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  1. K

    Van Buren - A Fallout prequel?

    mabey they rebuilt them
  2. K

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi Im Kex a idiot from Iceland and....well i think this will say all that needs to be said about me DANCE!!!
  3. K

    sorry if it's been mentioned before (about HtH)

    yeah that would be nice. steal toed boots, spiked boots, high heel(a kick in the groin would realy hurt)
  4. K

    "The French are a bunch of surrender monkeys!"

    true again. the Sweadish have one of the best millitary in the world and they developed the German standart Flak gun witch was so good it was used as a Anti Air gun and a Anti Tank gun. Oh and Iceland has a 100% victory rate. 3 out of 3 baby and aginst the British Empire :D
  5. K

    Unique weapons

    Idea: Let NCR and other big goverments have a currency but the other less "culturized" settlements could have a regular barter system and those close to NCR or have a trade rout with them would accept there currency but it wouldent be worth as much as they can only use it when trading with the NCR
  6. K


    I dont think it rains after a nuclear fallout. atleast not for many years so it could have rain as a sign of things geting back to normall along with the one headed brahmin :D
  7. K

    player chooses colors for armor- idea

    I think it would be kewl to like be just wearing a helmet because then everyone could see your wee wee but not your face so you could become "The Masked Pervert" and like be a superhero and stuff. :D p.s. Gasmaks would be a good thing for gassy places like the mine in broken hills.
  8. K

    Vault City Doctor, Fallout 2, ROFL, this is so funny

    ive never tried the radiation part what happens?
  9. K

    Fallout 3 vehicles

    there ARE alot of cars in Fallout. most of them are nothing more then junk but there has to be some cars that have something inside of them
  10. K

    Retreat option

    People flee in the other games if you hurt them enough or if they have so crappy weapons they wont be able to hurt you. The throwing knife Ykusiawhatever always run away from me
  11. K

    Something perhaps lacking in the wildlife of Fallout...

    yeah the creatures need to have something usefull on them to make them worth the ammo
  12. K


    Eourope would be a fresh change. if they run out of ideas for America the can always start fresh somewhere else. there they could have everything different. the gouls could be smellier and they could make whole new mutants or something like that
  13. K

    new critters

    Sure they HAVE to add new critters but what i realy want to see is some more Human mutations. like people with extra limbs and mabey cyborgs. fighting critters is pretty much a waste of time because they dont have any loot
  14. K

    weapons ideas

    the game needs more unarmed and melee weapons. in 2 those skills were pretty much useless in the later parts of the game
  15. K


    it would be nice to be in Eourope for a change. it would allow a whole new storyline
  16. K

    Beneath A Steel Sky now freeware

    X-Com Gold and X-Com 3 work on XP you just have to download some patches :D I love those games
  17. K

    Lasers VS Bullets

    I would choose a bullet because then the wound has a better chance of healing but if your hit with a laser it burns the skin and it wont heal
  18. K

    Bring the wasteland back- Fallout atmosphere/Style

    they should have almost every city appocaliptic exept for NCR and Voult City if there still there. F3 could also be in a different place with would give the game much more possibilities
  19. K


    Im a atheist and proud of it
  20. K

    What are your RL tag skills?

    Small Guns, Repair (learning to be a electrician) and then probably scianse or something i dont know