fallout 2

  1. Jacob Winslow

    I Made a Map of New California (First Post)

    Hey all, first time poster here on NMA. I've enjoyed the threads tearing Fallout 4 apart, and a friend of mine suggested I post this little thing here once I finish it. I have, so here it is. I'll try to scan it when I can. My hand drawn map of New California, with my best researched...
  2. CaptJ

    Fan Epilogues for FO2 Characters

    We all know what happened to characters like Marcus and Myron but what about the others? This is what I got in the Fallout Bible. We already got some idea of what happen to Cassidy with FO:NV but what happens to everyone else is a mystery. This is my interpretation. John Cassidy After a while...
  3. Fallout Guy117

    What kind of architecture do you think fits in Fallout.

    fallout has always looked great, but what kind of architecture do you think would fit in the series?
  4. The Water Ship

    Fallout 1 or 2: Which does NMA prefer?

    So since I know about this site's preference of the classics over the newer games (which is why I joined in the first place) I've decided to start a survey to see which game the majority prefers. I personally prefer Fallout 1 for the following reasons: The writing is in my opinion superior to...
  5. 3371-Alpha

    Are Mac Native (PPC) Fallout 1 & 2 Mods ever going to become a thing?

    I think I might have said this before but, are there any mods/unofficial patches that run on the Omni Group's old Mac native builds of Fallout 1 & 2 (besides Killap's Fallout 2 patch)?
  6. Shadowolfy

    Could the colt 6520 be a fesable design?

    While I was scouring the web for info on self loading revolver designs I came across a little pistol called the Landstad 1900 which was a handle magazine fed revolver that was able to extract casings. The revolver only had 2 chambers. Here for the article on the gun...
  7. Earth


    I'm a weirdo who likes looking at pictures and want a place where I can look at these pictures anytime together. Basically I just want to use this thread in a similar fashion to a soundtrack compilation. I can't get enough of the old graphics and character designs. This is mainly a...
  8. J

    What makes the classic Fallout entries deep?

    Just curious to see your opinions.
  9. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Hi there folks, I'm new to the community and am currently working on a script for a fallout game. While I am still playing the original fallout still (and I am loving it), I have also played 3 and 4, and did in fact enjoy them, 4 though having some removed elements that would have enriched it...
  10. benjaminkruger

    PLEASE!!!! help me with Fallout2/RP

    i got the fallout collection DVD-ROM and have been trying for a month to get the RP fallout 2 mod "party member control in combat" to work. i have deleted and reinstalled both the game and modd multiple times. ive looked all over this site (and a few others/NMA is the best) and i cant figure it...
  11. Risewild

    Fallout 2 Reference Card (GOG.com Version) 2016-06-13

    This is a pdf of the second Fallout game's Reference Card. This is the GOG.com version. I don't know if any other version exists.
  12. Risewild

    Fallout 2 Soundtrack 2016-06-13

    A zip file containing the second Fallout game's soundtrack. Music files in mp3 format.
  13. Risewild

    Fallout 2 Manual 2016-06-13

    This is the pdf of the second Fallout game's manual.
  14. N

    Can't Choose Race in Fallout 2 RP

    For some reason I can't select a different race with the Restoration Project. As you can see, there are no arrows to select a different race. I've searched Google for an hour, and found nothing about this issue. I have the latest version of the RP, and I also have Sfall version 3.3 installed...
  15. R

    (Fallout 2) I havent found Vault 13 but Arroyo already destroyed?

    I was just leaving San Francisco and i got the 4th Hakunin dream (the one you get when you leave Vault 13 with G.E.C.K.). So i go to arroyo and its already destroyed. I tried reloading the save but its still there. how do i fix this? save file:http://www.megafileupload.com/fjuD/SLOT04.rar
  16. NotAcasul

    Fallout 2 ironman runs! Melee character vs the wasteland, it's gonna be rough!

    https://www.twitch.tv/irushpeople Thought this might be neat to watch.
  17. TheWastelander121

    Discussion of FanFics that are out there and Favorites

    Hello, as you might not know I've been on NMA for a short time and have already created two Fanfics and I'd like to discuss with anyone and everyone about favorite fanfictions or ones you've created yourself, I myself have created one that is a standalone Fanfic and another that'll be a series...
  18. TheWastelander121

    Discussion of FanFics that are out there and Favorites

    Hello, as you might not know I've been on NMA for a short time and have already created two Fanfics and I'd like to discuss with anyone and everyone about favorite fanfictions or ones you've created yourself, I myself have created one that is a standalone Fanfic and another that'll be a series...
  19. 3371-Alpha

    What happened to the mods for Mac download section?

    It was there a couple months back and now it's gone! Any reason you guys may have removed it?