Gimme a couple of thoughts plz (gun-design)


Keeper of the trout
This is the rough result of attempting to blend the old Makarov, with modern FN 5.7 and Vektor CP

This truly is the coward's way out when it comes to designing futuristic weaponry. It's supposed to be a "standard issued"-type service handgun, but... it's supposed to be deep, DEEP into the future. And every logical fiber in me says - this is not it.

This is NOT the musket to the bow, or the AR-15 to the musket, or the FN2000 to the AR-15

Then again - we have always favored the projectile, and in base essence, AR-15 to FN2000 are not that fundamentally different - but then again again, the difference between AR15 and FN2000 is a mere 30 years. The difference is much greater between the musket and the FN2000, and the truly mindboggling difference is of course the highly successful bow - versus a modern rifle.

The bow and arrow was SO fundamental to human societies, that anyone would be truly hard pressed to imagine ANYthing that could possibly replace it - in the same way that I cannot for the life of me imagine something that will really replace a good, compact hand-gun

Do you guys have any thoughts - what do you think a hand-gun or its equivalent or its complete replacement would be like, a thousand years from now?
(Btw, anything related to zappers or ray guns, and I will find out where you live, and smear poop on your walls)
Approach it from the perspective of a technology shift. The bow & arrow were vital because of what they did—not because of how they did it. The horse and ox were vital until the advent of the car... and they are wholly unlike cars in every way except usage.

The horse is still useful [from the pragmatic view] in places where a Jeep cannot go. With the Bow & Arrow it is the same in situations where a gun would be a problem.

Bows have the drawback :roll: that it takes years to master the skill to use them... where as a pistol can be used by a child, and is relatively easy to a train an adult to become an accurate shot.

At one time, what has become the cell phone used to be various separate machines & items... and this is still happening with it... converging on a single device. Radio phones have been around since the 70's, but it is only within the last fifteen years that they have become vital, and to an extent, even crippling to be without. It's now simply assumed that you have one—just like a Facebook account.

Invent a science fiction technology change, twist, discovery, or an impediment—a good reason—why they can't use conventional firearms where they are... and instead use something new; probably better.

If your setting needs firearms (that go "bang"), then focus on why their technology is better, and how it affects the shape, and operation of these new handgun designs.
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Good thoughts, I guess it'll come down to the mechanics, the inner working, since the purpose of it is still to deliver a projectile to where it's pointed. That means the overall shape, grip, barrel would be the more constant aspects, while propellant/method of projectile ejection, cartridge, loading mechanism (like the highly recognizable slide, with the equally recognizable grooves) would be the ones to transform to something else.
I don't want weaponry to come off as wonky or alienating, it is on the softer side of sci-fi, but yeah - they can't just run around with Glocks either.

On one side, certain things are expected to change drastically over long periods of time, but like any evolution, change is not necesarily guaranteed - in biology fish still exists, despite having been around since forever. In human technology there are many inventions that have never really changed, and just stayed as-is since they were conceptualized - like sandals - or hell - knives!

Thanks for the input though, I'm gonna chirn it around in my head some more!
Take a few notes from the Rob Liefeld school of gun design. More muzzles mean more dakka. Targeting lasers. Bigger. Is. Better. Slightly bent guns mean more dynamics. BIGGER. IS. BETTER.
Circular is not the only shape for a muzzle. Be creative!
Looks good aesthetically except for the curved and very large handle. It looks out of place on a weapon that you seem to be designing to intentionally be very basic and workhorse.

If I were you I would look at the much more angular and impersonal designs of glocks or hi points for inspiration. Shit that you can imagine people toting in the hood.

I saw a brief mention of this in some docu, indeed impressive stuff! I might let myself inspire by this for heavyer stuff, mounted vehicle cannons and such. I'm staunchly avoiding lazors-etc, so this is a good approach

Octavian, the handle is large like that cus of the angle of the photo, which is a bit of a goof on my part, more direct angle:

Either way, I'm probably gonna extend the muzzle size (for distance and penetration), but more importantly find an alternative solution to the overly recognizable slide, ejection port and the finger-grooves on the slide
This is the rough result of attempting to blend the old Makarov, with modern FN 5.7 and Vektor CP
View attachment 12091

This truly is the coward's way out when it comes to designing futuristic weaponry. It's supposed to be a "standard issued"-type service handgun, but... it's supposed to be deep, DEEP into the future. And every logical fiber in me says - this is not it.

