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  1. G

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    I've been playing the demo on and off again since it came out and I'm not really impressed. It's definitely a major improvement over Bad Company 1, but still one thing that DICE/EA needs to address is the major lag spikes. Other than that it seems ok, may pick it up when it's been reduced in...
  2. G

    Dragon Age? What the hell happened to you?

    To be honest I look forward to purchasing Dragon Age when it's released. Bioware at this point and time is pretty much the only North American developer releasing a decent Role Playing Game. Sadly at this point and time I only have a Mac Book and an Xbox 360 which leaves with very few options...
  3. G

    Great but overlooked games

    I would have to say the original Escape Velocity for the Mac. I remember getting it in 1997 for my first home computer, spending countless hours either saving the Galaxy or being a Space Pirate disabling ships and adding them to my fleet then taking over planets one at a time. and the Star...
  4. G

    Star Wars Battlefront III :(

    It's a damn same that Free Radical's version will never see the day, hopefully it gets passed onto competent hands.
  5. G

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Playing some Mercenaries 2 for the Xbox 360, totally worth the 15 dollars I paid for it. Even if it is the definition of an EA published game.
  6. G

    Red ring of shit.

    I had a console since launch and it RROD on me last spring, I simply said screw and went out and purchased a brand new Elite and have yet to send in my old box for "repairs". To be honest with you the RROD is a small price to pay for a console that has a great library and an excellent online...
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    The one game you've played the most...ever

    Sorry, I've spent countless hours that have turned into days playing those games I've mentioned. Call Of Duty 4 alone on Multiplayer I've sunk about 26 days worth of play time.
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    [Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX

    Left 4 Dead Banjo Kazooie: Nuts And Bolts Forza 2 Ace Combat 6 Ninja Gaiden 2 Mass Effect (wait for a few months the game is being re-released with the download content ect for 20 dollars) Just look on major gaming websites for older games with scores above 7.5 and pick them up or rent...
  9. G

    FEAR 2 demo: impressions?

    I'll be picking it up for the 360 when it comes out. Rather enjoyed the demo and rather ticked off about the whole removal of the ability to lean as with almost every single fps on the 360.
  10. G

    The one game you've played the most...ever

    Fallout 1&2 Dues Ex Soldier Of Fortune 2: Double Helix multiplayer Call Of Duty 4
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    Apartment Nazi

    This is rather strange, first and foremost none of my friends who still live in Vancouver never emailed me this. Second, there is no way this person can get away with this in Canada or in the USA. This has to be a joke.
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    12 Monkeys - "We did it"

    I really enjoyed this film, still one of my top ten films.
  13. G

    The Shield and Sons of Anarchy and other FX programs

    welsh, perhaps some spoiler alert before your post?. It would be a shame for someone to read that before even starting to watch the show and have it ruined.
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    Change to Fallout 3: Morphine becomes Med-X

    All available at Super-Duper Mart! I can't even imagine what kind of censorship will come next before or after the release of this game.
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    I enjoyed the art deco architecture and the environment, the gameplay on the other hand felt dumbed down for the console mindset of today. No consequences for dying and no real challenge as far as puzzles and enemies go.
  16. G

    Ogrebattle 64

    I never did get a chance to play it, and still keep my eye out for it when I go to pawnshops and secondhand stores.
  17. G

    Rambo, violence?

    Growing up I was a big fan of the first three Rambos and still am. Rambo IV was great and I look forward to the next Rambo that is supposedly in the works.
  18. G

    The Shield and Sons of Anarchy and other FX programs

    Sons of Anarchy has great potential, I started watching The Shield aboot 4 months ago and was hooked. Sure it has been stretched out but there isn't a cop show that can replace it. 30 rock would be a great show to check out, if you enjoy BBC comedy check out The Mighty Boosh, How Not to...
  19. G

    Spielberg finally sued over Disturbia

    I did not enjoy this movie, to be honest I didn't know Spielberg didn't direct this turd sandwich and now it all makes sense.
  20. G

    Sporepedia goes online

    great to hear I can run something decent with my crappy Intel Integrated GMA X3100 vid card