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  1. C

    Fallout: New Vegas bug updates, fixes and the like

    Yep, Sony and Microsoft require an in-house submission process for any patch (which can often cost money, depending on a companies contract with them) This takes time. The PC requires no such process. Its therefore upto the developers (or Bethesda as publisher in this case) if they want to...
  2. C

    Interplay wins preliminary injunction hearing, really

    Call of Cthulhu was only published by Bethesda as well. It was developed by Headfirst, of course Bethesdha did influence some creative control over it. ( I'm not convinced that this was, entirely, a bad thing, for instance the Deep One rape scene they ordered removed was to be fair, a good...
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    Fallout 3 GotY: Gamasutra PC #1, Edge #27

    *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding *ding* Mountaingoat has hit on the problem with the MQ ending with absolute precision. On the loading screen there is a little ticker telling you how many people you have killed. I think I had hit something like 250 people or so by the end of ther MQ, which puts...
  4. C

    NMA: Fallout 3 Compendium mod and others

    Probably refers to the fact that you now use APs to fire when not in VATS, werided me out at first when I first tried it, but I'm getting to likeing the "uses APs in normal combat" really makes you think about combat, rather than running around guns blazing. Also stimpacks and Rad-away now...
  5. C

    PSM3 Fallout 3 platform comparison

    Yes, but not professionally. The Atari ST (I miss my old one too) was one of the better computers for MIDI work. While I don't work for Bethesda (though I've developed a game for them) I would say the games industry as a whole does see the potential of the PS3, however we also get to know...
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    PSM3 Fallout 3 platform comparison

    To be fair to the PS2 Morbius, it could beat the Xbox at pushing pixels, which was pretty important in that gen. I think, and I was never much of a PS2 developer, that the Xbox was capable of pushing more polys. Gawd I miss the Xbox, its audio system (I'm an Audio Coder) was a dream to work...
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    PSM3 Fallout 3 platform comparison

    The PS3 is let down by its Graphics system. Seems given the fury over the PSP3000 screen thats starting, Graphics is something that Sony just arn't getting right. Right now a £400 PC rig, if built right, can have a more powerful processor than a PS3 and a more powerful GPU than a 360...
  8. C

    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    Well the Xbox is outselling the PS3 in Japan at the moment, only by a few thousand consoles a week however. Check Hardware Sales, 11th Oct 2008 Plat Japan America Others Total DS 33,199 154,977 222,803 410,979 Wii 21,647 197,245 145,459...
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    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    I was refering to the 6 available SPU vector processors inside the CELL. Physically the CELL is made up of 2 Hardware Threads on the PPU 8 SPUs However, only 6 SPUs are usually directly available to the developer. SPU 8 is turned off in the factory, as its only there to allow for...
  10. C

    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    Grrrr... Not quite... The PS3 has a more powerful processor, but the XBox360 has a more powerful graphic chipset. This tells as almost every game which is multi platform looks slightly better on the 360. This is not some conspiracy, or "lazy" programmers, but just that the 360 is has better...
  11. C

    Bethesda hunting down Fallout 3 leak

    Some companies do... :twisted: As to the source, well heres my 2p worth as an industry insider. The game has gone gold, which means its at the duplication factory, leaks are not unknown of at the duplicators. So highest chance is it got leaked there. The lowest chance of a leak is from...
  12. C

    8 reasons Fallout 3 will blow you away

    Yeah, cause the existence / non-existence of fallout3 really effects how much I enjoy Fallout 1/2 :roll: Wow. Some modern gamers are morons.
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    Wasteland 2: Post-Apocalyptic Airsoft Scenario

    LARP rocks. I'd love to try airsoft Fallout LARP.
  14. C

    Change to Fallout 3: Morphine becomes Med-X

    When did Bethesda become pussys? They published Call of Cthulhu and we had morphine as a drug in that game. Swear there was a second real life drug as well, or was that something that got cut during production? mind you, at one point we had cigarettes in, if you smoked one, you regained a...
  15. C

    8 reasons Fallout 3 will blow you away

    *disclaimer* I've a rare holiday off work, after some serious crunch, and I've consumed a of couple glasses of rather good whiskey, so take the following rant with all the contempt it deserves... Brother None feel free to vat this nonsense... *disclaimer* Who the frak is a journalist to...
  16. C

    Game reactor interviews Todd Howard

    One of the early screen shots shows two statues on a building, which is a *bit* like a head on a wall ;) (screen shot 4 counting from the bottom.) (Screenshot 38 is creepy...)
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    videogaming247 interviews Pete Hines

    Problem with pre-rendered (or to be more precise, pre animated) death sequences, is that its impossible to take into account where the NPC dies. This then leads on to clipping issues such as the npc cutting through furniture, walls, floors etc... Which is why rag doll deaths became popular in...
  18. C

    PC Gameplay Benelux Fallout 3 preview

    Well, AI is still not a solved problem, I'll allow Bethesda to feel they are still learning in this area. I don't know any games company which has developed a strong AI solution. AI is a really CPU intensive task, so I'm pretty interested in this AI co-processor someone mentioned. I may...
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    videogaming247 interviews Pete Hines

    Curses! I won't be going to Leipzig... (grumbles, audio coders aren't important enough it seems, well that and I tend to bite members of the public... :roll: )
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    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    Its upsetting, because in many of the stills, I look at the graphics, and I think "yeah, if I was to imagine Fallout in 3D then thats what I think it would look like" and I get excited, because I would like to play the Fallout games in First Person 3D, because I like the immersion it provides...