fallout 2 mod

  1. J

    Fallout 2 Megamod 2.47.5 Bugs

    I played Fallout 2 and Fallout 2 RP, and just recently, I've installed Fallout 2's MIBB 88 (Megamod) After installing my own mods and playing through Megamod I will never look at RP again. THIS mod installed with other mods are funner than tipping a cow during mating season BUT. There are...
  2. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    Hello everyone, so the mod will be out soon and as far as I am aware there is no translation for this one yet, so I guess its up to us again. Now I don't wish to lead the project, I made a lot of mistakes, said few things I shouldn't have to people working very hard on the project, I'm bad at...
  3. A

    Help a Newb ------- how to add new party members to the game prop. Also, where is the PARTY.H file?

    I have recently been playing with Fallout Resurrection, and there's this minor character "Vodka", who is a mercenary fed up with his boss, Nestor. This character seemed like a wasted potential to me, since he cannot be recruited. So, naturally, I tweaked the script files (CVODKA.INT) ...
  4. FalloutBruhMoments

    Fallout 2 mod Fix for crashing at The Den using Killap's Restoration Project

    First, make sure you havent installed BOTH the Unofficial Patch and the Restoration Project because you only need the RP and installing the UP will fuck up the other one. If you have royally screwed yourself dont worry, backup your saves and reinstall the game, this time installing JUST the RP...
  5. Kamos5

    Fallout 2 mod SCP - Standard Crafting Panel

    SCP - Standard Crafting Panel After small break I come back to modding f2. This time I created mod that implements crafting into the game. Most of the core items should be available (in future if necessary I could add few more). Right now let's say mod is in beta phase. If I could ask you all...
  6. Kamos5

    Fallout 2 mod Panda - Hunger/Thirst/Stress mod BETA

    Hello, everyone. I created (or should I say I'm working on) next mod for fallout 2. This time it's a little bigger in scope. I called it Panda (Personal All Needs Data Analyzer), and it's more or less what you think - mod that add certain meters to base game: Hunger/Thirst/Stress with some...
  7. Kamos5

    Fallout 2 mod SCAR - Skilldex Color Astetic Redux

    Hello, everyone. I would like to share my newest mod (and as for time being first finished). :mrgreen: It's very simple graphical overhaul mod for every perk in the game (including those from restoration mod). Created just to kill some time at work and also to increase/change grim ascetic of...
  8. GlamGlob

    Fallout 2 mod Help with Mod location ideas

    Hey, I’m new to NMA though I’ve looked at forums for some years, so if this violates some rule I apologize. A few days ago I got ambitious/bored and felt like making a TC mod for Fallout 2, (I was inspired after watching Retcon Raider’s videos on the design documents for Fallout Van Buren) I’m...
  9. P

    Fallout 2 mod What Mod(s) to Play Fallout 2 with? Download instructions?

    I played Fallout 1 with Fallout Fixt and had an absolute blast, and now I want to play Fallout 2, enhanced with an awesome mod like Fallout Fixt. It appears I have two choices: The Fallout 2 Restoration Project by killap and MIB88's Megamod. My question is which one is better and why, since I...
  10. Dionis

    Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD English Patch OUTDATED 2.92

    Special thanks to Snikers that currently runs the editing of the project and is responsible for every area in the game where English shines. Huge thanks to people that worked on the project since the very beginning, TheChosen1 and 0wing :salute:, a lot of people showed up and helped, some with...
  11. NovaRain

    Condensed Temple of Trials for Restoration Project 2.2+ 1.2.1

    Version 1.2 has two sets of the map mod: RP_2.2+: for killap's Restoration Project 2.2+ and RPU. RPU_map_update: for RPU with Pixote's updated RP maps. Info: ----- I removed the second elevation (hallway) of the map, so after going through the foyer you'll be in the inner sanctum directly. I...
  12. NovaRain

    Condensed Temple of Trials for Unofficial Patch & vanilla game 1.2.1

    Info: ----- I removed the second elevation (hallway) of the map, so after going through the foyer you'll be in the inner sanctum directly. I also moved the impenetrable door and items from the hallway to the foyer. Now the very first door in the temple needs to be lockpicked. Installation...
  13. Risewild

    FO2 Setting Improvement Mod 3.0

    Made and originally uploaded by Human Shield. =============================== Trys to alter FO2 to come more in line with Fallout 1. Some files from patch000 merged into mod where able. ---------------------------- ++++Installing: Extract using folder names to your Fallout 2 folder...
  14. Daenerys

    Need Help To Run FALLOUT 1 & 2 on WIN 10 (Don't know anything, need sincere help(noob))

    Hello fellow members, I recently bought the Fallout 1 & 2 jewel cases so the CD games not from Steam, while waiting for the items to arrive I read that it does run on Windows 10 but has to be messed around with to function on my laptop. When I got my order and inserted the disc (Fallout 2), I...
  15. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout of Nevada, thoughts, impressions and opinion

    Hey guys since we released semifinished English version for this mod it would be nice to hear your impressions, do you like it so far? I know some translation may be rough but the editing will start as soon as we get 100% on translation. Anyway will be nice to hear your thoughts guys, it was all...
  16. Sagez

    A way to fix NPCs wasting their APs

    Hello everyone, A long time ago I was really surprised to see how NPCs in Fallout 2 (Fallout 1 probably as well but I'm not sure) are tossing their action points away after killing an enemy. They just pass their turn even if they still have some APs left - APs that could be spent! Let's say we...
  17. T

    Fallout 2 mod Brahmin Rustling Issues

    I picked up the Fallout Restoration Mod (lastest version, 2.3.3) recently and I'm having trouble finishing the Brahmin Rustling quest. For some reason, when I go to try and examine the Brahmin out behind the Duntons' house shop, it won't let me examine them. There's no looking-glass icon, just...
  18. CerberusGate

    [Fallout 1.5 Resurrection] Speech skill?

    I've been playing through Fallout 1.5 and so far, it's been going well. I've already discovered the truth about the player character, discovered who the main antagonists are and found their hideout of sorts so I'm essentially in the late game stages of the game. I'll probably grind a little...
  19. N

    Can't Choose Race in Fallout 2 RP

    For some reason I can't select a different race with the Restoration Project. As you can see, there are no arrows to select a different race. I've searched Google for an hour, and found nothing about this issue. I have the latest version of the RP, and I also have Sfall version 3.3 installed...
  20. MIB88

    MIB88 Megamod Currently at version 2.46

    The MIB88 Megamod current full version is 2.45.3 with a 2.45.4 incremental patch to apply (included in the file). This latest version contains some new content, but mostly corrects errors from previous versions of this mod. See also the Megamod FAQ. The weather system has been removed as it was...