Anyone else on a PS4 run into this storage issue?


Keeper of the trout
I'm downloading an update for a game, and it says "not enough space" - so I go online, and people go "you need at least twice the disk-space available", good, I knew that, so... I take it this update is 3200 GB's then, since having over 1600 GB free space is clearly way too little?

I check a bit more, and some say - "hey, all your problems will be solved with an external drive, I have 2 TBs, and it works great!"
And I'm like, "amazing!" untill I remember that I do have an external, and that it has ^ 2 TBs capacity, sooo - I'm back again to finding solutions

"make sure the external is tagged as download space!", I'm not even going to do a rethorical joke here, because I actually checked all of that before going online looking for solutions, it is indeed marked as download space.

So... now the fuck what?
I had to just go and delete 2 entire games, two that I - quite frankly - never play, so no big loss, but still.

How many goddamn terrabytes do I need for further updates!? A thousand!?
Are your numbers here right? Exactly how big is the download? I knew the PS4 had a wonky issue with updating/downloading and installing shit so I assume the 1600 is the size you're downloading and the 3200 you mention is the required amount of space.

If a game's update is 1,600 GBs and you need 3,200 GBs free to install it then your 2 TB (2,000 Gigabytes) isn't going to be big enough for it. You're missing 1,200 GBs.

I'm more curious as to what the fuck you're updating assuming you didn't put the wrong numbers or sizes there.
Are your numbers here right? Exactly how big is the download? I knew the PS4 had a wonky issue with updating/downloading and installing shit so I assume the 1600 is the size you're downloading and the 3200 you mention is the required amount of space.

If a game's update is 1,600 GBs and you need 3,200 GBs free to install it then your 2 TB (2,000 Gigabytes) isn't going to be big enough for it. You're missing 1,200 GBs.

I'm more curious as to what the fuck you're updating assuming you didn't put the wrong numbers or sizes there.

I was hyperbolic, clearly the update is nowhere near a thousand gigabytes, it's maybe... one? two? at best?
(and lawl, I did a math-blunder there, but either way, I have mooore than enough disk-space)
Which is exactly why it perplexes me, and demotivates me a bit that I have to delete games.
Deleting games DID allow for the update to proceed.
Dammit zegh! I was trying to help lol.
Well, I'm glad it works right now. I've had odd and similar issues and there are games I refuse to delete off my PS4 like Shadow of the Colossus. I have the disk but I just don't wanna delete it. That and the slow store on PS4 are the worst things about it from what I've experienced.

No idea why it keeps happening though.
Dammit zegh! I was trying to help lol.
Well, I'm glad it works right now. I've had odd and similar issues and there are games I refuse to delete off my PS4 like Shadow of the Colossus. I have the disk but I just don't wanna delete it. That and the slow store on PS4 are the worst things about it from what I've experienced.

No idea why it keeps happening though.

Deleting shit to allow more shit is something that gives me terrible flashbacks to the 90s
I would actually pick up a floppy disk, delete some files from it, so to be able to cram another file onto it. Nightmare stuff.

I really thought with 2Tbs I'd be safe from that kind of crap, but... yeah, this clearly is some sort of stupid bug, like the console mis-reading how much space I have left, or somethingsuch, I was just hoping someone had encountered the issue, and knew some sort of work-around

Thanks for the concern and attempt to help anyway! :]
Deleting shit to allow more shit is something that gives me terrible flashbacks to the 90s
I would actually pick up a floppy disk, delete some files from it, so to be able to cram another file onto it. Nightmare stuff.

I really thought with 2Tbs I'd be safe from that kind of crap, but... yeah, this clearly is some sort of stupid bug, like the console mis-reading how much space I have left, or somethingsuch, I was just hoping someone had encountered the issue, and knew some sort of work-around

Thanks for the concern and attempt to help anyway! :]

Why don't you rebuild system's database? I had some issues with my PS4 few months back, doing that 15-minute-procedure fixed everything.
Shit, I'm running into this problem too. I have ~20 GB free space for updates and saves, I was launching KCD when suddenly it warned me that I need ~130 MB to "launch this application", and because I was frustrated I just go and delete the game I'm not planning to play any sooner. Turns out the game wants to update, with the newest hotfix just released at around this time. What's more weird, however, is that the update's size is supposedly ~200 MB, and yet once that was done updating suddenly the game continues to download a 10 GB update, which will take around 8 hours to finish :wall:I don't know how the fuck am I supposed to deal with this situation, so I just put my PS4 on rest mode and waited. Some And then, around an hour later I decided to turn on the PS4 again, and lo and behold the 'update' is finished :scratch: oh well, at least I can play now. So far no issue after 2 hours of session.
Weird, I did the database restoration now, so - by next update, let's see if it behaves better
turns out it didn't work -_-
guess 1,8 TB (which is what, hyperbole aside, I actually have free space wise) is not enough...........
turns out it didn't work -_-
guess 1,8 TB (which is what, hyperbole aside, I actually have free space wise) is not enough...........
That's really strange. And that's considering you already have an external space ready. Have you tried Googling further and see if someone else have the same problem, tried getting external, and still not solve it?
That's really strange. And that's considering you already have an external space ready. Have you tried Googling further and see if someone else have the same problem, tried getting external, and still not solve it?

Well, I don't really have a choice but to keep looking for solutions... it does seem a rare problem though, most posts are about people who indeed only have the default storage, and their problems solving when they add an external drive, which is frustrating to read, that's the kind of shit one should be able to figure out without asking the world for help :I
If a game's update is 1,600 GBs and you need 3,200 GBs free to install it then your 2 TB (2,000 Gigabytes) isn't going to be big enough for it. You're missing 1,200 GBs.
Holy shit, is this real?
Well done, the mental image of billion citybois all around the globe putting VR bucket on their heads and downloading 1.6 TB updates in order to play generic slaher is really hilarious. Please don't take it personally zegh, I just laugh at global progress in modern gaming of 21st century.
Good, VR bucket looks pretty stupid. I thought 1.6 TB update must have been raw HD textures for VR, anything else doesn't make sense to me.
Good, VR bucket looks pretty stupid. I thought 1.6 TB update must have been raw HD textures for VR, anything else doesn't make sense to me.

No, no, they're just regular ol' updates. Just bugs and shit for all I know, except they're fucking gigantic for whatever reason
Holy shit, is this real?
zegh was exaggerating I think and I was just doing the math based off the numbers he gave anyway haha.

The lesson here is that the PS4's method of updating/downloading shit is done poorly. Why the hell do you need 2GBs for every Gigabyte you download and need to install? Maybe this is a normal thing for computers but I never ran out of room and realized it? I don't think so though. I've pushed my limits quite often.
My updates aren't that big but whenever I get a new game I almost feel like I have to delete another one off the system and it's a 500 Gig one. Like a 20 GB install for a game can't be put on my console but I had like 2 digital games on there and the rest were installs with discs (amounting to like 4 or 5?). There's no way I have this little of room dammit :cry: