Your opinion on FOT modding tutorial on Pipboy2000LE


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Do you have any suggestions or comments? Questions? Having trouble making something/everything work? Found mistakes (not my fault!:-))? Reply to this thread.

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#DDDDDD]Íå îñòàëîñü íè ñèë îùóùåíèÿ áîëè
[font color=#CCCCCC]Òîñêîé èçúåäåíà äóøà êàê ëè÷èíêàìè ìîëè
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[font color=#CCCCCC]ß áåç íàäåæäû óáèò òîñêîé íàâûëåò ïðîñòðåëåí
[font color=#DDDDDD]Ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ íàäåÿëñÿ à íå áûë óâåðåí
Still trying to follow how to add inventory....

I can replace items that have a name the same lenghth or shorter right now, but I got lost when trying to add an item.

My confusion lies with the description of blocks and properties, I guess. I'm having a hard time understanding that and belive once I understand that, I can progress.
Quick summary

-Property describes character's property.
-Block is a set of properties inside another property.
-Each string in FOT has a 4-byte value that has the same value as the number of characters in the string.
-After the name of the property follows 4-byte <var1>, that actually, as we know it now, describes what kind of the value [var3] is.
-<var2> is the 4-byte value that has the same value as the number of characters in <var3>.
-<var3> can be a 1-byte boolean value, 4-byte numeric value, a string, a path etc. (look <var1>)

It seems to me that you're having trouble with string length values. It's simpler than it looks. FOT is very forgiving as long as you have entered the required minimum of info.

I understand that since English is not my first language and that it's my first document of that kind, it can be confusing sometimes. That's why I'm open to suggestions.

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#DDDDDD]Íå îñòàëîñü íè ñèë îùóùåíèÿ áîëè
[font color=#CCCCCC]Òîñêîé èçúåäåíà äóøà êàê ëè÷èíêàìè ìîëè
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[font color=#999999]Èñ÷åçàÿ â òîò ìîìåíò êîãäà îíà òàê íóæíà
[font color=#AAAAAA]Îíà áóäåò óõîäèòü è âîçâðàùàòüñÿ ìíîãî ðàç
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñåãäà äåðæà íà ðàññòîÿíèè çàâåòíûé àëìàç
[font color=#CCCCCC]ß áåç íàäåæäû óáèò òîñêîé íàâûëåò ïðîñòðåëåí
[font color=#DDDDDD]Ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ íàäåÿëñÿ à íå áûë óâåðåí
Me too,
Although our most favorite MODder includes a warning about "knowing the file structure of FT beforehand", I believe a short summary would be most usefull. Also, for anyone not reading this forum, it would also be useful to state that files are simply Zip. I have not been able to reproduce the two examples presented in the tutorial... but I certainly gained valuable infos from it... I'll keep trying ;-)
>I believe a short summary
>would be most usefull.
Ooops, I had'nt read the post above when I made that comment. Ok, I guess my problem is with the file/properties lenght too.
Let's take the example of the block/propertie... Hand1.
We have <05000000>Hand1<var1><var2><var3>[start of the file describing the item in hand1]
From looking, it seems that the part that describe the item is simply a copy of the item .emt file. Ok so using good old HexEdit I delete the huntingRifle.emt file part from strom Hand1, then I decide to replace it with the FnfalRifle.emt
Now I have to adjust the lenght of <var3> to reflect the longer inserted code... it seems that <var3> is simply the number of bytes in the file, and adjust <var2> as you said.
Save- start demo - Strom is out of the party, replaced by "unknown" on the character box.
However, if you apply the exact same principle to raider_psycho, everything is fine. I assume somewhere there is a "total file size" stored that does not match after my mod, but that's how far I went this morning...
How about some help.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-01 AT 04:24PM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-01 AT 04:15 PM (GMT)

1-You don't HAVE to copy/paste the entire code just to REPLACE an item. You only have to change the EntPath.
2-'Unknown' means that you entered the wrong information, most probably because <var2><var3> had the wrong values, or you accidently deleted something you shouldn't have. Send me the file, I'll compare it to what I have.

P.S - I tried to reproduce what you did. Here's what I did:

1-Opened good old Cygnus 1.02
2-Loaded dem01bos_SMG.ent and found <05 00 00 00>Hand1<xx xx xx xx><xx xx xx xx><xx xx xx xx>
3-Selected everything from <entity> until I came to <05 00 00 00>Hand2
4-Deleted the selection.
5-Loaded and copied fnfalRifle.ent
6-Pasted it right after <05 00 00 00>Hand1<xx xx xx xx><xx xx xx xx><xx xx xx xx>.
7-Changed Hand1 property to <05 00 00 00>Hand1<xx xx xx xx><45 0C 00 00><41 0C 00 00> - 3137 bytes in fnfalRifle.ent
8-Saved dem01bos_SMG.ent, started the game and enjoyed the result.

