First time out of the vault

UncannyGarlic said:You've got that backwards and I'm pretty sure that the PS3 has 8 cores, not 6.CodeZombie said:The PS3 can process data faster than the 360, but its tricky as the PPU of the CELL is at its heart a dual core PowerPC running at the same speed as the 360 (compared to the six core PowerPC CPU on the 360), its the 6 available SPUs which gives the CELL its eye watering speed.
I was refering to the 6 available SPU vector processors inside the CELL.
Physically the CELL is made up of
2 Hardware Threads on the PPU
8 SPUs
However, only 6 SPUs are usually directly available to the developer.
SPU 8 is turned off in the factory, as its only there to allow for manufactoring fault tollerances.
SPU 7 is active, but reservered by the PS3 operating system
Leaving SPUs 1-6 available for processing.
Heck even in a low level Tool such an SN-Tuner I'm only allowed to view the processing activity on SPUs 1-6.
Paul_cz said:Ausir said:Nope. The new interface screenshots in the PC magazines looked exactly the same as in the console ones, aside from the mouse cursor.
You've got to be shitting me.Bethesda.
Take a deep breath, and get used to it. Very few development houses want to design interfaces for each platform, and game design ethics are moving towards treating the interface as seperate from the platform.
This is not just Bethesda, look at what all the major developers are doing when approaching multi-platform games.