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  1. J

    FO2: Ironman Build

    I find that sometimes it's worth it just keeping NPC's underarmed to prevent that sort of thing. Vic was using a hunting rifle well past the point of Jackhammers in most of my play throughs. My story to share: You know those poor farmers that occasionally have wives armed with G11's? Once...
  2. J

    Jinxed Game Discussion

    Yes, but normally Higher CHA characters put off getting the implants until after they assembled their ideal party. With just one or two NPCs, you can get the CHA reducing higher implants as soon as you've got combat armor and cash. You could go the drug route, but then you're also wasting a...
  3. J

    Jinxed Game Discussion

    With strong HtH, you can survive Reno boxing early to get some DR%, so toughness is quite skipable. Low charisma, topped with tagged doctor means you'll be able to get combat implants earlier as well. I would suggest, instead of tagging outdoorsman, tag lockpick. Fights such as the...
  4. J

    Unarmed vs/or Melee weapons in fallout 2

    As someone said above, super sledge has too much knockback to make it a viable primary weapon. It's fun when Sulik knocks someone half-way across the screen, but you have to waste your valuable AP chasing them. Why not ditch Heavy handed for small frame? The extra point can get put into...
  5. J

    FO2: Ironman Build

    For FO2, mostly just my fists (legs). I kept a (mega)power fist around for enemies with damage reduction. The problem with things like brass/spiked knuckles is that you sacrifice the additional critical percentages that come with advanced punches (kicks) - this is essential for getting a...
  6. J

    FO2: Ironman Build

    Wow. I thought my friends and I were the only people crazy enough to play Fallout 2 like this. Ironman style. To all the ironman melee-haters, I registered to let you in on the biggest secret in the world: Jinxed. I pushed an unarmed/melee specialist through all the way to Horrigan twice...