So now I have:
<05 00 00 00>Hand1<04 00 00 00><45 0C 00 00><41 0C 00 00>
<the code of fnfalRifle.ent>
<05 00 00 00>Hand2<04 00 00 00><6E 0B 00 00><6A 0B 00 00>

P.P.S. - Found your problem! I don't know what your HexEdit did, but I assume that it found and deleted (or replaced, dunno) the code of fnfalRifle.ent BUT REMEMBER WHAT I SAID IN TUTORIAL (should've stressed that even more) THAT CODES IN CHARACTER .ENT FILES ARE NOT EXACT BLUEPRINTS OF EXTERNAL .ENT FILES! They seem to be changed a bit by Microforte's entities editor. You see, raider_psycho had the exact blueprint, but Strom didn't! So you entered the wrong <var2><var3>! Don't rely on software to do your job - do it yourself!

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#DDDDDD]Íå îñòàëîñü íè ñèë îùóùåíèÿ áîëè
[font color=#CCCCCC]Òîñêîé èçúåäåíà äóøà êàê ëè÷èíêàìè ìîëè
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[font color=#888888]Ýòà ëæèâàÿ òâàðü ïûëü ïóñêàåò â ãëàçà
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[font color=#AAAAAA]Îíà áóäåò óõîäèòü è âîçâðàùàòüñÿ ìíîãî ðàç
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñåãäà äåðæà íà ðàññòîÿíèè çàâåòíûé àëìàç
[font color=#CCCCCC]ß áåç íàäåæäû óáèò òîñêîé íàâûëåò ïðîñòðåëåí
[font color=#DDDDDD]Ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ íàäåÿëñÿ à íå áûë óâåðåí
Tried following the above to add FN-FAL to Shade....

It killed him when doing it. That should have allowed me to replace his ripper with the FN-FAL, correct?
RE: Tried following the above to add FN-FAL to Shade....

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-01 AT 08:30PM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-01 AT 08:27 PM (GMT)

Well, it should work with every character... You must be doing something wrong, like not deleting everything or deleting too much.

I think you copy-pasted Hand2 string I posted above. DON'T DO THAT! Leave it as it is. I posted that string only to show how it should look for Strom. Moreover, don't pay attention to the values for it AT ALL. I could've made a mistake for Hand2, but it doesn't matter - just ignore that string and don't touch it, unless you are editing Hand2.

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#DDDDDD]Íå îñòàëîñü íè ñèë îùóùåíèÿ áîëè
[font color=#CCCCCC]Òîñêîé èçúåäåíà äóøà êàê ëè÷èíêàìè ìîëè
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñå êàòèòñÿ â ïðîïàñòü ïðè÷åì óæå íå â ïåðâûé ðàç
[font color=#AAAAAA]È ðàâåí íóëþ ñìûñë äðóæåñêèõ ôðàç
[font color=#999999]Âñå êîìó-òî ïîäàðåíî ïîòåðÿíî ïðîäàíî
[font color=#888888]È ñåðäöå êðîâüþ îáëèòîå çà óæèíîì ïîäàíî
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[font color=#666666]È êàêîå-òî ÷óâñòâî ÷òî-òî âðîäå íàäåæäû
[font color=#666666]Íàäåæäà ñàìîîáìàí íî ýòî âñå ÷òî ó íàñ åñòü
[font color=#777777]Îíà õîäèò ïî ðóêàì ïðîäàâàÿ ñâîþ ÷åñòü
[font color=#888888]Ýòà ëæèâàÿ òâàðü ïûëü ïóñêàåò â ãëàçà
[font color=#999999]Èñ÷åçàÿ â òîò ìîìåíò êîãäà îíà òàê íóæíà
[font color=#AAAAAA]Îíà áóäåò óõîäèòü è âîçâðàùàòüñÿ ìíîãî ðàç
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñåãäà äåðæà íà ðàññòîÿíèè çàâåòíûé àëìàç
[font color=#CCCCCC]ß áåç íàäåæäû óáèò òîñêîé íàâûëåò ïðîñòðåëåí
[font color=#DDDDDD]Ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ íàäåÿëñÿ à íå áûë óâåðåí
RE: Tried following the above to add FN-FAL to Shade....

