Why is no one talking about the Watchmen trailer?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
The only thread I could find that was close was about Alan Moore, and featured this comment:

generalissimofurioso said:
I'd be kind of a douchebag too if people kept on taking my work, shit I'm proud of, and completely changing it to suit the mushy brained.

That being said, I am not looking forward to the Watchmen movie.

Watchmen trailer.
I'm not talking about it because I am going to pretend that it never existed, never will exist and is as impossible an idea as converting my brain into a sentient gas cloud with total control over reality.
The comic book is something that I think is one of the pinnacles of the art-form. It's great in nearly every way, and the movie will probably suck ass.

Consider what they did with Moore's previous work:

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: terrible movie
V for Vendetta: Very dumbed down
From Hell: Passable, but not as good as the book

So, I don't have high hopes for Watchmen.
"They" weren't Zack Snyder. Consider what he's previously done with adapting a graphic novel to film.

Or just watch the trailer and say, "Holy shit, they've at least nailed the look!"
generalissimofurioso said:
I'm not talking about it because I am going to pretend that it never existed, never will exist and is as impossible an idea as converting my brain into a sentient gas cloud with total control over reality.

can we do this together? maybe if we get enough people to concentrate on the idea that it doesn't exist it will actually disappear.
Bodybag said:
"They" weren't Zack Snyder. Consider what he's previously done with adapting a graphic novel to film."

you mean the brutal murder of all things good and holy that was 300?
velvatier said:
Bodybag said:
"They" weren't Zack Snyder. Consider what he's previously done with adapting a graphic novel to film."

you mean the brutal murder of all things good and holy that was 300?

Just wow.

Maybe we should just discuss the trailer.
Sorry, Bodybag, you're pretty much alone on this one.

Alan Moore's works don't have a good track record of adaptation, and the "look" of something is only a part of the adaptation anyway. I mean, the design people who worked on V for Vendetta got the look just about perfectly, AND had an excellent voice actor for V to boot... but it was just an okay-ish movie.

I'm really not holding out high hopes for this one, if only because, unless the movie's going to be four hours long, lots of things are going to be cut. And there are very few things that *can* be cut from Watchmen which will allow the major plot points to be conveyed effectively.
Also, the horrible truth that this movie means Watchmen merchandise...

Oh and the chance for one of those parody movies to attempt to insult it, gotta love that.
Alone? The buzz around the net is generally positive about this, and we're talking hard-core comic nerds here. And it's worth pointing out that the final film is expected to be just under (or perhaps over) 3 hours, with the one major omission being the Black Freighter comic parallel angle. But get this - that will be availiable as an animated companion DVD right after the movie hits theaters, and will eventually be integrated into a 4.5 hour director's cut.

Look, no one here is going to out-Watchmen fan me on this, and I still have serious doubts myself that even a 100% faithful adaptation would ever work as an animated miniseries, much less a theatrical release. Yet, I see this trailer and I see someone that gets it. That's not the vibe I got from either the Hughes or the Wachowski bros.

Seriously, you're not even a little intrigued?

Also, the horrible truth that this movie means Watchmen merchandise...

Yes, how horrible it's going to be to finally own a posable Rorschach figure. Why must DC and Warner Bros. wipe their feet on our dreams?
Bodybag said:
Alone? The buzz around the net is generally positive about this, and we're talking hard-core comic nerds here. And it's worth pointing out that the final film is expected to be just under (or perhaps over) 3 hours, with the one major omission being the Black Freighter comic parallel angle. But get this - that will be availiable as an animated companion DVD right after the movie hits theaters, and will eventually be integrated into a 4.5 hour director's cut.

Look, no one here is going to out-Watchmen fan me on this, and I still have serious doubts myself that even a 100% faithful adaptation would ever work as an animated miniseries, much less a theatrical release. Yet, I see this trailer and I see someone that gets it. That's not the vibe I got from either the Hughes or the Wachowski bros.

Seriously, you're not even a little intrigued?
How intruiged will you be after the crappy adaptions of all other of alan moores works? This is one of the rare few cases where I will wait and rather be positively surprised rather than very disapointed.
He's not alone, i am looking forward to it as well. I never compare adaptations to the source medium on more than very basic levels (general feel, faithfulness to the setting et all), and i almost always enjoy them.

This one is looking good so far.
Bodybag said:
Alone? The buzz around the net is generally positive about this, and we're talking hard-core comic nerds here. And it's worth pointing out that the final film is expected to be just under (or perhaps over) 3 hours, with the one major omission being the Black Freighter comic parallel angle. But get this - that will be availiable as an animated companion DVD right after the movie hits theaters, and will eventually be integrated into a 4.5 hour director's cut.
This actually sounds good. If you procure a source you'll win me over for sure BB.

