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  • Fuckin hell I *JUST* noticed in Fury Road, the drummer-dudes got little drummerboy trainees by the Citadel gate cranes :D
    They drum with such visible gusto :V
    Whenever I listen to Tools later albums, I inevitably get nostalgic to Ænima, and change the record.
    Still haven't fully gotten "into" Lateralus yet, fucking album takes forever; mostly skipped 10K, now jumping into Fear; so far has nice vibe, lots of throwbackyness - maybe that helps.
    Gulls aren't stupid, for birds, they're very intelligent, they're just dead serious about everything, no sense of humor, all work
    Post-War Tribal
    Post-War Tribal
    I don't like gulls they show extreme intelligence, even problem-solving intelligence. Especially the big ones. We bred eight originally, but when she came in she took over the pride and killed all but two of the others. That one... when she looks at you, you can see she's working things out. That's why we have to feed them like this. She had them all attacking the fences when the feeders came.
    Gulls are giant pigeons. They eat our garbage and shit on everything, only more. Since pigeons are flying rats, gulls are giant flying rats. Wear a poncho.
    Humans be like, "Oh yeah? Well, I've never seen them do calculus"
    I was 10 when "Smells like teen spirit" came out, and I just realized, I would approach it (and many other music videos) like horror movies
    A lot of them would later be favorites of mine, like classics of the previous decade or whatever, but when I was a kid - those songs already represented the current state of teen-hood, and my god, how atrotiously chaotic it looked, how seedy
    But I couldn't look away, like a scary movie watched on purpose for the thrills, I'd come back and watch more, pouting in paradoxal fascination.
    Birdlings fledged today; only two - one visibly smaller than the first out; I'm guessing it followed cus it was left alone
    eventually I went outside, grabbed the bird (it's okay, as long as you put it in their box/nest/shelter; just do not bring inside or to vet) put it into the box, from which it stubbornly escaped as soon as I went back inside - so, it sat in the rain again
    it called for the parents, but they're off for the night + its pouring down, and then... little by little, it went towards the box - then snuck inside! It's been inside since, it should be dry, sheltered from wind, and hopfully the parents will swing by tomorrow with grubs.
    It *can* fly, it's just not fully clicked yet, so hopefully tomorrow.
    He made it! I heard one feeding in the morning; skies have been clear, no strange noise - the box is clear, dry as the desert inside, and two little poops were left!
    Godspeed little tit! Godspeed!
    Also, can you English speakers please revise your bird names, cocks and tits and boobies, I have a great tit family living in my wall but
    it sounds insane to be reporting on my relentless great tits

    they are relentless though, my god
    Dammit, one of them died. On the balcony floor, scrawny, shouldn't be for the time they've been in there, a last runt maybe... ? I imagine parents musta dropped it there, so I dropped it to the lawn.
    Our telecom ads are so boomercoded it's hilarious how they portray "hackers" and such - with big red letters on their evil screens
    In one, the "protagonist" gets a phonecall from "his daughter" but nei - it is in fact a creepy hax0rz who use *software* to make himself SOUND like the daughter! Shudder :O
    Saw my extremely emotionally unstable brother off the other day, his first visit to my apartment, before he leaves for the fucking Carribean
    I am left to hope for something fucking up, preventing him from going - he's supposed to live with his wife in the Dominican Republic, but dude can't even live with her here - he got admitted to the psych ward for extreme act-outs
    Before getting on the bus, he told me he was terrified of going, especially since he's gonna be alone in a 3rd world country - he gets drunk, he gets beligerent, and again... I can now only hope they send him back here, where he will still be miserable, but at least not in danger of fucking murder...
    I was worried the entire day before the visit, because he can be unpredictable, now I feel like shit, because the whole time he intended it as a good bye :I
    Bologna's shit, Firenze is cute, but packed with tourists, Padova was rainy but charming, Verona was kind of busy, prolly for shopping
    Modena was 100% super charming, would again - they even stop when you cross pedestrian under green man, very generous - then again, it's the rich-people-town.