I was trying to replace his Ripper with the FN-FAL and used the values you put in HAND1 for the example. Do those change depending on which character you are giving the item to?

I selected from just before <entity> and went until I was 4 bytes before hand2.

I then pasted the new code from FN-FAL into that space that i just deleted and changed the HAND1 values.
Wooo. I seem to have it. Now to get the adding inventory d

I just replaced Shade's Ripper with the M16A1....

RE: Tried following the above to add FN-FAL to Shade....

Great! You used m16Rifle.ent, right?

>I was trying to replace his
>Ripper with the FN-FAL and
>used the values you put
>in HAND1 for the example.
> Do those change depending
>on which character you are
>giving the item to?

No, it depends on the item and its length.

>I selected from just before <entity> and went until I was 4 bytes before hand2.


>I then pasted the new code
>from FN-FAL into that space
>that i just deleted and
>changed the HAND1 values.

Should've worked.

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#DDDDDD]Íå îñòàëîñü íè ñèë îùóùåíèÿ áîëè
[font color=#CCCCCC]Òîñêîé èçúåäåíà äóøà êàê ëè÷èíêàìè ìîëè
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñå êàòèòñÿ â ïðîïàñòü ïðè÷åì óæå íå â ïåðâûé ðàç
[font color=#AAAAAA]È ðàâåí íóëþ ñìûñë äðóæåñêèõ ôðàç
[font color=#999999]Âñå êîìó-òî ïîäàðåíî ïîòåðÿíî ïðîäàíî
[font color=#888888]È ñåðäöå êðîâüþ îáëèòîå çà óæèíîì ïîäàíî
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[font color=#666666]È êàêîå-òî ÷óâñòâî ÷òî-òî âðîäå íàäåæäû
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[font color=#777777]Îíà õîäèò ïî ðóêàì ïðîäàâàÿ ñâîþ ÷åñòü
[font color=#888888]Ýòà ëæèâàÿ òâàðü ïûëü ïóñêàåò â ãëàçà
[font color=#999999]Èñ÷åçàÿ â òîò ìîìåíò êîãäà îíà òàê íóæíà
[font color=#AAAAAA]Îíà áóäåò óõîäèòü è âîçâðàùàòüñÿ ìíîãî ðàç
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñåãäà äåðæà íà ðàññòîÿíèè çàâåòíûé àëìàç
[font color=#CCCCCC]ß áåç íàäåæäû óáèò òîñêîé íàâûëåò ïðîñòðåëåí
[font color=#DDDDDD]Ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ íàäåÿëñÿ à íå áûë óâåðåí
Actually the FNFALRIFLE.ENT file is what I used.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-01 AT 00:51AM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-01 AT 00:49 AM (GMT)

Then I decided to give him the M16A1 instead.

But now I'm having problems giving him the ammo so he can actually use it... Gotta figure out the byte size, since the ammo entry for the 5.56 ammo is smaller in size than the energy cells for the Ripper.

My humble shrine to all things Fallout.
RE: Wooo. I seem to have it. Now to get the adding invento

Guys, I think all these problems would prove that the mod squad needs to make an inventory editor, where we can add/remove any items we want...As I heard last time, you guys were working on one, how is it going ?

No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite
Thanks APTYP,
Now it works flawlessly. I must have done something wrong in the copy/past <which I find easier than than going to edit only the EntPath> or I sc** up calculating the Var... Can you tell me how you got var2. I suspect it was the reason for my problem.
RE: Actually the FNFALRIFLE.ENT file is what I used.

Wha? You can't figure it out because it's of lesser size??? C'mon, use your calculator to transform the length of bytes into hex value, then enter it!

