Show us where your avatar is taken from


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Thought this would be a good idea in cooperation with the "Rate the avatar above yours" thread.

I have been rating avatars and looking in that thread thinking "where is that great/stupid/funny/horrible avatar from?"

Now is your chance to share and find out.

So the idea is post the avatar (as some change avatars over time), and then post the image it is from.

Edit: However; don't post in here only to change your avatar and then post again - in other words - this is not an excuse for a spamfest:)

If you want to elaborate and tell us more about the image or why you chose it feel free.

Me first then ...

My avatar:

And the original:

The painting is by the amazing artist Gerald Brom.

While not my favourite among his work, the tilted head has got a certain attitude to it I think.

Some of you will know Brom's work through the (TSR's Dungeons and Dragons) Dark Sun roleplaying games, or the covers of the games Doom II and Diablo II ...
Nice one, I must admit, I'm a big fan of Brom.

Alright then.

My avatar.


And the ALMOST identical signature.


I wish I still had the original photo, but I saved the avatar and signature over it.

Originally it's a photo of yours truly, edited in Photoshop (layers, filters and all that).

- Grin.
Anyone who posts in this thread and then changes their avatar will be banned.
Per said:
Anyone who posts in this thread and then changes their avatar will be banned.

I am now having one of those weird moments where I cannot make up my mind about whether you are joking or not - care to elaborate, please, Per?

If this is in some way inappropriate, please let me know ...

Uncle Scrooge from Christmas on Bear Mountain, only slightly retouched:


I don't remember what image I got the Super Mario cap from. I'm pretty sure I found it in a google image search, but when looking again now, I can't seem to find it.

Daimyo said:
I am now having one of those weird moments where I cannot make up my mind about whether you are joking or not
This reminds me of TVD and his relationship hilarity thread.
Mine's an old Alpha Cen book title that I screencapped, however the original has been lost for years, but it's essentially a larger version of it with some tech-ish borders and a list of books that were written in your name.

and no, you can't read the books, it only told you the titles as a way to express your civ score in something more than a percentage.
Here's the original pic for my avatar, which is a Vampire Illithid:


The idea was to find a pic for my long-lasting internet name, and a mind-flayer seemed relevant.
Then I had to make it a bit Fallout-specific, so an illithid in wastelands seemed fitting.

The picture for my sig also comes from the ADnD site, from the special psionic book (Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations).
Mine is the European hazard symbol for "Dangerous for the environment", but I changed the original orange colour to Radiohead blue.

This version of the webcomic, the one with me in it, never actually got off the ground. But then, I suppose none of the other versions got too far, either, excepting a small local following.

*not my desktop.