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Slight criticism of the Restoration Patch: It adds it's own headcanon to the Shi that I don't really like.
For the most part, the dialogue it's added has been fine, it adds earlier hints about the Vault Experiments and the Enclave, but the Shi dialogue I don't like because it makes it unambigous that the Chinese fired the nukes first. Plus it has a formal declaration of independence from the PLA from the Shi's history, which IMO overrides the "Former enemies are now friends" theme you see in Broken Hills.
Also, you can tell it's not legit, because it refers to the leader of China as "Chairman Cheng" - A name that literally originated in Fallout 3.

IDK, maybe I'm a bit biased here since I dislike Fallout 3, but rewriting older games to fit the lore of newer ones is a big no-no for me.
Got to the point in my Fallout 2 replay where I'm at San Francisco - And I'm remembering why I hate it.
I actually don't mind it being reference heavy and pop-culturey

What I dislike is how barren it is.
-You have the Kung Fu sideplot, you have the Shi VS Hubologists, and that's kinda it.
-The Docks is a huge area, with warehouses, homes, a beach with fishermen, but no NPCs to talk to
-On the Tanker most NPC Merchants just feel like vending machines you can't talk to.
It's very clearly rushed and so they couldn't flesh out locations or NPCs much, but for the last major town in the game, it feels extremely anticlimactic.
Shinichirō Watanabe's new anime 'Lazarus' is set to come out soon. A bit worried about it since it's being done by the ice-skating, overworked fuckups at MAPPA.
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Aurelius Of Phoenix
The state of anime in general is pretty dire. Moe shit, shonen shit, romcom harem shit, iseaki scourge, shitty light novel and manga adaptions, etc. I don't think I've watched more than an episode or two of a series in the last 2-3 anime seasons.
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Of course things won't get better with faggots salivating at shitty MAPPA/UFO 'fight scenes' bereft of anything that can be called fight choreography. Just fuck my shit up with as much effects, iceskating, lasers as possible.
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Aurelius Of Phoenix
And of course we have the incel core humble beta male protagonist (who most certainly doesn't have a dick in his pants) who is surrounded by a harem of attractive women who have no reason to like him while they get into wacky highjinks and don't clairy the relationship until the final chapter or whatever.
Monkey's paw: Finally get a new Marvel beat em up but it's a shitty shredder's revenge style beat em up... It's so over.
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Couldn't they get Capcom to make a new beat 'em up for them, a new Punisher-style beat 'em up? Nope. They go the most creatively dull way imaginable.
I just realized "hell" is called "hell" cus of the Germanic afterlife Hel being a pagan counterpart to Christian Heaven
Post-War Tribal
Post-War Tribal
Hel/Helvede is more Norse than Germanic in it's origin.
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I wasn't sure, but sure! Often there's an overlap w Norse and Germanic, and with Germanic and some near-Slavic beliefs as well
To be honest, there's probably tons of overlap in Finnic and Saami traditions, but I wouldn't know, cus we never, ever paid them any mind, other than subjugating and stuff, but I have no idea how to even say "Hello" in Saami. I know 0 words.
I'm taking some time off New Vegas to play Starship Troopers: Terran Command. It's fantastic but with some minor flaws.
Smart guns would be pretty awesome not gonna lie. Essentially the tech the M56 in Aliens used already exists in this day and age. Implementation for a rifle or a pistol is a tad challenging. Wouldn't be anything like Cyberpunk
Not gonna lie. I really love Samsung products. But saying that is like saying i love the real life equivalent of Arasaka
Lol, I thought 1/3 of the world population was infected with toxoplasmosis, but studies suggest 1/2 are :'''D
lol some kremlin cuck bot "norwegian" suggested Norway probably should have immediately surrendered in WW2 as well, that's what the military is for, to just immediately surrender and thus - save more lives :o
Fun fact, mayo + ketchup = thousand island dressing!

The more you know! :o
Powered Armor troopers would be a nightmare irl. Theyre essentially a more Mobile form of Cavalry. Like an APC without the troop carrying aspect. But luckily Missile launchers and AMRs would be support units best friend.