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    London flashback: eDome

    i dont have low stadars man...but people are acting and talking like this is gonna be a fallout BOS 2
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    London flashback: eDome

    dude does this look like BOS to you? no it doesnt... thats why i will buy it...stop the frickin nonesence about how much it will such do didnt even play it long its not BOS its gonna be must understand THATS the revolution of gaming sadly..lets prey its better than we...
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    London flashback: eDome

    heh i guess i cant convice you... who knows maybe if the dear modders make it good enough make a lot of die hard fallout fans will play it the truth is that i also excpeced another sequel and i was a little dissapointed from this at start...but ...its fallout man...
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    London flashback: eDome

    viper i agree with you they are ***** and ***riders for giving it GOTY...But why not give it a change when its out? relovution is a thing that sadly ALL of the games/multimedia must suffer...sometimes its GOOD(some new games are much better than prequels)some times its bad...(most of the imes)...
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    London flashback: eDome

    dudes FOR GODS sake will you PLEASE stop f***ing complaining? dont get me wrong i love favorite game of all time is fallout 2 but godammit i am TIRED to see the SAME people complain every frickin topic...DID you play the game?NO DO you have the game?NO then please STOP IT when...
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    Fallout 3 at LGC: UGO

    didnt you see the HUGE spoiler tag?
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    i want to translate fallout 2 intro greek

    hmmm i seem to have a little problem with one ncp everytime i talk to him i get some error options in the dialogue any idea whats wrong? here is the edited dialog with some shots to see what i mean
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    i want to translate fallout 2 intro greek

    alright thanks a lot dude i got i to work!thanks for the help i will talk the progress of this project in this topic but i dont think people will care that much since its a greek translation but a lot of my freinds and other greek people wil that dont know good english will play it
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    i want to translate fallout 2 intro greek

    ok i downloaded the program exctracted a mgs file edited it with notebook but i still cant figure out how to import the file i changed i imported using the import option the mgs file i edited but the text remains the same sady any idea what i do wrong?
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    i want to translate fallout 2 intro greek

    i know it is going to be hard to translate with greek chars so i will do it in greeklish greek with english chars wild qwerty thanks for your suggestion to help i will need to help me a little with the art for replacing the files with are in english but they will be the last to be done since i...
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    i want to translate fallout 2 intro greek

    do you know any program to edit the existing text in the game?i cant seem to find anything
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    every time i go to the hubologist area i get respawned IN the damn plane sadly i cant go down...reloaded old save same thing anything i can do? sadly i cant even take a screenshot since the shot wont come out
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    another bug...prevents me to finish the game

    ok next time i will post it there i am playing the restoration project 1.2
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    another bug...prevents me to finish the game

    every time i go to the dock i get respawned IN the damn plane look at this shot sadly i cant go down...reloaded old save same thing anything i can do?:( sadly i cant even take a screenshot since the shot wont come out
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    help :( something REALLY bad happened to my game

    ok i am sorry but you know its sucks to have a broken save alright here are my saves if someone is kind enough to take a look at them that would be great thank you bery much
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    help :( something REALLY bad happened to my game

    bump i REALLY REALLY need some help if possible sorry to post 2 times in a row but i wanna finish this amazing game and i just hate this situation :( please help
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    help :( something REALLY bad happened to my game

    well i just only move a file that would replace the schorcer.i went to DATA MAPS and moved it i thnk it was called VCT.ctf something.i am not sure but i cut and paste it.went to get the schorcher.and then pasted back .please any help would be great
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    help :( something REALLY bad happened to my game

    ok sincei have the RP patch i couldnt find the schorcher weapon because i couldnt talk to doctor since i finished all his quests... so i moved a certain file from the map directory to another because i wanted the schorher to spawn at vault 13(its original place)and got it that way but now in...
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    cant find the Solar Scorcher

    lol my freind i dont mean that i cant find EPA.i went already to EPA and did all quests and things but i didnt have myrion with me now i came back with myrion so i can talk to the doctor to give me the Solar Scorcher but the doc wont give it to me.he just says the he doesnt need anything and...
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    cant find the Solar Scorcher

    sure i am sorry i forgot that.i have the restoration project 1.2..i take myrion with me talk about jet but the doctor still wont say anything to me plus yup it wasnt in vault 13 either(guardian)