Recent content by DasMark

  1. D

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Nice. "The Kid Is Hot Tonight" by Loverboy. You heard me.
  2. D

    WW2 german officers coat

    Go ahead, we're so high all the time we probably wouldn't notice until the U.N. did.
  3. D

    WW2 german officers coat

    Heh. Give me a call, I'd be down for that sort of thing. Side note - I have always wanted to print a ten feet by ten feet map of the world, install it on a little table with a light underneath, and play the biggest game of RISK the world has ever seen. And as for the Soviet Union hat...
  4. D

    WW2 german officers coat

    Funny story - In WWII, the military insisted that all condoms be mislabeled in an effort to intimidate the Wehrmacht. The standard size was labeled "Small", the next step up (Our Large) was "Medium", and the "Large" ones were so comically huge that they were dropped only to convince the...
  5. D

    What is your favorite perk/trait?

    "Brown Noser" from Fallout Tactics was pretty cool. A promotion for every level gained, if I'm not mistaken.
  6. D


    I'd call myself "Lance Uppercut". Coming soon to a ravaged civilization near you!
  7. D


    Armstrong. There's a long bitchin' story to it, but I doubt anyone cares. And on-topic? I would imagine that a lot of surnames would die out, myself. As has been said, I imagine it'd keep things a lot simpler, especially when society has bigger things to worry about than whether you're this...
  8. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I've always been a big fan of the akimbo-pistols-leather-jacket-hardass sort of dude. 7/10
  9. D


    I realize I came into this one a little late, but Athabasca is also the name of a small town in Alberta, just about an hour north of Edmonton. Apparently they have a bitchin' radio station though. Don't ask how I know.
  10. D

    post apocalyptic flicks?

    I don't know if it's technically post-apocalyptic, but Escape From New York certainly does the whole "shattered, fragmented and anarchic society" thing well.
  11. D

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Sorry guys Let me say first of all that I really hope some of you guys saw that DasMark was posting and immediately fired up your WTF fingers. Second, I sent an email to the mods, and they decided to let me back in. The content of the email? No, it was not two hundred megs of bubblegum...
  12. D

    Don't Buy the Hype

    While there may be a lot of legal backstabbing and corporate hoo-ha, how does that affect us as gamers? Not at all. If they're still charging only sixty bones for it, we really lose nothing. The main post - while well-written and well thought-out - really has no weight when it comes to the...