fallout 1

  1. judermits

    Is no mutants allowed what used to be the unwashed villagers?

    Recently I have been investigating a old fallout forum group who originated from the official interplay fallout forums in the 90's. On their website it looks quite old and no one like doombot posts anymore, just people. They are not entirely related to fallout anymore but there are still some...
  2. Risewild

    Per's "The Nearly Ultimate Fallout Guide" 1.1

    This is the offline "backup" of Per Jorner's famous "The Nearly Ultimate Fallout Guide" site. This offline version is only possible due to the effort of NovaRain, who made it possible to use it offline while sharing it with the community.
  3. T


    Didn't know if this was the right place, but I have no where else to look for a solution. I have been playing Fallout 1 on dosbox for Mac. However it is very unstable and when I try to leave an area it freezes. I can't do anything but move and when I do it shows the previous image of my...
  4. Negativity

    Greatest Talking Heads in Fallout 1?

    I made a video on the greatest Talking Heads in Fallout 1, since they pretty much amplify the games enjoyment. I was wondering what you guys though was the best talking heads. A fun fact for you guys, although only 21 talking heads were featured in fallout 1, they actually wanted 40 to 50...
  5. Negativity

    classic fallout discord server

    Join our classic fallout discord server ;) https://discord.gg/dFHJHqt Edit: We created the classic fallout server for the purpose of talking purely about the classic fallout games, those being Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. We feel that the active community for those games is small...
  6. P

    Can I get a DOS ROM of Fallout 1?

    Is there any actual roms of Fallout 1 out there?
  7. NMLevesque

    Followers of the Apocalypse history book? Wait what?

    In the Library (Boneyard) if you ask Nicole to Tell Me About "Followers" and she says something about their history being on the last case, top shelf. I tried every shelf I could find but there's nothing in any of them. What the hell is she talking about?
  8. NMLevesque

    Science checks never seem to work?

    I tried upping it to 132% and I still couldn't get the bloody door on the first level of the Glow open after dozens of attempts. I did it once before with a lower skill level. I seriously cannot figure out if my character is ever able to open something. I mean is everything that you can try...
  9. NMLevesque

    Fallout (1) Perk build discussion

    I'm looking to figure out which are the best, and which are the worst. Mostly to narrow down my list of possible perks. I'm not sure I understand how they all work, partly because some of the game mechanics aren't explained anywhere that I can find. The following is just what I'm specifically...
  10. achaven

    Does Fallout 2 hold up better, the same, or worse than fallout 1?

    Just finished Fallout 1 and loved it want to move on to 2 but I want to know if it's still as great as the first one.
  11. achaven

    Am I the only one that has to listen to like GNR on youtube while playing the classic fallouts?

    Im talking about Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. Personally I just have to listen to GNR or Diamond City Radio or Radio New Vegas while playing them, it makes the experience feel a bit more authentic for me at least. Is there anyone else like that out there?
  12. Artokarsus

    Fallout 1/2 Soundtrack RE-Сreation

    Hi, people. A couple months ago i decide to combine business with pleasure - indulge in nostalgia and improve music producing skills - take my favorite Mark Morgan track from Fallout OST and try to copy it. Reproduce considering smallest details. It seemd rather complicated and it cached my...
  13. partenersintime

    ACM Converter

    Alright so I know this might seem ridiculous but I want to convert an audio file to ACM but there doesn't seem to be any working ACM converter. All of them are outdated to shit and don't work. If anybody knows of one, please let me know as it would be greatly appreciated.
  14. NMLevesque

    Q: clarifying how things were, before being changed after Fo2

    I've never played the classics, and obviously reading about them and watching Let's Plays is not a perfect substitute. Some aspects of the first two games are still a bit of a mystery to me. So I wanted to get some clarification on them. Deathclaws vs Wanamingos: I guess this one is kind of...
  15. Nick Loginov

    Best mods for Fallout 1/2

    I am diehard Fallout 1/2 fan. Finished mods Fixt (Fallout 1) and Restoration Project (Fallout 2). I am satisfied with overall quality and want more. Can you advice me some more mods with the same quality? It looks like that most of available mods are quite amateurish or unfinished.. Looking...
  16. Tesla's_Revenge

    Fo1 & Fo2 death animations gif set?

    Does anyone know where I could find a set of all (or a lot) these animations in .gif form? I've been able to find a few here and there, but they never lead me to a larger set. Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find it. Also if anyone happens to know how to find the Fo2 smoking...
  17. Twicklerm

    Fallout 4's lack of rebuilding

    Besides the terrible dialogue system, lack of role playing, and voiced protagonist the lack of an attempt at building ACTUAL civilizations bugs me to no end. For example, Vault city in Fallout 2 was a community built after the great war and managed to create a functioning society with laws, a...
  18. M

    Fallout 1 Military Base Problem

    Hi Guys, i've got a big problem and i don't know if it's a bug or not. I'm in the military base, level 4, and when i select the codes in the vats computer i always self-destruct the base and die. I tried to select ALL the codes but every time appears the cutscene and i can't escape. Thanks...
  19. B

    Places to learn modding the original Fallout?

    Is there any tutorial on Fallout 1 Modding? I failed to find anything teaching how to make mods to Fallout
  20. Prone Squanderer

    Mark Morgan's Inspiration

    Over the years I've listened to Mark Morgan's work on the first 2 Fallouts, and to this day they are still my favourite OSTs out of the Fallout series. Some of these tracks take inspiration from artists such as Brian Eno and Aphex Twin, and since I've seen several music threads on NMA I thought...