    Bologna's sooo crap tho - and the airport? holy shit, worst ever
    Bologna's airport is SO shit, they actually have PSA posters there, urging people not to assault the staff :'D like literally, the posters show hands in cuffs, stating it is illegal to assault staff for "any reason" ending with an accusatory "control yourself!"
    yeah, fuck you Bologna airport, how about you expand the airport with, say - a goddamn hallway or two? A bench would be nice!
    you see them new t-rex vocals?
    no? whats going on w t-rex vocals?
    i heard they found new fossils that allowed them to recreate t-rex vocals but idk could be a hoax and you were the only dude i thought i could ask lmao
    Ohhh, I wondered - I think it's more about brain-case scanning, and doing comparisons of the brain, concluding that T (as well as all theropods) would vocalize in a manner more similar to birds/crocs than mammals which makes sense; but makes it unlikely to have performed big, awesome roars - instead making more "quirky" sounds, like alligator-burping and such.
    Seriously our ice cream ads are fucking mental, and I dunno who to complain to!
    They're all fully sincere in their tone, to be all celebratory summery - but shows people SWIMMING with their fucking ice creams!? Who fucking does that!?
    Just now saw one where they ate it Lady and the Tramp style, cones first! What the fuck kind of derranged shit is that!?
    Still can't get over how many women Tarantino had barefoot in his movies, not to mention how he wrote Salma Hayeks naked foot in his mouth
    No, no, that's just how the script goes, see - the female protagonist needs to wiggle her toe, and the camera has to linger on this toe, it's the STORYYY!
    Culmination in how the script simply calls for the director to hand-strangle the female actress on stage, for that most authentic of shots

    straight outta 90s French cinema handbook, "non, non, the script simply says right here - female actreux commits to unsimulated oral sexual pleseur with directeur!"
    Know those ads where you get a super celeb showing for exactly 6 seconds, and have 3 spoken words over 2 lines, one of them "Nespresso."
    entirely composed out of first-takes, I refuse to believe anything else
    Uncle Zegh is big meanie.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    So, hot take - I think Captain Sobel (band of brothers) was not necesarily the prickwad the soldiers remember him as; they were all young
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    Now Sobel is basically "whiny Ross" forever, an incompetent useless coward who somehow fielded the best soldiers the world has ever seen, for then to fuck off and shoot himself through the face, botching even that.
    19 year olds? some of those guys were grown ass men who already been through, training, the officer program and veterans from the fighting in North Africa.
    But they pointed out his insane physical standards helped them in the end it doesn't mean Sobel wasn't a petty asshole. That pettiness is why Easy Company was given new command.
    I realized that Pan's Labyrinth's ending truly does not make a difference - either it was all coping mechanism for trauma, and she just dies
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    OR the Faun is real - but if he is real, the magical realm that awaits her has already been described to us in the intro; it's where her father lives, now also her mother, here are no lies, no pain - there are no blue skies deep underground, and she can only dream of being human
    Magpies don't build bowl nests - they build walls and roofs, they build little tree houses; they even build on these nests generationally
    I'm out regularily to assert my territory in front of the gulls. It's their nesting season, they love these high rooftops - local janitor offer to come up and chase away or whatevs, but fuck that completely, I chase them away - one swooped on me, I hissed at it, and they now avoid my corner - also thx to magpie presence, they eat eggs
    Fuckin symbiosis!
    Lil fuckers stole my rock! How did they even lift it, let alone fly off with it - it was an egg-shaped lava-rock, they full well know it's not edible - it's a goddamn rock, big as a plum!
    Lol, the "women near you" ads as of late, are leaning hard into the "traf wife" aesthetic; literally fully clothed milf winking in a kitchen
    Hey that's my fetish, get your own.
    People mass-recommending FO4 to people cus of the TV show, FO4 is the most approachable see - it's so accessible!!! TO NEW PLAYERS
    my god some people's home solutions are abyssmal, and whoever lived here before just LOVED to GLUE furniture to walls, BOLT shit to floors
    every shelf or cupboard already here is STUCK to walls and floors from so many screws and bolts, the only way to move any of them is to destroy entire walls - one HUGE-ass mirror was GLUED to the wall with just piles and piles of latex
    one little wall shelf was secured SO WELL, it literally tore whole pieces of wall loose, so now I have to fix that...
    based and earthquake proof pilled
    Tank Girl is one of these intense aesthetics I was too late for the party - I'd notice the covers as a kid, mesmerized by the chaos
    Similar with Akira, but in that case, I finally bought the whole comic book series - much more accessible, I guess.
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