As I've grown older and become more cynical, I've realised the more cynical intentions of the gaming industry.
It's the only industry that generates hype years in advance.
The nearest that comes to this is Disney with their endless horde of Marvel and Star Wars properties. But at least they give you stuff while you wait (okay it's overkill but still). And while I have problems with how Disney do things (a trailer for s trailer), the games industry wants a full fucking show that lasts 5 days to show off the 3 trailers that tell you nothing for games you're mildly interested in.
Movies and comics kind of do this, but they have a full panel of creators to at least answer questions and give you some of the creative process.
Instead we get Todd saying "We waited 25 years for this..."
Honestly, I just want to see Todd play the game and go through with it, what you can do, what inspired the art design, how long you've been making this etc ..
I think the problem games got popular way too quickly and now no one knows what to do with them.
Just put your trailer on YouTube and be done with it.
It's the only industry that generates hype years in advance.
The nearest that comes to this is Disney with their endless horde of Marvel and Star Wars properties. But at least they give you stuff while you wait (okay it's overkill but still). And while I have problems with how Disney do things (a trailer for s trailer), the games industry wants a full fucking show that lasts 5 days to show off the 3 trailers that tell you nothing for games you're mildly interested in.
Movies and comics kind of do this, but they have a full panel of creators to at least answer questions and give you some of the creative process.
Instead we get Todd saying "We waited 25 years for this..."
Honestly, I just want to see Todd play the game and go through with it, what you can do, what inspired the art design, how long you've been making this etc ..
I think the problem games got popular way too quickly and now no one knows what to do with them.
Just put your trailer on YouTube and be done with it.