i want to translate fallout 2 intro greek

You will need to extract the master.dat file out

go to the data/text folder and translate all that.

You should be able to open the *.msg files with notepad

In the data/art/interface you will need to edit the interface buttons so they are in greek. I could probably help you do the art for this.

The fallout2.exe file can be hacked (hex editor) if you really want to go to that level, but its probably not needed.
I don't tink editing the msg files with notepad wouldn't be enough cause msg files use ANSI but Greek letters are Unicode saving them in ANSI would cause them to became "?"s atleast that happans with the US exe I've tried it. I think editing the font files could solve this bad think I don't know how could you do that
i know it is going to be hard to translate with greek chars so i will do it in greeklish
greek with english chars
wild qwerty thanks for your suggestion to help i will need to help me a little with the art for replacing the files with are in english but they will be the last to be done since i got a got a lot of text to translate
ok i downloaded the program exctracted a mgs file edited it with notebook
but i still cant figure out how to import the file i changed
i imported using the import option the mgs file i edited but the text remains the same sady
any idea what i do wrong?
alright thanks a lot dude i got i to work!thanks for the help i will talk the progress of this project in this topic but i dont think people will care that much since its a greek translation but a lot of my freinds and other greek people wil that dont know good english will play it
Also you may need to edit the latest versions of the msg files. Extract the patch000.dat file (this will be the latest version) and if there are any msg files there use those ones.
I looked into the msg and don't know whats the matter cause you have all the "{}" also I haven't seen a letter like "á" so I don't really have an idea but there is a Hungarian translation mod I will try to get in contact with its creators maybe they know the reason.
Does it work, if you leave the original line there? If not, then the error must be somewhere else.
I've just tried it but it didn't work. The problem is that I've looked through the text several time and found nothing. I hope someone could find a sollution cause the translation is quite good
I looked about it too and also couldn't find out the error. It should be tested with including sentence by sentence, until the error occurs. Then you can better see, what the problem could be.
You can use your local Windows code page - e.g. Czech translation has files in windows-cp-1250 because of special characters, no special hacking needed. Fallout doesn't work (well) with multibyte encodings (UTF-8 etc.)

We use a tool (OmegaT + special filter) for translating BGE, but it's still very buggy (problems with line breaks and comments).
I've begin to copy the lines by lines from the translation to the original and strange but the text that have been showed wrong in the translation now are ok in the original msg (note I've only done this with 3-4 lines yet)