game meant for? Seriously, there's just no comparison:

Kerbal Space Program: "We trust our players to able to understand advanced concepts in rocketry such as orbital mechanics, aerobraking, reentry, heat management and the rocket equation. In order to perfectly succeed in our game they have to painstakingly build rockets and spaceplanes while meticulously calculating the exact amount of delta-v and thrust-to-weight ratio necessary to achieve mission objectives. As a result our game is highly successful and inspired countless young people around the world to learn more about science and engineering. We are also the favorite video game of NASA engineers."

Elite Dangerous: "We created a 0-compromise space exploration video game featuring a freaking real size replica of the Milky-Way galaxy with literally 400 billion stars in it. Not only can you engage in awesome fighter combat, but also enjoy a blue-collar space trucker simulation experience featuring realistic aspects such as dynamic markets and economies, requesting landing authorizations, carefully maneuvering your massive ships into their designated landing pads, etc... For long journeys outside of the pocket of colonized space, players must make use of very dangerous stellar hydrogen fuel scooping techniques and they actually need to memorize the names of all star types in the stellar main sequence chart to pull this out correctly, else they risk getting stranded and dying when their oxygen reserves run out."

Meanwhile Starfield be like: "10% of our playtesters are too fucking retarded to make sure their starships have enough fuel for a journey they are planning and 20% of that particular group thought that refueling on site by gathering resources was boring and gay. WE MADE ALL OF THE SHIPS HAVE INFINITE FUEL TO FIX THAT ISSUE."
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I can't see this doing well. 76 seems like it was a lesson in many of the things listed so it'll probably damage their reputation further. I'm more worried about what it means for TES honestly.
I can't see this doing well. 76 seems like it was a lesson in many of the things listed so it'll probably damage their reputation further. I'm more worried about what it means for TES honestly.

Todd with the same explanation for removing depth from game - "fun killer", should let you know that space flight in Starfiled will be less dangerous than taking public transportation.
And probably everything else.
My hopes didn't get crushed because my hopes is that this game is a colossal disaster that hopefully flops and finally opens people's eyes on how bad current Bethesda is.
A faceplant might be the best thing for them. If they want some simplfied mechanics here and there for broader audiences then have at it. Don't take it to the point where the game play itself though. We'll just have to wait and see what actually comes of it.
Bethesda disasters are far too entertaining and much better than yet another dumpsterfire that the masses eat up and give a bunch of undeserved praise.

Planets are randomly generated and most of them are literally empty.

If done like StarSector where they have a cluster of premade planets with randomly generated planets for you to dick around in surrounding them it could be fun.
My hopes didn't get crushed because my hopes is that this game is a colossal disaster that hopefully flops and finally opens people's eyes on how bad current Bethesda is.

Honestly at this point, it's the shills and people who are either oblivious or "in denial of that fact Bethesda sucks" that are supporting them!
And boy you have no idea how excited I am to see how Starfield is going to turn out, and if it turns out to be yet another blunder that's actually WORSE than 76, get the popcorn ready to see their fans and The Internet freak out.

Oh, and Bethesda always sucked at designing their games! The thing is back in the day, this fact was only known by the people who wouldn't buy into the hype surrounding them. So with that, their flaws and mediocrity were more noticeable to those who saw pass the hype. For example, people like Roshambo(heh, that's an obvious one) and a game journalist(at the time) named Ethan Quin saw these flaws.

Speaking of Ethan Quin, I saw an old post he made in response to people sharing their thoughts and critiques on his article that he did discussing the history of the Fallout series and reviewing the games back in 2009, what's an interesting is what he said regarding Bethesda and their games here it is...

The full context of his post, discussing Bethesda's mediocrity.

You know it's funny, he pretty much predicted the predicament that the modding community finds themselves in regarding their games!

Also you can see this as a prediction for the current state of Triple A Mainstream Gaming,
Game Launches Broken + Developers are Incompetent and Won't Fix It = Let The Modders Take Care of It!
I mean the game will be fine for people that enjoy loot/smash/kill games, like modding the bugs out, and generally don't want to think too hard when playing. Frankly Witcher 3 never impressed me either so I am not the person they are selling these games to.
Not to mention it is a Bethesda game so a Legion of people will buy it just to make an infinite number of sex mods, it's what has kept the lights on over there at Zenimax for all these years.
" Look mommy I found some Ureatherum Bizmuth, my spaceship can be upgraded to warp speed x 5 , I will be rich mommy, rich beyond our wildest dreams "
It'll be a fun waste of time like No Man's Sky so you can have a break inbetween all the MMO grind and the overly philosophical crpgs.
I mean the game will be fine for people that enjoy loot/smash/kill games, like modding the bugs out, and generally don't want to think too hard when playing. Frankly Witcher 3 never impressed me either so I am not the person they are selling these games to.
Witcher 3 was technically impressive at the time (it put Skyrim in last-year-snow category) and CDPR fixed the launch mess they made unlike Bethesda.
They also made lots of additional content free, so players fell in love with them - only to be gang raped by CP2077.

Game in itself was 3rd person action game with lots of dialogues. closer to Ubisoft open-worlds than proper RPG.
I have the same relation with it as with Metro games - they are pretty, sometimes beautiful (Metro Exodus is still one of the visually most impressive games I've seen), but the gameplay isn't for me.

Despite all the talk of the influences and this and that, StarField will be dumbed down survival/loot/craft porn like F4 and F76 - main storyline will be dumb, side quests dumber, and everything will be buggy and unfinished as hell.
This is just assumption based on their last 4 games; maybe Microsoft made miracles when they bought them - but that hope is for people who give their credit card number and passwords to "admins".
Wtf man, don't they know that actually good sci-fi space exploration video games exist out there? Who is this game meant for? Seriously, there's just no comparison:

Kerbal Space Program: “ We sold a couple million games”

Elite Dangerous: “We sold a couple million games”

Skyrim sold tens of millions of copies, if my google fu is correct
When companies make these huge open world or open galaxy games, the objective is you spend 100's of hours until you become bored shitless.

But while you are hooked for (x) amount of hours, you are not playing other games, or buying the games of rival companies.

I bought Skyrim but could I be bothered plodding on doing the same shit? Erm....... no.