Cobra Commander
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  • what is the definition of light, medium and heavy armor in 3D Fallouts?
    There's not one. Since the only 3D fallout with Light, Medium and Heavy armor is Fallout New Vegas.

    Also FNV is not consistent in that aspect, we have Light armors that weight more and have more DT than some Medium armors, while some Medium armors weight more and have more DT than Heavy armors.

    We even have a PA being Medium instead of Heavy. Josh Sawyer confirmed it is intended and not a bug.
    Cobra Commander
    Cobra Commander
    the PA I even understand the reason, experimental technology of the enclave, probably used more light material than normal. But the fact that the Lanius armor is only 15 in DT is hard to swallow
    Is it worth buying Skyrim just to play Enderal? I have on Xbox360 but would be willing to buy again
    Cobra Commander
    Cobra Commander
    Voice actors are good?
    Deleted member 93956
    If you mean the English VA, it's as good as it could possibly be. There's both some great voices, some from even fairly famous actors, and also the generic NPC lines not being very varied in content or deliverer, but it's an overall plus, in my opinion.
    Deleted member 93956
    It's even more remarkable considering that even when it's actually not the original VA (while some of the voices repeat) it's still better than so many other mods and even standalone games.
    hey, look at that. I actually find a ENB for NV that don´t look like shit. Titan ENB. Took me a while to adjust by I´m happy with it.
    Brazil elects a new president today. With the electronic ballot boxes, the result comes out the same day.
    I'm so old. 37, but feels like 70. There's no place on the net to think megaman is better then X. What is the problem with these children?
    • Like
    Reactions: Supermarauder
    I love Megaman X1-3, I wouldn't know about the rest of X series cause i never have played them. Also, Megaman 2 is my favorite main line entry to date (bc of metal man).
    There is a Megaman X8!? I knew that but I did not know that. It dawned on me the last one I played was...X3. *goes to sleep and never wakes up*
    eh they all feel pretty much the same to me
    This. Several chapters is Paul thinking. Im just afraid that first part get a box office flop and the studio cancel the second part.
    Dune will be divided into two parts. Bizarre, the book does not have what can be called a climax in the middle.
    Well, the first Dune movie would have been like four hours if it hadn't been cut, and the later TV adaption was also split in like four parts. It makes sense, it's a very long and dense book.
    What do you prefer, for them to cut like 60 to 70 percent of the book to make a 90 minute movie, or to make 2 long movies that can show the story properly?
    To be fair, Dune is just so much internal monologue. It really isn't good source material for filming, but Villeneuve is a good guy, I'm sure he'll do a good job.
    Megaman X as Dragon Ball sagas. X1 to X3 - Classic DB run (and the best one). X4 - Freeza. X5 - Cell. X6 - Buu. X7 - DBGT. X8 - DB Super.
    Accurate in my eyes because GT sucks. Don't think the Buu saga is as bad as X6 though. At least the Buu saga introduced Vegito. X6 has barely any redeeming quality except for the music.
    every time I read a news about the new MI, I think how cool it would be to see Ethan Hunt in a APA.
    Deleted member 93956
    I feel like it'd go against one of the few genuine bits of the series which is Tom Cruise literally never hiding behind CGI or a stunt double but hey it could be done well
    finally a recent anime that was not made for mentally retarded. Go watch MEGALO BOX. NOW!
    I just searched that on Google and it seems to be an anime about boxing. That actually sounds cool.
    Cobra Commander
    Cobra Commander
    boxe in a almost post apocalyptic setting =p
    MCU fan has been waiting for this movie for 10 years. I waited for 22 years, since I was 14 and read Infinity Gauntlet for the first time.
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