Ahh. The bastard child of Fallout and System Shock 2

It is a good game and very enjoyable. However for dinosaurs (like me) it has its faults. I will just list the things I felt bad about it;
-The Story: I am sorry but a few cosmetic changes to your background really does not make it O.K. to rip an old story down to its last bits. The whole story was just SS2 with Shodan dressed up as a 30's gangster in a suit with "Atlas Shrugged". Most... Scratch that; all of the game gimmicks were c/p from SS2.
The research was somewhat new, instead of fumbling with parts from bad guys you photographed them. it was more fitting. yes i concur that was better.
The ghosts, the diaries, the bad guys... sigh...
The Big Daddy/Little Sister angle was very well played and new. (There was the The Cyborg-Midwife in SS2 but thats actually completely irrelevant)
-The Gameplay: The Big Bad Nerfstick is here. The hacking felt a bit forced (Pipes? i know it is a watery hell but i really am tired of pipes/frogger etc. why not use a gaming interface to hack some computers? (a 3-d ish minesweeper?) it felt boring to hack.
The Inventory is gone.
I still can't understand why i had to drink all those bottles. General Molotov is really pissed here.
The whole 10 first aid kits / 1 Camera / n weapons/ n*360 bullets / y tonics part irritated me to no end to be honest.
Most of the powers were not much needed, except for enviromental puzzles. Shock and Wrench were a bit too powerful. Or maybe too powerful.
Respawn chambers were... too cheesy. You either played without using them once or you just played it god mode fps style...
Overall compared to the rest of the games we get "nowadays" this was a very enjoyable game. It's just that everything was made so "easy" that there wasn't really a consequence. You lost about 150 Adam per 3 sisters and.... well that was all. (And ugh. the ending... it was good writing but they would have to work hard to make a bigger mockery of "consequences of player actions". You are either a saint straight from heavens or a blackguard with worse plans than Hitler & 3rd Reich. (Why cant you pimp you adoring daughters and rake the cash ffs? or open up a spare body parts shop to fleece the rich?.. I really hate forced deus ex machina....)