Lasers VS Bullets


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Hi, I don't get this. In alot of sci fi's and fiction, you can almost always see where a laser comes from, but with a bullet, you can't, it just hits you. Now I don't know about anyone else, but between taking a bullet weapon and a laser weapon, I'd choose a bullet.

Give some feedback. :twisted:

Well, personally, I would take a laser than a bullet. A bullet is a projectile fired from a rifled barrel, propelled by cordite, usually hitting speeds up to 1.8 times the speed of sound and lastly they usually have a high kinetic energy. A laser, on the other hand, is a coherent beam of light emitted by either chemical, electric or nuclear power sources. A bullet not only makes a hole in your body but also has makes some area damage to the surrounding tissue due to the impact. This translates into hemorrhaging and necrosis of the afflicted tissue. Also the bullet can also become lodged inside your body if it loses speed and hits a harder or denser tissue, which could cause a serious infection. A laser doesn't hit your body as much as it burns into it. The wounds a laser causes are cauterized ones. Cauterized wounds don't bleed since blood vessels are sealed. Its your choice get a deep, localized burn or a potentially infectious gash in your body. As for a personal choice of weapon, I would chose a laser weapon since they don't have any recoil and I am kind of skinny...provided they aren't like the laser rifles in Fallout which weigh a lot.
smar said:
Hi, I don't get this. In alot of sci fi's and fiction, you can almost always see where a laser comes from, but with a bullet, you can't, it just hits you.

The way they depict lasers in sci-fi's is stupid at best.

Laser-light is invisible until it hits something, dude...I mean, it's light, by Frith.
Yes, Kharn is right.

If you have a laser pointer, just aim at the wall and click.
Dan said:
If you have a laser pointer, just aim at the wall and click.
1st: Laser pointers don't use lasers, if I remember correctly.
2nd: Lasers are immesurable thin (they theoretically could have a measurable diameter, but thats assuming you have... say... 6 nuclear power plants behind it?) and would only cut you, like a knife, but cauterized. Not that that's not deadly. However you would have to move the "Barrel" around on the person, or else you would only make a hole with 1/100" diameter. Also, having laser- resistant armor is far easier (A mirror) than bulletproof vests. But, you ask, what if you fall(or get shot)? therein lies the problem. A bullet/laser combo would deal quite nicely, using bullets to shatter any mirrors, and a laser to then shred tha person+their kevlar.
Atleast that's my theory. This comes from some kid who knows little of the physics of lasers, so...
First, I never said a laser pointer can be used to kill people. You will need a lot of power for that, but we are talking about an imaginery weapon that will have the power.

Second, laser pointers use a real laser beam.
Dan said:
First, I never said a laser pointer can be used to kill people. You will need a lot of power for that, but we are talking about an imaginery weapon that will have the power.

Second, laser pointers use a real laser beam.
Never said anything about killin' anybody with a laser pointer... But the "Beam" is so wide on 'em I had assumed that it could not be considered a "Laser"
As I was saying... A beam consentrated enough could, theoretically, use relatively low power. Say, 10 9v batteries?
Now I will ask again: what kind of bullet?
Because , i don't know if you have noticed, there is several kinds of bullets. Are we talking about a hollowpoint, tracing, mercury explosive, slug shot here or an ordinary full metal jacket?
Gwydion said:
Kharn said:
by Frith.

You're fired.

You too.

Never said anything about killin' anybody with a laser pointer... But the "Beam" is so wide on 'em I had assumed that it could not be considered a "Laser"

The beam doesn't have to be incredibly tight just to call it a laser, so laser pointers do classify as such. That said, there's no reason for laser-light to be as thin as you specified, but it will always be invisible until it hits something (making it, of course, visible in smoke, since smoke "is something")
Loxley said:
Now I will ask again: what kind of bullet?
Because , i don't know if you have noticed, there is several kinds of bullets. Are we talking about a hollowpoint, tracing, mercury explosive, slug shot here or an ordinary full metal jacket?
From what i've heard, Black Talon are the ones that make to most damage, because they break after impact, do not create and exit wound and the fragments just ricochet inside the body creating a shitload of unrepairable damage to organs.
I would choose a bullet because then the wound has a better chance of healing but if your hit with a laser it burns the skin and it wont heal
Ugly John said:
From what i've heard, Black Talon are the ones that make to most damage, because they break after impact, do not create and exit wound and the fragments just ricochet inside the body creating a shitload of unrepairable damage to organs.
I would say that this+this+ :shock: =

And that's good enough for me!
Now that we are on the subject of damage types

What kind of damage would a plasma bolt cause to the body? Would the tissue hit by the bolt simply vaporize? -sketch follows-

Enclave trooper critically hit Chosen One in the hand for 21 damage, tearing the hand apart like a hymen.

Chosen One: Fuck you Liberacce! A stimpack will heal my hand in time to skull fuck you!

Sulik: We and I see no hand, fren.
Killa-Killa said:
Plasma bolt, eh? What a waste of donated blood!

What kind of "Plasma" are these gamers thinkin of?!

Plasma is the 4th state of matter, when the nucleoid (or whatever it's called in English) seperates from the electron cloud.

plas·ma ( P ) Pronunciation Key (plzm) also plasm (plzm)

The clear, yellowish fluid portion of blood, lymph, or intramuscular fluid in which cells are suspended. It differs from serum in that it contains fibrin and other soluble clotting elements.
Blood plasma.
Medicine. Cell-free, sterilized blood plasma, used in transfusions.
Protoplasm or cytoplasm.
The fluid portion of milk from which the curd has been separated by coagulation; whey.
Physics. An electrically neutral, highly ionized gas composed of ions, electrons, and neutral particles. It is a phase of matter distinct from solids, liquids, and normal gases.


It's what they use for nuclear fission (as opposed to nuclear fusion, which uses Uranium-238 and electrons), deuterium and tritium in a "plasmatic state" (which is the reason plasma won't work as an energy source. Plasma-deuterium and tritium is something like 60 million degrees celcius)
I don't know. I was flipping through the channels (back when I still had a TV, long story.) and saw the "future fighting machines" propaganda show. It had a large, multiplatform mounted laser that shot an ethereal violet beam and proceeded to tear a big fucking hole in 5 inches of titanium alloy. It deffinitely emmited some sort of light.

I'd be glad if you'd post sources where you're getting the info that lasers never show light until the point of impact?
laser and 'plasma' technology to me seem kind of unneccessary. Bullets and bombs get the job done dont they?

Now I will ask again: what kind of bullet?
Because , i don't know if you have noticed, there is several kinds of bullets. Are we talking about a hollowpoint, tracing, mercury explosive, slug shot here or an ordinary full metal jacket?

full metal jacket more of a rifle round than handgun ammunition