Prone Squanderer
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  • Management: "Here's some work that is urgent, it's top priority." Me: "Ok when's it for?" Management: "Three days ago."
    Arn't people in the corporate sector arseholes
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    They're just clueless. They don't understand that the stuff we make usually takes a week or so to get made and tested. And that's when everything goes to plan.
    Am I the only one who likes listening to ambience? Not music (though I do like that) I mean actual sounds, like nature or machines.
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    Reactions: Another-NCR-Ranger
    I get uncomfortable in total quiet, I love wind, rain, and even traffic. Here there's little traffic, but when I'm in Spain, I love listening to the insomniac traffic outside the window when I'm going to sleep
    Deleted member 93956
    Yeah, out of the asshole with the loud motorbike or certain big vehicles, it,s quite soothing.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    @Walpknut I know what ASMR is, what I'm talking about isn't it though since I'm not on about getting any kind of sensation (i.e. tingling) from it.
    I just assume you're all wankers. Except @eissa
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    What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?
    The notorious OVB
    The notorious OVB
    What the fuck did you just say about me you little fucking schwein? I'll have you know I graduated my fucking hate class, I'll have you know that you're a dung-eating, piss-drinking, rabbit-fucking, pleb who has never seen the outside world!
    Am I the only one who thinks if you have Indian food you have to have it very spicy as it should be?
    You should butt your nose in others business and tell them what to believe. Everyone else does it, and they appear to be happy and normal on Facebook.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Yeah, instead of being SarcasticGoodGuy you should be SmilingSmugGit.
    I love sweatting from my whole face from spicy food, but my stomach doesn't agree with that, and ulcers open everywhere, and organs pour out my facial orifices as I tilt sideways and spasm. I thought I was going to die, and it was after the food simmering in my belly for an hour or so. All of a sudden, I had to say farewell to spicy foods.
    We are the dead.
    More like ruining evey character except abraham. Who they killed prematurely.
    Deleted member 93956
    Dunno, can't speak about that as I can't call myself a fan. I find it fine in its own terms, and has more highs than lows IMO

    Season X's ending, looks quite abit late
    No they did Morgan much better.
    Is everyone looking at hentai now? Didn't realise it was a thing until everyone complained about hentai ads.
    Wait, no, un-like mofucka. You're adblocking this fine site? Bastardo!!!
    Only ads I get are for science, today I'm getting tanks. Ya'll a bunch of pervs. And ad-blocking bastardos!
    No, I know they are usually based on search history, but when im on a never before used computer I don't expect hentai ads, and yea I watch hentai on my phone but not my cpu, thats clean so I still don't understand.
    Anyone played Horizon Zero Dawn? Is it any good?
    well, the former new vegas lead writer help the development so i expect the writing at least being 'enjoyable'
    Deleted member 93956
    Looks interesting, but it may not be for long. Being an almost Ubisoft-y game doesn't help
    It is good from the looks of it, but it is going up against heavy hitters. Gonna be a hell of a month.
    Fucking phone decided to eat up my data instead of connecting to the Wi-Fi. That means I'll actually have to talk to my colleagues at lunch.
    Bring some playing cards and you guys can have fun without the need for proper social interaction. That's what I do.
    I don't care what anyone says, the first Far Cry is the best one.
    with the mutants? they're all alright for what they are I guess.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    They are a pain in the arse, but the jungle combat is loads of fun and I love the environments. Plus it doesn't have regenerating health and though hard to complete it's very satisfying when you do.

    I do like Far Cry 2's story idea more though. It wasn't perfect but I like the idea of playing a mercenary who gets worn down the more fighting he does.
    I really liked Far Cry 2's mortar, I wish there were more weapons that required insane practice like that.
    Valentine's Day soon...hurray...totally will have loads of cards...*alone*
    My dogs tend to take after me. They're pretty nice and completely chill all the time... Except for my jack Russel mutt-dog. Once tried to fight a Rottweiler.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Yeah I reckon JT's either have Napoleon Complexes or just like a good scrap.
    Yeah it a tough time if your GF cheated on you but oh well. Least I can troll people online or something
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