CodeZombie said:
Thanks, I'll try that line next time I'm asked to work on one...
Your welcome

And you can use it for free, because I don't want royalties for my IP.
But I'm not sure that this will convince your Supervisor!
But then again, that's a truthful statement today as it was more than 15 years ago when I first played PAC-MAN on a PC, or even more, considering how easy it is today to find almost everything you want in the internet!
My opinion about demos in general, and Fallout 3 specifically (if anybody wants to waste time reading this):
If your not going to work on a Demo before you release your full game, why would you spend money on a Demo after that? Why not use your money and work on some real good patch , Add-on or Expansion Pack and give it to your loyal costumers? That would be a real good after-sales costumer service.
Don't get me wrong, I would much appreciate to try a demo of every game I'm thinking on buying, but if the game is already on the market, why bother in getting a demo if I can try the all game and then decide if I buy it?
10 years ago, I tried Fallout using a Demo that was offered in the Demos CD of the Portuguese PC-Format. That demo was my first contact with Fallout, even though I didn't had any idea what Fallout was! In those days I tried every demo that came in any magazine I would buy...
After that I tried to get Fallout, but Fallout 2 was already out, so, that was what I got. And now here I am

That would probably not happen if I never had tried that demo, and I know for sure that amongst my friend I was the first to try that Demo and the one that started to tell everybody how amazing Fallout was (is)!
Bethesda will not produce a Demo before they publish Fallout 3, so what I can tell them is: Don't worry on doing that after you publish the game. I will try it as soon as it is available on my favorite online "store", where every day is a "give away" day
Then, only then, I will buy it, if they fulfill the minimum requirements that I have on my mind. But as I have a lot of doubts that they will be able to do that, I think I'll probably pass that.
Maybe I'll buy something "similar" but original, from Bioware, like Mass Effect. But I'll probably use my Euros to buy Neverwinter Nights 2 + Mask of the Betrayer + the new Expansion, because that I now will be worth every cent I'll pay for them... And Chris Avellon is a nice guy and he deserves that I buy Obsidian games, as I bought Fallout and Fallout 2...