This is NOT the musket to the bow, or the AR-15 to the musket, or the FN2000 to the AR-15

Then again - we have always favored the projectile, and in base essence, AR-15 to FN2000 are not that fundamentally different - but then again again, the difference between AR15 and FN2000 is a mere 30 years. The difference is much greater between the musket and the FN2000, and the truly mindboggling difference is of course the highly successful bow - versus a modern rifle.

The bow and arrow was SO fundamental to human societies, that anyone would be truly hard pressed to imagine ANYthing that could possibly replace it - in the same way that I cannot for the life of me imagine something that will really replace a good, compact hand-gun

Do you guys have any thoughts - what do you think a hand-gun or its equivalent or its complete replacement would be like, a thousand years from now?
(Btw, anything related to zappers or ray guns, and I will find out where you live, and smear poop on your walls)


That's pretty cool, I was initially imagining some "big cool gunz" but I soon started imagining something much more small and humble, more "service tool", which made me look at the Makarov, and other smaller hand-guns.
That pistol fits the bill nicely

I was also thinking of combining an alternative ammunition feed solution, freeing up the grip, so that the grip could possibly be a small, thin one, like in some revolvers

This would create a bit of a "counter intuitive" feel to a futuristic gun

Hass, I knew I'd inevitably end up making it resemble something allready existing, indeed - that one comes pretty damn close!

Interesting approach!

I'm allready envisioning a top-fed system for compact rifles, the only weaponry I've detailed so far - but top-feeding, as awesome as it is conceptually - makes the weapon quite bulky. For a rifle it just kind of works, because rifles can afford to be bulky, look at the G11 or P90 (I can't even think of any other top-fed guns like that)

But for a pistol, it becomes very lumpy, and it becomes difficult to imagine a smooth and intuitive reloading mechanism as well as tricky to fit the sights on top. But yeah, that one's a nice approach
Have you checked any theoretical or in development weapons being propossed or studied right now? You could latch onto a still under development prototype and fill the gaps in with your imagination.

There is thing. A Smart gun. 3D printing is big now and I imagine it would be bigger in the future, you should take that into account.
Have you checked any theoretical or in development weapons being propossed or studied right now? You could latch onto a still under development prototype and fill the gaps in with your imagination.

There is thing. A Smart gun. 3D printing is big now and I imagine it would be bigger in the future, you should take that into account.

I try to keep up to date for this very purpose, as well as I've always liked hand-guns (I guess I'm a bit of a lefty anomaly on that front)
One intriguing design is for example the Kriss SMG

I was unaware of that Armatix one though, purely aesthetically speaking it looks very cool, very satisfying!

And nice, I forgot about private/household 3D printing, I'm def. gonna include that in my "idea reminders"-list for various insurgent strategies
Put rails on everything because the future is now and people ruin the look of their guns by putting rails on them. Also dot sights instead of irons.
Put rails on everything because the future is now and people ruin the look of their guns by putting rails on them. Also dot sights instead of irons.

As you can see - I right-away tried to do-away with the more typical picatinny-style rails. I still like the idea of some kind of groove or something to aid attaching equipments. Then again, beyond flashlights, there isn't really that much that need to be attached to a handgun, that can't be part of a helmet or something.
As you can see - I right-away tried to do-away with the more typical picatinny-style rails. I still like the idea of some kind of groove or something to aid attaching equipments. Then again, beyond flashlights, there isn't really that much that need to be attached to a handgun, that can't be part of a helmet or something.
So some kind of clip on attachment. or for shits a giggles, a zipper. ain't nobody ever seen zipper on attachments before. also hologram sights instead of a dot, and I don't mean a holosights. I mean an actual hologram.