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  • I really wish popular science would stop ruining real science.
    This is why I never check pop science dino stuff anymore, not even to fact-check, because it just frustrates me; not only is pretty much always wrong - in many ways - but they're also, always confidently wrong - cus the author or the article/video had to appear knowledgeable. I hate it!
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Something something scienc-arino Neil Degrasse Tyson on Joe Rogan.
    200 years from now, comprehensive capabilities in online discourse will have been reduced to "SMILEY FACE" and "FROWNY FACE"
    Most time consuming aspect about fiction writing is finishing half a sentence, and then wonder how full of shit I am, followed by 30 minutes
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    Looks interesting, I like to be in full control though, I mostly just use Openoffice, I change the color of the pages for synesthetic influence, and keep track of my own details by also filling in several Calc files.
    All this specificity, and I have no idea if what I'm writing is even good or just crap :D
    Hey man type one paragraph of your own work with HOLO then generate and tell me what you think.
    Also writing something? Nice. I spent 6 months sitting on a finoshed script only to toss it into the trash and I just started rewriting it.
    In Norwegian, the word for "dearest" has transformed into a separate word - essentially the word for "bitch" (not the dog)
    THEN I find out, that the etymological root for the word "whore" is "loved one" in Indo-European.

    It just goes to show that pillow talk is dirtier than we think.
    Love how every incel is like "My ideal gf MUST be a virgin" = "My biggest fear is that my pee-pee is too small D:"
    Relax, bucko - they've seen penises on the internet; you're still going to be tragically tiny winy.
    To be a French director, and continually get away with shit like "Yes, my plot is: Two hot girls bang."
    "And for artistique authentifiqueness, they must obviously perform real acts, unsimulated. I shall film deep into each of their uteruses, and then carefully edit for final release."
    "Of course, I shall entitle this piece: Cuillère à thé!"
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    NIKITA was a really great french movie though.
    I'm about to block my aunt on Twitter, she is now hashtagging Italian fascism, to derail the topic to animal cruelty in Spain.
    To be fair, Spanish animal cruelty is the chefs-kiss of animal cruelty - no nation does it harder and more wantonly; motherfuckers come up with new ways of torturing animals, and new festivals dedicated to it. Last I heard some village had a tractor chase and run over a cow for some cow-run-over-ing festival
    Everyone has their own pet issues.
    Also, she is Spanish so it's super close to her - and just as extremes breed extremes, the animal-welfare crowds in Spain are something special. I guess it fits though, like a good balance.

    Not that Norway's innocent in this either, but shhh! :D
    No - the whole point of watching anything related to Chris Watts is his dumb fucking face, and his retarded smirk during the news clip
    Replace him with an actor that looks normal eliminates the entire point.

    His dumb fucking face, and his dumb smirk, "I just want them to be safe ;("
    Lol, Google is such garbage now, it's essentially just Yellow pages - me and gf were trying to find examples of authentic wife-beater shirts
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    I'm gonna give it a try. Didn't wanna switch search engines around, creature of habit + it gives me weird flashbacks to early days of internet and constant hopping, but Google is just SO bad right now!
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    Do wife-beater shirts display the Stella Artois logo?
    I like it when Norton, Edge and Google all want to be your default browser. After every update Micro ask would you like Edge/Bing to be your browser. I answer " Fuck off no I don't "
    That is annoying.
    Weird, no occurence of norwegian military short "fi" (for "fiende"=enemy), although being used by officers during my entire service time
    Would have thought such a common term would have trinkled into ordinary language, but nope! Seems like the civilian pop. are entirely unaware of the standard Nor. military short term for "enemy" :D
    We clearly need to make more war movies!
    Dirty Dozen was pretty good.
    Lol, playing Death Stranding, and as soon as BB starts crying, I scream the TV "Shut up! Shut the fuck up!"
    My god, these cutscenes are long. This is why you GOTTA reign in an "autheur" in these sorts of projects, christ almighty - and whenever a character brought up a novel point, I almost felt a sense of panic, cus I knew they'd elaborate on that point for another 20 minutes
    I looked it up, and MGS has the guiness record of cut-scenes, with one lasting 70 consecutive minutes.
    Like... BAD autheur! BAD Hideo Kojima! BAD!!! Go to your room!
    what do you mean, MGS4 was an ok movie.
    Some guy talked about how women "like to play war" (as opposed to war being "for men") - and then brought up Margaret Thatcher as an example
    The manliest alpha males: Guys who spend a lot of time complaining about women emasculating them just by doing anything.
    Tell that guy that little boys play war more than women because they like CoD.
    We had a chick sarge in my draft - she was the type nobody really would fantasize about or anything, but instead just go "YESSIR D:" we liked her though, it was very evident she felt awkward about scaring us so much, and wanted to (ironically) project niceness now and then :D
    From what I understand, Youtube has imposed that war-footage *must* contain ongoing comentary - it cannot merely be raw or with music
    Damn, at least I'm seeking out what I see.

    That said, one of my first encounters with real war shit was a NRK war reporter came to animation school, we'd be 18-19, I was idunno 25, old guy there - and they just got us up Saturday morning to watch Liberian war, uncut footage :D
    Up close executions, including a G3 single-shotted into some dude on the ground - I found that footage again 10 years later, and I *still* jumped and cursed when the dudes head popped open.

    Back in the classroom, girls screamed. It was a good morning.
    Liberian war I never even heard of until MGS2.
    I spent 5 minutes watching snooker on Youtube. It's a whole sport where nudging one ball half an inch gets you repeated standing ovations?
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    Maybe watching Rocket Ronnie O Sullivan make a maximum break in a matter of minutes will change your perception of snooker.
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    Whores shoes cannot replace curling stones.
    Horseshoes is something people do in the American south but I guess you know that.
    If I want a recipe; I want a recipe! I do NOT want a short story, a video-essay, a long-form - I *ONLY* want a recipe!
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    Then you will be upset.
    Once upon a time, there were 2 pounds of hamburger meat...
    FUCK! I just found out Ed Sheeran DOES live in London! The whole time I was there, constantly looking over my shoulder, and he was there!
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    I've never watched Game of Thrones and don't really care about Eminem or white trash rappers. Mr Ed is nearly as big (not physically) as Adele , therefore Britain is king of pop, not that faggotty Eurovision pop politics sham that place long haired, spaceman second to Ukraine. I also stay clear of that shithole they call London but if I do bump into Sheeran I will gob him for you.
    I ask for nothing else!
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    I love your unhinged ramblings.
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