Jinxed Game Discussion

Minigun Jim

It Wandered In From the Wastes
So, I started a Jixed HtH build yesterday, although I'll be restarting today as v1.2 of the Restoration Pack is out.
I'm using a standard sort of setup for an Unarmed build. I think it's:

7ST (with upgrades and PA andy more is a waste)
05PE (for Awareness and throwing to cripple)
04 CH (My NPCs would likely fail a ton too, so why bother buffing)
9AG (I can upgrade AG in the EPA)
05LK (Should I boost this to 6 to get the More/Better Criticals perks early, or is waiting til NCR a better option)

Small Frame

Tagged Unarmed , Doctor (for dealing with Crippled limbs from crit fails, and for Living Anatomy and Combat Implant perks) and Outdoorsman (best to duck fights I can't win, I am an unarmed loner character)

Aiming for these Perks
6: Bonus Move
9: Better Crits? Toughness? Dodger (more AC=more enemy fails)?
15:Bonus HtH Attacks
18: HtH Evade
21: Living Anatomy

So, any tips or info?
With strong HtH, you can survive Reno boxing early to get some DR%, so toughness is quite skipable. Low charisma, topped with tagged doctor means you'll be able to get combat implants earlier as well.

I would suggest, instead of tagging outdoorsman, tag lockpick. Fights such as the slavers/casino brawls/slavers at NCR/Enclave, become stacked in your favor when you only have to fight enemies 3-4 at a time, instead of 15 people running at you at once. This is pretty essential with Jinxed. Surviving 15 shots at you is hard enough, but if you critically miss and lose a turn, you get shot 30 times before getting to stim yourself up. Raising perception will start you out in a better location for running away during random encounters.

If your only reason for raising Luck is for the Better Crits perks, you might as well make it a dump stat. I have played a jinxed fighter all the way to the end of the game, and his criticals were brutal enough without it once unarmed gets to 200%+. The points from Luck could be invested in endurance. With Slayer, these points have essentially become wasted when they could have been more HP. :(

Seven strength seems a bit much, no? That can go back into Luck if you're hell bent on better crits. Charisma could be dropped down as well (imho). Mentants are available pretty early if you dash down to redding, and in the Jinxed world, their guns just explode anyways.

Why not switch Small frame for gifted? With Cha and LK as dump stats, you have plenty of points lying around for Int if you are worrying about skill points. And the bonus of seven extra stat points is pretty sweet (also: you are going to be so alone after your NPCs die in the jinxed world, you want that carrying capacity).

General advice: If you are going Chuck Norris Style and renouncing brass knuckles and power fists, I advise always sweeping the legs. They break easily, and for some reason, in the restoration patch, crippled enemies seem to lose their will to fight to the death more often than in the original version of the game (this might be a selective memory). The irony of this is they begin running away at 2 hexes per round and get punched in the back over and over. It also knocks them over without sending them flying (saves you the AP of chasing).

Hopefully, some of that is useful to you. Good luck!
JesusC said:
Low charisma, topped with tagged doctor means you'll be able to get combat implants earlier as well.
What's CH got to do with it? Though you just needed 75 or 80% Doctor to get the files?

I would suggest, instead of tagging outdoorsman, tag lockpick.
Thought of that, but with a decent investment in Lockpick and a set of picks the Slaver and casino doors are fairly trivial, especially the casino if you buy an expanded pick set in NCR.

Raising perception will start you out in a better location for running away during random encounters.
Would you reckon PE is better or using Mentats to get Cautious Nature is?

Seven strength seems a bit much, no?
Makes most of the game easier, as it's a long time before you get PA. That said, maybe 6 Str and an extra point of EN or AG is better.

Why not switch Small frame for gifted?
-Because I don't like Gifted. :P For a pretty specialist combat char it's a bit of an easy way out.

General advice: If you are going Chuck Norris Style and renouncing brass knuckles and power fists, I advise always sweeping the legs.
Yeah, I do that. Or arms on a 2h gunman. What do you think is best? Pure unarmed for HtH Evade, or several knucks/fists in case of dropped/busted weapons?

Good luck!
I'm playing *Jinxed*. Not happening. ;). But thanks :)
Minigun Jim said:
What's CH got to do with it? Though you just needed 75 or 80% Doctor to get the files?
Yes, but normally Higher CHA characters put off getting the implants until after they assembled their ideal party. With just one or two NPCs, you can get the CHA reducing higher implants as soon as you've got combat armor and cash.

Would you reckon PE is better or using Mentats to get Cautious Nature is?
You could go the drug route, but then you're also wasting a precious perk at a low level when you desperately need that bonus move. Higher perception in general will boost your doctor and give you access to a handful of silly quests.

Makes most of the game easier, as it's a long time before you get PA. That said, maybe 6 Str and an extra point of EN or AG is better.
Definitely. You are going to get shot a lot. :(

-Because I don't like Gifted. :P For a pretty specialist combat char it's a bit of an easy way out.
Style points for Jinxed without Gifted.

Yeah, I do that. Or arms on a 2h gunman. What do you think is best? Pure unarmed for HtH Evade, or several knucks/fists in case of dropped/busted weapons?
HtH Evade is king. Your AC will go through the roof - at max unarmed it is like wearing an extra suit of power armor. It is supposedly works with powerfists, etc, but I have not found that to be the case.

Good luck!
I'm playing *Jinxed*. Not happening. ;). But thanks :)
I lost an ironman jinxed fighter to Horrigan because in five rounds of combat, I lost a turn, broke a leg, and knocked myself down. I got that far on some sort of miracle luck and it ran out at the exact wrong time. :(
Minigun Jim said:
What do you think is best? Pure unarmed for HtH Evade, or several knucks/fists in case of dropped/busted weapons?
HtH Evade works with Unarmed-class weapons (knuckles, boxing gloves, power fists), though that isn't obvious from the description.

Unless you get a quick knockout/instant kill critical, every boxing match will be decided by a 'lost-next-turn' critical failure. Remember to save.
Kanhef said:
Unless you get a quick knockout/instant kill critical, every boxing match will be decided by a 'lost-next-turn' critical failure. Remember to save.

Or stand there and wait for him to punch himself in the crotch? :P

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I didn't know the HtH Evade description was bugged. As for CH, yeah, I get that. Never bothered with the 2nd lvl armor normally as I'm always setting up my NPC with wait here commands for ambushes and crossfires. I find it avoids
*Vic burstfires Jackhammer*
"You were critically hit for 174 damage. You were killed. You should re-load, take all of Vic's guns, and beat him senseless with a Wrench."