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  1. R

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

  2. R

    Comics and graphic novels

    Ultimate's become soap operatic farce already
  3. R

    Comics and graphic novels

  4. R

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    watching the karate kid on mute doesn't constitute martial arts knowledge
  5. R

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    i'm surprised he hasn't gotten beaten to death yet, what with living in texas and all
  6. R

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10 for the overchin and the vampire teeth
  7. R

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    you look like gary glitter's best friend
  8. R

    What are your talents?

    isn't that the only kind of fanfic writer?
  9. R

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Let it be said that Erik "Club Soda" Reyes looks like the Latino version of that fat guy from VNV Nation
  10. R

    The Shield and Sons of Anarchy and other FX programs

    You should continue watching Damages. It gets even better as the season goes on.
  11. R

    Water Boarding Thrill Ride?

    Christopher Hitchens, didn't know you were a Fallout fan.
  12. R

    The Shield and Sons of Anarchy and other FX programs

    Let us talk about them! I'm especially excited for the final season of the Shield. The Sons of Anarchy series looks good because I star in it as the sage mentor biker gang guy.
  13. R

    What are your talents?

    I'm good at drinking BECAUSE I'M PERLMAN MUTHAFUCKA
  14. R

    Comics and graphic novels

    TOILETS ARE ALWAYS FUNNY Also, new Punisher writer seems pretty good.
  15. R

    Industrial music and related genres

    Filth Pig, Dark Side of the Spoon, Animositisomina Others will disagree and say those albums are shit, but they're the best albums Ministry put out. But really, everything by Ministry is good except for that new wave British world music faggot bullshit (aka With Sympathy/Work for Love).
  16. R

    Comics and graphic novels

    Joss Whedon is entirely untalented
  17. R

    Russia vs. Georgia

    I hope all of you guys are reading the eXile(d)'s articles on this matter.
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    I just saw it It IS that bad.
  19. R

    Show us where your avatar is taken from

    From the film Blade 2, in which I starred as the German leader of the Bloodpack