Why remake?

Personally, I've never been a fan of remakes in film or games; while their have been plenty of good remakes like Resident Evil 2 or 3:10 to Yuma. I feel that they are always unnecessary. I am much more supportive of remasters/source ports of older games like Shadow warrior: classic redux and even fan made ones like openXcom or openRA. More work and money should go to bringing older games in line with modern machines, fixing bugs, and adding quality of life features to these games instead of these big budget remakes like Final Fantasy 7 (more of a reboot really) or Resident Evil 3.
Deathclaw Capo.png
Because games like Resident Evil Remake exist. If you stay true to the source close enough it can be a huge success. If they remade the original Silent Hill, and actually did it good, I would throw money in large amounts.
Agree with Toront. One of my biggest gripes with remakes however is how they seem to repeatedly fail to capture the art style or tone of the original games. Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary is a really bad example of this. I'm worried Demons Souls will also be one.
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Some remakes either don't do enough to justify being a remake, or do too much to the point of changing stuff that worked in the first place, making those things worse for no reason. And even the remakes that meet in the middle, justifying being a remake AND doing good changes, also do some retarded changes that add nothing.

Resident Evil Remake is an anomaly, it's a remake that completely respects the original while adding and fixing what was wrong with it without doing jarring changes. It's an exception to the rule.

So, it's always a gamble when it comes to remakes because you never know what the dev team is trying to accomplish until it's probably too late.
f they remade the original Silent Hill, and actually did it good, I would throw money in large amounts.
With games like Silent Hill you would need to bring the old team silent back, because with anyone who didn't 'get' silent hill or is not invested in the development could easily produce a dud.
m worried Demons Souls will also be one.
Looks like a generic fantasy game style so far from what I've seen. It lacks the decay of the old art style.
Yeah DeS had particular gothic and surreal streaks that set it apart visually even from Dark Souls. I always found it the most visually unique next to Bloodborne. Shame to see it downgraded to MMO tier
They usually remake things because:
  1. They want to make money easily by profiting off of known established IP's.
  2. They want to retain their rights to the IP or trademark and so have to do 'something' with it.
  3. Because they haven't created anything good in a long time and they're desperate for a hit.
The only time a remake should be done is if
  1. The previous thing is so dated that it can no longer be played or it is on systems so old that it is a pain in the ass to get a working copy and console.
  2. The previous thing had a good idea but the execution sucked, so let's try it again but with a sharper focus.
Other than that I think everything should be left alone. Only remake when you need to, not when you want to.
I'd really like to see a Morrowind remake. Best Dune game we'll ever get. Speaking of Bethesda remakes, has anyone been following Skyblivion? It's still 98% the same shit as far as I can tell just with Skyrim gameplay and better graphics. Still looks fun though.

I want to see these random games remade just for the hell of it.

Shadowrun for the SNES.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Legacy of Kain
Diablo 1
Final Fantasy 8
Silent Hill 1
Alone in the Dark
FF8 and Silent Hill for sure. An old game I love is MDK2. I think that would be neat to see that get remade. Maybe some of that old game design could make a comeback? You'd have to play it to know what I mean as videos really don't do that game favors lol
My computer was too shitty to run it when it came out. I have always been a generation behind. Woes me.

Gex needs a remake. He could do Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, superhero shit, all of that crap.
I have a pretty good, but aging laptop. I really want to build a Zen pc as my first gaming rig. Gex was amazing to me back in the day.
Also, we need a remaster of Skies of Arcadia as well. Fuck it, Star Ocean's 1-3 too. So3 had this amazing crafting mini game that I'm amazed hasn't been copied yet. You could even make a simple mobile game out of that and it'd be loads of fun.

Seems ripe for microtransactions though now that i think about it :cry:
The trick is to not care if the games succeed or not. I just know this next Oddworld game is going to disappoint me, so if it doesn't then I will be happy, if not then Exodus is still there.
My feeling is that most "remakes" and "remasters" are because developers are less willing to take risks on their IPs. It's better to tread safe and secure ground and release products that they know most plebs will buy.
FF8 and Silent Hill for sure. An old game I love is MDK2. I think that would be neat to see that get remade. Maybe some of that old game design could make a comeback? You'd have to play it to know what I mean as videos really don't do that game favors lol

Love this one too, so bizarre.
Love the Jack Kirby influence in this game.
Lands Of Lore: Guardians of Destiny Remastered

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