What Is The Text in The Bottom White Line of Vault City's Sign Supposed to be?


First time out of the vault

It almost looks like the text reads, "__________ are ________ned by vault city servants" or "__________ are ________red by vault city servants," but I could be wrong. What do you guys think the text is supposed to be? Is there a higher-resolution version of the sign out there that I'm not aware of?
That is very funny :clap: but I am still holding out hope that people will give me some educated guesses.
Whatever it is, must be connected to the building it's on. Maybe the fact that the biggest centered letters say "Servant Allocation Center." My guess? It has hourly rules for the use of the servants (slaves). Vault City is a stickler for rules so probably that; rules.
I am not sure it is actually saying anything? I mean I don't have a magnifying glass at hand but it seem to me the writting is kept blurry on purpose and not because of the resolution image?
Look at how the other two are readable even in game where you can't zoom like this on the sign, while the last bit is all tiny and blurry, it look like it's done on purpose because there is actually nothing to read, just something to 'see'.
I am not sure it is actually saying anything? I mean I don't have a magnifying glass at hand but it seem to me the writting is kept blurry on purpose and not because of the resolution image?
Look at how the other two are readable even in game where you can't zoom like this on the sign, while the last bit is all tiny and blurry, it look like it's done on purpose because there is actually nothing to read, just something to 'see'.

Is that supposed to be humor? Well it's not funny. Keep that kind of popular bullshit for someone who was adressing you in the first place, and who was being rude. Unless I somehow looked ironic, which I wasn't since Sunking's question is apparently genuine.

Let me know if my 'obviousity' is obviously misplaced, then I will delete my post.
And you are very welcome all the same, really.
I like to think it says: "Where your people become our people"

It is the slave house err um I mean the: "Servant Allocation Center"
I am not sure it is actually saying anything? I mean I don't have a magnifying glass at hand but it seem to me the writting is kept blurry on purpose and not because of the resolution image?
Look at how the other two are readable even in game where you can't zoom like this on the sign, while the last bit is all tiny and blurry, it look like it's done on purpose because there is actually nothing to read, just something to 'see'.

Thanks for the answers everyone :D especially you FDO. And yes, though my question may seem absurd it is indeed genuine.
Seems to me that Alkuam and Prone Squanderer are correct.
When I looked at the image that is what it looks like it says "Visitors are required to have day passes".