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#DDDDDD]Íå îñòàëîñü íè ñèë îùóùåíèÿ áîëè
[font color=#CCCCCC]Òîñêîé èçúåäåíà äóøà êàê ëè÷èíêàìè ìîëè
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñå êàòèòñÿ â ïðîïàñòü ïðè÷åì óæå íå â ïåðâûé ðàç
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[font color=#999999]Âñå êîìó-òî ïîäàðåíî ïîòåðÿíî ïðîäàíî
[font color=#888888]È ñåðäöå êðîâüþ îáëèòîå çà óæèíîì ïîäàíî
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[font color=#666666]È êàêîå-òî ÷óâñòâî ÷òî-òî âðîäå íàäåæäû
[font color=#666666]Íàäåæäà ñàìîîáìàí íî ýòî âñå ÷òî ó íàñ åñòü
[font color=#777777]Îíà õîäèò ïî ðóêàì ïðîäàâàÿ ñâîþ ÷åñòü
[font color=#888888]Ýòà ëæèâàÿ òâàðü ïûëü ïóñêàåò â ãëàçà
[font color=#999999]Èñ÷åçàÿ â òîò ìîìåíò êîãäà îíà òàê íóæíà
[font color=#AAAAAA]Îíà áóäåò óõîäèòü è âîçâðàùàòüñÿ ìíîãî ðàç
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñåãäà äåðæà íà ðàññòîÿíèè çàâåòíûé àëìàç
[font color=#CCCCCC]ß áåç íàäåæäû óáèò òîñêîé íàâûëåò ïðîñòðåëåí
[font color=#DDDDDD]Ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ íàäåÿëñÿ à íå áûë óâåðåí
Simply put, Var2 for Hand1 is the length of the Var3. Remember, Var3 is the code plus 4-byte word describing the length of that code. So Var2 = the length of the code plus 4.

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#DDDDDD]Íå îñòàëîñü íè ñèë îùóùåíèÿ áîëè
[font color=#CCCCCC]Òîñêîé èçúåäåíà äóøà êàê ëè÷èíêàìè ìîëè
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñå êàòèòñÿ â ïðîïàñòü ïðè÷åì óæå íå â ïåðâûé ðàç
[font color=#AAAAAA]È ðàâåí íóëþ ñìûñë äðóæåñêèõ ôðàç
[font color=#999999]Âñå êîìó-òî ïîäàðåíî ïîòåðÿíî ïðîäàíî
[font color=#888888]È ñåðäöå êðîâüþ îáëèòîå çà óæèíîì ïîäàíî
[font color=#777777]Îñòàëàñü òîëüêî ãðÿçü íà äíå êàðìàíîâ îäåæä
[font color=#666666]È êàêîå-òî ÷óâñòâî ÷òî-òî âðîäå íàäåæäû
[font color=#666666]Íàäåæäà ñàìîîáìàí íî ýòî âñå ÷òî ó íàñ åñòü
[font color=#777777]Îíà õîäèò ïî ðóêàì ïðîäàâàÿ ñâîþ ÷åñòü
[font color=#888888]Ýòà ëæèâàÿ òâàðü ïûëü ïóñêàåò â ãëàçà
[font color=#999999]Èñ÷åçàÿ â òîò ìîìåíò êîãäà îíà òàê íóæíà
[font color=#AAAAAA]Îíà áóäåò óõîäèòü è âîçâðàùàòüñÿ ìíîãî ðàç
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñåãäà äåðæà íà ðàññòîÿíèè çàâåòíûé àëìàç
[font color=#CCCCCC]ß áåç íàäåæäû óáèò òîñêîé íàâûëåò ïðîñòðåëåí
[font color=#DDDDDD]Ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ íàäåÿëñÿ à íå áûë óâåðåí
RE: Wooo. I seem to have it. Now to get the adding invento

There were plans for doing it, yes. I think the work is already begun.

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#DDDDDD]Íå îñòàëîñü íè ñèë îùóùåíèÿ áîëè
[font color=#CCCCCC]Òîñêîé èçúåäåíà äóøà êàê ëè÷èíêàìè ìîëè
[font color=#BBBBBB]Âñå êàòèòñÿ â ïðîïàñòü ïðè÷åì óæå íå â ïåðâûé ðàç
[font color=#AAAAAA]È ðàâåí íóëþ ñìûñë äðóæåñêèõ ôðàç
[font color=#999999]Âñå êîìó-òî ïîäàðåíî ïîòåðÿíî ïðîäàíî
[font color=#888888]È ñåðäöå êðîâüþ îáëèòîå çà óæèíîì ïîäàíî
[font color=#777777]Îñòàëàñü òîëüêî ãðÿçü íà äíå êàðìàíîâ îäåæä
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RE: Wooo. I seem to have it. Now to get the adding invento

>I heard last time, you
>guys were working on one,
>how is it going ?
Who did you hear that from?

~Dr. W95
the Super-Puper Admin
RE: Wooo. I seem to have it. Now to get the adding invento

It's more of an all in one editor. And it's coming along...

>Guys, I think all these problems
>would prove that the mod
>squad needs to make an
>inventory editor, where we can
>add/remove any items we want...As
>I heard last time, you
>guys were working on one,
>how is it going ?
>No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite

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[a href="mailto:" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]The Modding Kingpin​