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    Mutants Rising Demo Released

    going to download now but do we have an estimated time/hours? how long is it? thanks
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    Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta reviews

    the 3.5 comment made me lol hard
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    fallout 2 stats problem

    sadly this option doesnt exist at all.any other ideas?
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    fallout 2 stats problem

    first of all i hope i created this topic in the corect forum if not i apologize.... i started fallout 2 (for the 9.000th time) yesterday but i did one mistake with my stats.....i have 06 str and 08 int.i wanted to hace 09 int and 05 i can have more skill points i donwnloaded...
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    Going to buy Fallout 2 - Anything I should know?

    dude....i really envy you.playing fallout 2 for the first time...fallout 2 is my favorite game of all time you wont regret it if you buy it no matter the price.but play fallout 1 as well.its pretty awesome
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    LARPing in Wasteland 2 : Rise of the Mutants

    damn... i live in greece i am a hardcore fallout fan but still i didnt participate...
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    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    i was the one making topics and requesting ps3 know what the did to my posts?delted them today i made a topic asing why the ps3 sucks.the answer?warning serisouly bethesda can go and FUCK themselfs they suck and i am a fucking idiot for protecting them....nothing can match fallout 2...
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    GameTrailers TV Fallout 3 exclusive, also Todd Time

    i am not sure i am gonna like it lol but whats on the todd link?my ps3 cant play this for some reason.
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    Swedish PC Gamer reviews Fallout 3

    ok yesterday i made a post about how bethesda is gonna make fallout 3 feel like a fallout after seeing that photo of the houe i can understand how muh they messed up wirth the atmoshere.......shit
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    First Review Drops : French Magazine PC Jeux

    yup you stand corrected i am making fun of oblivion but that game was released in 2004.i believe bethesda learnd something from their mistakes and dude i am not a new member.. i was years in this forum just watching the topics...and i am a hardcore fallou fan i was like 10 years old when i...
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    First Review Drops : French Magazine PC Jeux

    lol my point exaclty...people will NEVER be happy and wll always complain for something... People stop complaining please and give bethesda a change.... if they fuck the game up i will be one of the first guys to bomb their e-mail folder and start complaining BUT from what i saw so far the game...
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    Gstaff clarifies 24-hour town pacification

    i guess thats better but imo its still stupid
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    Wasteland 2: Post-Apocalyptic Airsoft Scenario

    nice thanks for the site i am greek
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    Zero Projekt Update

    damn wish it was in english :(
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    Fallout 3 at PAX: Heroine Sheik and The Exploding Barrel

    rofl relax buddy i was just kidding :P
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    No Fallout 3 PS3 Trophies at launch

    its been confirmed that pc wil have achievments (from what i remembeR) as a ps3 user i will get the ps3 one...i dont care about that stupid trophy long as the ps3 version runs AS GOOD as the xbox 360 its all good if it doesnt run that good bethesda can ^&&^ my %$%$$# sorry for the...
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    Platform nation audio interview with Todd Howard

    ok eddie let me ask you a question (before i do i will say that i like the way they are making fallout and i cant wait for them to release it.fallout 2 was my favorite game of all time) how would you feel if your favorite rpg game that you loved became a fps?seriously the fact that we can...
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    Fallout 3 at PAX: GameSpy

    dude i hope thats sarcasm...i really hope thats sarcasm?? boring fights in fallout 1/2??? come on dude...
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    Fallout 3 LGC: MTV Multiplayer

    damn did he just said he killed some mutants with a pistol? please i beg you tell me i didnt understand well...