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  1. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Nice timing: Fine by me. Awesome, good luck. In a perfect world it's awesome. You understand this is untrue right? Virtually anyone, dependant on highschool grades (assuming they're good) can get college loans and very low to zero interest (This is how I did it partially)...
  2. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Yet the contradiction continues. The more you type, the less you say. The contradiction proves you right? Because it is, for the record, contradiction #2. Which is not based in any fact you have quoted so far. Just you and your friends speculation. But wait, the majority aren't...
  3. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Wow, where do I even start, you asked for it, I'll cave and give it to ya: Backtrack #1 So wait, first the fees are the issue, not the political u-turn, then its the political and moral problem you have, which is it? The answer is both, but you can't even decide that much can you? So...
  4. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    You have, but oh well. The thread is a lousy 3 pages find it yourself. If you can even sift through your own diatribe. What you don't see to understand is that even if I quote you you'll back track again. You already have. Ah, again a backtrack, now they're perfectly acceptable to...
  5. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Your point emphasizes that you don't want to pay more, too bad. Oh and that nobody you know was violent in the protests, and those that were probably weren't students. Then you changed it in a later post saying college students were just as capable of violent protests. That pretty much sum...
  6. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Agreed, they don't have to self-sustaining, but there is a line. Sinking deeper and deeper into the red indefinitely, will kill any institution or government for that matter. Same is happening here in the U.S. maybe more so. News broke yesterday or the day before about how several hundred...
  7. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Just a quick google, from 1 year ago. Seems that university finances were tenuous then, relying heavily on international students, probably worse now, and probably needed addressing 10 years ago. The only way...
  8. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    It does, if only the argument wasn't poor in the first place. Only what you've said. Stand by it. You should pay more, how does that equal me saying you're poor, or at some disadvantage? The difference is, that there is one. You've shown to me at least you have little to no life...
  9. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Yes, the previous government had a high level of spending, which you and you generation will now pay. That's how it works in this case. While I could dig up some statistics somewhere I'm sure, I'll point you toward the obvious, 300% increases don't happen when the financial situation is...
  10. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    I read it, the first thing you mention was people I know, your strongest argument. I'll refrain from the name calling, it'd be too easy. I'll also take it as an early sign of your arguments collapse. You said those committing those acts weren't students early on, then you changed it to...
  11. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    All true, however, if the system is running at a loss, which it is, based on all the cost cutting the British government has decided to take on, then they have to start charging more before it collapses. Even with more money coming in, it may still run at a loss, but less so. Things can only...
  12. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Actually you didn't, you used the 'people I know' as the backbone of your argument that the violence is due to people that had nothing to due with students or the cause at hand. I mean damn, protests across the whole country, you must know a heeellll of a lot of people. You implied it, you...
  13. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Sorry the "people I know" routine doesn't provide fact. JFG "College Protest turns Violent" and educate yourself. History has shown repeatedly that college students engage in violent protest activity, to deny/absolve all responsibility based on people you know is rediculous. I would agree...
  14. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    On what grounds do you base that they were NOT students? If you implying what I say is conjecture, the tables can easily be turned. College protests/riots are not exactly uncommon, or without violence. History tends to favor my point of view, college students do idiot things all the time...
  15. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Point is, they ARE being educated properly, and are still idiots. Problem is the educated idiots, make the education of the non-idiot crowd crappier. EDIT: By the by, 3000 a year for tuition is pretty cheap, seems like an increase was in order any way, despite what was promised. Maybe not...
  16. S

    How Would You Handle Somali Pirates?

    Claymore's strapped to the side of the ship, let them kill's much more amusing that way.
  17. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    If there's a tuition at all it's a business. If you're not paying, someone else is paying for you, that's exactly how welfare states work, British or not. As for Educated workforce, I'm all for it, but it amuses me that the future educated workforce is having a "sit in" protest, not much...
  18. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    People need to understand just one thing, education today is a BUSINESS, businesses need to make MONEY. No money, no education, lot's of times that's what it comes down to. Not sayin' it's right. Shov
  19. S

    [New York Times, 8 minutes ago] WAR!

    Wrong mostly, initially NATO/US was nearly pushed off of the peninsula by North Korea & Allies. But NATO/US surged back after being reinforced and retook very nearly all of the peninsula. The "stalemate" was basically due to pushing farther would mean going into China, which we were not...
  20. S

    The USSR-Afghan War: random claims

    Yea, ah hell, it's just SEVENTY THOUSAND GUYS, no big whoop. * 9,511 killed in combat * 2,386 died from wounds * 2,556 died from disease and accidents 53,753 Wounded 311 Missing