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  • For kicks - look up FO4 on wikipedia, and read "reception" section. 9,5/10 all over again, "ominous green hue", *weeps and laughs*
    I'm considering YET another playthrough of NV. What can I say, I really love that game! It's like a vacation spot that I miss after a while
    Just swung by a forum where people were discussing linguistics, while having zero basis in anything they said. I now have a mental rash.
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Rash? "Rash" comes from "rush", which is Celtic in origin. People used it to refer to skin irritations because you would rapidly scratch your skin, "rushing" it. When it came to the Americas, accents turned the word into "rash".
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    I just made all of that up. See how easy it is to "discuss" linguistics?
    Oh, right, my bad, but "anti-vaccers" don't really target specific vaccines anyway, do they? Especially since they're politically motivated
    Do they fear they will get autism, if they vaccinate? I find this attitude kind of insulting. "I'd rather be microcephalic!" REALLY!?
    Re-playing GTA5 some. Forgot all the controls, so I suck at everything, and shoot around me at all random times.
    This could be the first step in the company collapsing. Sometimes a natural order of things, but be sure to put the blame squarely on him!
    Why is it SO difficult to aim for the LINES dividing boxes in Excel? Goddamnit, always takes me 2-3 attempts...
    Those "Israel=Saudi Arabia nukes Yemen" Youtube-"documentaries" are aggravating my digestive issues further. People... PEOPLEEEEE...
    In short, your defensive measure must be EXACTLY the necesary measure to prevent harm. Since nobody can pre-calculate that, theyre screwed
    After some curiousity, I check the Norwegian self defense law. It is very vague, and as I thought, prison/fines are pretty much guaranteed:D
    Delivery too, no? Full package. Sign me up for one of those too. And top notch shit, a monster rig!
    (ideally I mean. Usually it's enough to walk them 10 minutes a day or whatever, but to really be a dog-person, one needs to be in shape)
    Dogs require an athletic owner. Or an owner prepared to become athletic. I'm not one. I love dogs though, but yeah, couldn't own one.
    Odd with the books. This visit in Spain, the local shopping mall had practically cut books out. Hold on to your books while you can!
    I even felt bad, cus it came to explaining how poor Romania is, compared to Norway, where "used computers" simply do not exist... :D
    A Romanian girl once told me I should sell my old computer at a used-computer store. I laughed. She wasn't joking.
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