Recent content by Dourvas

  1. D

    Mutants Rising Demo Released

    going to download now but do we have an estimated time/hours? how long is it? thanks
  2. D

    Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta reviews

    the 3.5 comment made me lol hard
  3. D

    fallout 2 stats problem

    sadly this option doesnt exist at all.any other ideas?
  4. D

    fallout 2 stats problem

    first of all i hope i created this topic in the corect forum if not i apologize.... i started fallout 2 (for the 9.000th time) yesterday but i did one mistake with my stats.....i have 06 str and 08 int.i wanted to hace 09 int and 05 i can have more skill points i donwnloaded...
  5. D

    Going to buy Fallout 2 - Anything I should know?

    dude....i really envy you.playing fallout 2 for the first time...fallout 2 is my favorite game of all time you wont regret it if you buy it no matter the price.but play fallout 1 as well.its pretty awesome
  6. D

    LARPing in Wasteland 2 : Rise of the Mutants

    damn... i live in greece i am a hardcore fallout fan but still i didnt participate...
  7. D

    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    i was the one making topics and requesting ps3 know what the did to my posts?delted them today i made a topic asing why the ps3 sucks.the answer?warning serisouly bethesda can go and FUCK themselfs they suck and i am a fucking idiot for protecting them....nothing can match fallout 2...
  8. D

    GameTrailers TV Fallout 3 exclusive, also Todd Time

    i am not sure i am gonna like it lol but whats on the todd link?my ps3 cant play this for some reason.
  9. D

    Swedish PC Gamer reviews Fallout 3

    ok yesterday i made a post about how bethesda is gonna make fallout 3 feel like a fallout after seeing that photo of the houe i can understand how muh they messed up wirth the atmoshere.......shit
  10. D

    First Review Drops : French Magazine PC Jeux

    yup you stand corrected i am making fun of oblivion but that game was released in 2004.i believe bethesda learnd something from their mistakes and dude i am not a new member.. i was years in this forum just watching the topics...and i am a hardcore fallou fan i was like 10 years old when i...
  11. D

    First Review Drops : French Magazine PC Jeux

    lol my point exaclty...people will NEVER be happy and wll always complain for something... People stop complaining please and give bethesda a change.... if they fuck the game up i will be one of the first guys to bomb their e-mail folder and start complaining BUT from what i saw so far the game...
  12. D

    Gstaff clarifies 24-hour town pacification

    i guess thats better but imo its still stupid
  13. D

    Wasteland 2: Post-Apocalyptic Airsoft Scenario

    nice thanks for the site i am greek
  14. D

    Zero Projekt Update

    damn wish it was in english :(
  15. D

    Fallout 3 at PAX: Heroine Sheik and The Exploding Barrel

    rofl relax buddy i was just kidding :P