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  • You focus attention on 1 person while people throw money at them and they stop to acknowledge the big tippers.
    I agree those sound effects were annoying. The whole time I watched it kind of felt like a digital strip club without the naked women.
    I've only watched Twitch a few times and it just felt weird people giving them tips. I'm all for supporting people the format was just weird
    That's what twitch seems like to me, though if I'm going to throw money at someone streaming there needs to be more nudity.
    What are you talking about, we all know the DLC will reveal that the BOS is the Enclave only 60 years later.
    Stupid Nvidia, I wanted to upgrade my gpu and then I come across all that juicy info about Pascal, I smell a whole new build coming.
    what are those 2 bears are high-fiving about anyway?
    *giggles* it's a rorshach (spelling) that someone thought looked like 2 bears highfiving, and he told people, it spread because people agreed, later a mod showed up for New Vegas (The game the rorshach was in) that made it a answer for the question of what you see in it, and now the whole thing is a major theme XD
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