zegh8578 Nov 4, 2016 I wish the youtube-tutorial fad would just end. I can read a clever suggestion in 10 seconds, it takes 15 minutes to watch a stupid video
I wish the youtube-tutorial fad would just end. I can read a clever suggestion in 10 seconds, it takes 15 minutes to watch a stupid video
zegh8578 Nov 3, 2016 After upgrading to Win 10 my USBs stopped working. I then found out I have Bluetooth, but it doesn't work either. Nothing works! Yay Win10!
After upgrading to Win 10 my USBs stopped working. I then found out I have Bluetooth, but it doesn't work either. Nothing works! Yay Win10!
zegh8578 Oct 31, 2016 "former North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il was claimed to have shot five holes in one during his first attempt at playing golf"
"former North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il was claimed to have shot five holes in one during his first attempt at playing golf"
zegh8578 Oct 29, 2016 Today I'm having my coke with a slice of lemon and some ice. LIKE A FUCKIN SNOB!!!
zegh8578 Oct 28, 2016 Probably late to the party with this - but the little kids babbling and breathing into mikes in GTA is starting to get to me
Probably late to the party with this - but the little kids babbling and breathing into mikes in GTA is starting to get to me
zegh8578 Oct 26, 2016 I'm still got getting it. If I'm at 3rd place, and someone can catch up to me - WHY CRASH INTO ME??? Try to WIN instead wtf!!!
I'm still got getting it. If I'm at 3rd place, and someone can catch up to me - WHY CRASH INTO ME??? Try to WIN instead wtf!!!
zegh8578 Oct 24, 2016 Hah, I've been "addicted" to listening to movies/series to sleep for years. Sometimes it gets to me though, like I never actually have quiet
Hah, I've been "addicted" to listening to movies/series to sleep for years. Sometimes it gets to me though, like I never actually have quiet
zegh8578 Oct 24, 2016 Guangzhou, total metro population 44 million, go to bed Tokyo, with your measly 30-some mill.
zegh8578 Oct 23, 2016 I wish the race-car babies in GTAO would realize that the *winners* shoot way ahead, while they're all busy crashing cars -.-
I wish the race-car babies in GTAO would realize that the *winners* shoot way ahead, while they're all busy crashing cars -.-
Big No Oct 22, 2016 LA Noire is more of a mystery game anyway. I don't think fighting mechanics were a selling point.
zegh8578 Oct 22, 2016 LA Noire isn't about combat, at all, there's a very few fight-moments in it. Fight moments because you can otherwise not even draw your gun
LA Noire isn't about combat, at all, there's a very few fight-moments in it. Fight moments because you can otherwise not even draw your gun
zegh8578 Oct 22, 2016 What a fun GTA Online first impression! Rockstar can't bla bla, too difficult, failed to save, disconnect, bye bye. FUN!
What a fun GTA Online first impression! Rockstar can't bla bla, too difficult, failed to save, disconnect, bye bye. FUN!
zegh8578 Oct 21, 2016 Every time I check my email, I am interrupted by security measures meaning to help me log in with ease, and not get interrupted
Every time I check my email, I am interrupted by security measures meaning to help me log in with ease, and not get interrupted
zegh8578 Oct 20, 2016 holy crap I'm getting sick of the long-ass loading time in witcher. maybe it's playstation in general. fuck it takes forever!!!
holy crap I'm getting sick of the long-ass loading time in witcher. maybe it's playstation in general. fuck it takes forever!!!
zegh8578 Oct 18, 2016 Gotta say, Blood and Wine is quite impressive, huge landscape, very idyllic, beautiful new soundtrack, cool new armors and weapons, nice job
Gotta say, Blood and Wine is quite impressive, huge landscape, very idyllic, beautiful new soundtrack, cool new armors and weapons, nice job
zegh8578 Oct 16, 2016 I want to lie shipwrecked and comatose, drinking fresh mango juice, goldfish shoals nibbling at my toes, fun fun fun, in the sun sun sun!
I want to lie shipwrecked and comatose, drinking fresh mango juice, goldfish shoals nibbling at my toes, fun fun fun, in the sun sun sun!
zegh8578 Sep 29, 2016 FUCK how sick I am of Geralt leaping 100 feet in any direction for each swipe of his sword. Why does each fight have to span across miles!?
FUCK how sick I am of Geralt leaping 100 feet in any direction for each swipe of his sword. Why does each fight have to span across miles!?
zegh8578 Sep 28, 2016 Updated Nvidia GeForce Experience whatever. Now I have to make an account, "register, quick and easy!" easyer would be not to register, no?
Updated Nvidia GeForce Experience whatever. Now I have to make an account, "register, quick and easy!" easyer would be not to register, no?