Also, I was wondering what they were going to do with the Black Freighter comics stuff. Not too surprised to see it cut, but the extra DVD sounds good.
Now I'm just wondering how they're gonna pull off some of those excellent scenes in the book. Last time I read it I sorta imagined how a movie would portray this and that and it seems tricky.
I just saw the trailer for the first time watching Batman last night... I've never heard of it... And I even considered myself a comic book junkie while growing up. It looked interesting but, I need to see a bit more before I'll pay to see it in theaters
Bodybag said:
Yes, how horrible it's going to be to finally own a posable Rorschach figure. Why must DC and Warner Bros. wipe their feet on our dreams?

Because the figure will obviously lead to t-shirts featuring lines from the movie and retards making jokes about Dr. Manhattan being a naked blue guy.

One thing always leads to another when it comes to stuff like this and I'm already sick of debating people on Newsarama about this film so I'm going to stop here.
I believe in Zach Snyder. He's a fan and I truly believe he's committed to making the best Watchmen adaptation he can make. I mean, the guy is including The Black Freighter (in his DVD cut, anyway) - dude is serious about this.

Highly optimistic, especially after seeing this trailer. The visuals are great. If anyone is freaking out about the slo-mo, I don't think most of those scenes will look like that in the finished film.
Malky said:
I believe in Zach Snyder. He's a fan and I truly believe he's committed to making the best Watchmen adaptation he can make. I mean, the guy is including The Black Freighter (in his DVD cut, anyway) - dude is serious about this.

Highly optimistic, especially after seeing this trailer. The visuals are great. If anyone is freaking out about the slo-mo, I don't think most of those scenes will look like that in the finished film.

That dipshit that directed Ghost Rider was a big fan too. So was Nick Cage. I'm a HARDCORE GR fan and I was severely disappointed.
I haven't read Watchmen in years,but I do remember it blowing my mind. I like to stay neutral on movies like this where I know they can be good,but they may be fucked up by Hollywood. Much like Dark Knight. At first I was like "Heath Ledger? Who the fuck picked that guy as Joker?"
Now I know that I was wrong and I haven't even seen the movie yet.The trailer did it for me.Heath scares the shit out of me in that role.
Anyway.I will try to ignore the Watchman until it sneaks up on me and then I'll see what happens.Iron Man did it to me.I wasn't even reading the comic book movie news for a few months then all of a sudden a fucking Iron Man trailer blows a hole in my head with a Repulsor Blast.Needless to say I liked Iron Man.Well there goes my rant.
I'm looking forward to the movie, I just recently managed to read the entire Watchmen. Three hours? Man, this will take some serious preparations to watch ;)

Anyways, I didn't feel that V4V was dumbed down - cut down to fit the film, yes, but since I was never hot for anarchist ideologies, even after reading the original comic series didn't feel any significant element was cut.
The trailer is awesome and they did capture the feeling of Watchmen. But I'm cautiously optimistic for now.

Did anybody notice that the song they used for the trailer (a remix of Smashing Pumpkins' The end is the beginning is the end) is the same song that was used in Batman and Robin which is the worst comic adaptation ever...
Loxley said:
How intruiged will you be after the crappy adaptions of all other of alan moores works?

Well, considering that those adaptations have already come and gone while being largely terrible, and as such the future lies nowhere but up, I'm already intrigued.

This is one of the rare few cases where I will wait and rather be positively surprised rather than very disapointed.

In the vast majority of of those cases you don't wait to be surprised or disappointed? I... submit?

PlanHex said:
This actually sounds good. If you procure a source you'll win me over for sure BB.



generalissimofurioso said:
Because the figure will obviously lead to t-shirts featuring lines from the movie and retards making jokes about Dr. Manhattan being a naked blue guy.

Things could lead to retards making jokes! The Internet has been alerted to your call for help, and will respond as soon as possible.

One thing always leads to another when it comes to stuff like this and I'm already sick of debating people on Newsarama about this film so I'm going to stop here.

The first objectively good news of the thread. :wink:

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Did anybody notice that the song they used for the trailer (a remix of Smashing Pumpkins' The end is the beginning is the end) is the same song that was used in Batman and Robin which is the worst comic adaptation ever...

I was hoping someone would mention that. Snyder's totally cocky with this movie, and that's really encouraging.

Other clues he's totally having fun with the trailer:

- in the scene where the assassin attacks Veidt, go to frame by frame at 1:33 and check out his gun when he aims it at the camera (may require HD trailer). Ha!

- it's slightly out of focus (digitally), but Dr. Manhattan's junk is visible during his teleportation scene. Wang made the cut!

- this trailer makes zero sense to someone who's never read the comic.