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  • (and taxis aren't "cheap" anywhere, they're normal. They're super-expensive in Norway, cus we're naive and let them. Same w chinese food)
    Their carefree naivete just ringing in my ears "Taxis are SO cheap in Spain!" "Gasp, look, a cop with a gun! Are there terrorists!?"
    Norway is the firstest country there is. So much, I am actually filled with shame when I hear my language in airports, travelling home
    God, the rampant racism in Youtube comment fields. A great comfort is that there's nowhere near as much racism outside of Youtube comments.
    If you're in an apt. block it could be something as lame as cooking-vapors thrown out from one window, seeping in yours, and into your PC.
    Dust are particles of - what? Typically skin... it could be dried up blood. Have you bled any at or towards your computer?
    Hahah, I've never been bad-mouthed.. that I know of, of course. Which is what counts :V
    Speaking of wich, why are my "shouts" appearing as my status? This must be looked into AT ONCE!!!
    I must postulate firmly that it *is* indeed a chat box despite repeated claims that it is not. I find the evidence to be lacking
    If I ever, for whatever reason, come to command an army, I will impose mustaches on all of them, as part of their uniform.
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    Reactions: dopezilla
    Moustaches are evil compared to beard and mandatory hennas.
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