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  1. C

    IGN plays Fallout 3 too

    Sure... * *with two caveats, first you need to keep the teddy bear together during the stress of acceleration. Second the teddy bear needs to hold together against the drag from air resistance. Teddy bears are not noted for their material strength however. Which is why tanks fire Depleated...
  2. C

    IGN plays Fallout 3 too

    Depends on how much kinetic force the teddy bear has... At a certain velocity structural integrity becomes less important, which is why a hyper velocity jet of gas from a HEAT round is more effective against tank armour than a solid kinetic penetrator. Of course, on the other hand, a teddy...
  3. C

    Xbox World 360 article

    I totally agree, on the title I'm working on we have as many AI coders as renderer coders. Why? Because a good tactical AI is really tough to develop. Though it is sweet to watch the AI squad mates run into a ruined building and start taking cover around the rubble, popping out to take...
  4. C

    Xbox World 360 article

    navmeshes? with markup for cover? Ground breaking? Sure... yeah right... what ever... :roll: that's old tech, we used it in Call of Cthulhu ffs. It'll work, as long as it programmed well, but its not new technology, not as Emil describes it... - Also, please God no, not the Retard...
  5. C

    Fallout 3 E3 demo on Spike TV

    Very sorry, I will do in future.
  6. C

    Fallout 3 E3 demo on Spike TV

    Don't. get. me. started. on. that. topic... Seriously there is a major long rant in there, I'll end up naming names, and regret it later. Suffice to say, very very short sighted stupid decisions were made.
  7. C

    Fallout 3 E3 demo on Spike TV

    Nope, I was a coder, not a level designer. So rain on the characters glasses (my fault) ALL the audio (my fault) All audio insanity effects (I'm a bad bad boy) Glass shattering system (my fault) Some of the control system (again my fault) The in game inventory system (Sorry... :oops: )...
  8. C

    Fallout 3 Demo on Monday

    :lol: Thanks, I'll try that line next time I'm asked to work on one... :wink:
  9. C

    Online distributor GOG announced

    Yep, and modding can make a game's lifespan much much longer. Many dev studios recognise this, and making sure a game is moddable often a (albe it minor) factor in game design and development.
  10. C

    Fallout 3 Demo on Monday

    Hey arguments are fun. As for Todd Howard narrating over either a live walkthrough or a pre-recorded video, that would be about par for the course for a Demo presentation at E3. Lots of devs do it that way. As they say, move along, nothing to see here.
  11. C

    Bethesda's Fan Interview #2

    Blows my mind. Bethesda was happy enough with Ramona Waites (who if I dimly recall was either 12 or 8) being viciously mutilated by a Deep One in Call of Cthulhu, and having her corpse keep appearing all over the place. I loved that stuff.
  12. C

    Fallout 3 E3 demo on Spike TV

    Nice to be back Wooz... :D If Bethesda were to ask for money for the editor, that would be low, I'm not sure even Bethesda could sink that low. :shock: I suspect I'll get FO3 if the editor is released, but otherwise it might be a Tactics and BoS situation, where I won't touch them...
  13. C

    Online distributor GOG announced

    You really would think so would'nt you? But publishers can be funny beasts about source code and assets. Of course it does happen. I was majorly gob-smacked when Microsoft publicly relesed the source code and assets for Mechcommander 2 for instance, and I believe that the Homeworld source...
  14. C

    Fallout 3 Demo on Monday

    Er because thats they way nearly every games developer works. Look, I don't like Bethesda much, heck I've had to develop a game for them in the past, which means I had to personally deal with Todd. But if you are going to bash them, do it on things they do wrong, not on how every games...
  15. C

    Fallout 3 Demo on Monday

    Beelzebud No publisher or developer would let out a demo to the public at the stage of development FO3 is (probably) in. That would be insane madness from a developers point of view (the game code is really not going to be stable) and will become a PR nightmare. Remember all the negative...
  16. C

    Fallout 3 E3 demo on Spike TV

    I believe them too, but to be fair to Bethesda they have a habit of releasing the editor a couple of months after the game come out anyway. I suspect there will be a fair amount of pressure but on Bethesda to release the editor. But again I've not worked with them for sometime so I don't know...
  17. C

    Fallout 3 E3 demo on Spike TV

    TorchedGeek I pray that Fallout 3 will be modable, as it might be Fallout3's only saving grace.
  18. C

    Fallout 3 E3 demo on Spike TV

    Ok, he's my take on how the Bethesda E3 demo *might* work given the facts that a) I've had the highly dubious pleasure of making these builds for four titles (Simon the Sorcerer 3, Call of Cthulhu DCoTE, Brian Lara Cricket, Operation Flashpoint 2) b) I've had to stand there at trade...
  19. C

    Meet the Fallout 3 World Artist

    No its just utter rubbish...
  20. C

    Inside the Vault - Kevin Kauffman

    Games companies tend to run bonus schemes where if an employee refers people they know and that person gets the job, then the employee gets a bonus, so its not unlikely that the two Central PA people know each other.