The_Proletarian Apr 23, 2024 I can get Fallout 4 at 80% off at GoG. However that's still money going to Bethesdas pockets. And why should I even get the game?
I can get Fallout 4 at 80% off at GoG. However that's still money going to Bethesdas pockets. And why should I even get the game?
PaxVenire Mar 28, 2024 Hey, I know you like to keep an eye on isometric Fallout-like indie RPGs. Have you seen or heard of this one? It's been advertised to me on Twitter a couple times and the devs flat-out state it's inspired by Fallout 2 amongst other sci-fi classics.
Hey, I know you like to keep an eye on isometric Fallout-like indie RPGs. Have you seen or heard of this one? It's been advertised to me on Twitter a couple times and the devs flat-out state it's inspired by Fallout 2 amongst other sci-fi classics.
The_Proletarian Mar 25, 2024 There's supposed to be some friendly Androids patrolling around the REPCONN HQ according to an entry on a computer on the first floor.
There's supposed to be some friendly Androids patrolling around the REPCONN HQ according to an entry on a computer on the first floor.
The_Proletarian Mar 8, 2024 In New Vegas you can become an "Honorary member" of the Brotherhood of Steel. What's the difference to a real member?
In New Vegas you can become an "Honorary member" of the Brotherhood of Steel. What's the difference to a real member?
The_Proletarian Dec 20, 2023 Did you know this?
The_Proletarian Aug 17, 2023 Should I buy Fallout 4 GOTY Edition on GoG at 75% off in case there ever comes any worthwhile mods?
The_Proletarian May 10, 2023 How can my Fallout 2 folder be almost 2GB in size and contain 10k files? When I look around in it I can't find that many files or count 2GB?
How can my Fallout 2 folder be almost 2GB in size and contain 10k files? When I look around in it I can't find that many files or count 2GB?