fallout 3

  1. Thisistoomuchpol

    ”Fallout fans”

    https://imgur.com/gallery/j6m8cCs Here you have 2 groups of special needs kids: 240,184 idiots who think fallout 4 is enjoyable when it’s literally just fallout flavored call of duty. And 12,012 retards who think a rehashed stalker clone with no choices or play styles has an iota of fun in it...
  2. H

    Fallout 3 poll

    This poll is about the general opinion of fallout 3 on this site
  3. H

    I’m sorry

    I know I have acted like an idiot on here before, but you won’t need to worry about that soon enough. I realize how exactly foolish I have been acting and I like to apologize to the community. And don’t worry about fallout 3 because I deleted all my characters because they are exactly the same...
  4. H

    My defense of fallout 3

    Let’s start with the beginning shall we? A lot of people don’t like the intro to fallout 3 because it gives you your backstory as a 19 year old vault dweller, however I believe fallout 3s intro is great for an RPG. The backstory may be set for your character but the purpose of fallout 3s intro...
  5. H

    I like fallout 3

    so this is my first time on the site, iv always heard bad things about it but to be honest those were mainly from the fallout subreddit. Ithe fallout subreddit has like 400k subs which is about 4% of the fallout community so I’ve decided to exploremany fallout sites such as this and see what the...
  6. C

    My Fallout Community Discord Server...

    Welcoming all fellow fallout fanatics to my public community discord, Fallout: Blue Moon Ranch, to get the most out of fallout...together. Join here today: https://discord.gg/c2huqpS Spread the word! We're looking to make this community one fallout lovers won't forget! There will be: *Mods...
  7. C

    Fallout 2 (3D).

    3D-model of the Fallout 1-2 location (3d modeling software).
  8. CT Phipps

    Why I love Fallout 3 *long essay*

    There's been a lot of people questioning why I love Fallout 3 so much. It's an interesting note because I used to be the fan of Bethesda but I only kinda liked Fallout while I think of Fallout 3 (and Skyrim to an extent) as one of the best video games ever made. Certainly, they're among my all...
  9. Risewild

    Ultimate Fallout 3 Music Mod 2018-03-17

    Originally uploaded and made by lexo1000. This mod add new music in combat, wasteland, dungeon and city. Total of 45 new songs from the legendary olders Fallout games. - 16 songs from Fallout 1 - 08 songs from Fallout 2 - 19 song from Fallout Tactics : BoS + 2 extra songs for main title...
  10. Negativity

    Fallout 3 Remastered (2017) (Mod Guide)

    I hope you're all having a great Christmas, here's my little Christmas gift to the Fallout community, a brand new Fallout 3 modding guide :D
  11. Rtdslayer

    Fallout: Motor City

    This is a fan-made image I made and after I thought about this I was thinking about how this might be the next fallout game that might happen because we have not seen the upper part of the USA. And if they do this that means that they might have an opportunity to show Canada as a DLC or as a...
  12. J

    What does everyone think of Fallout 3's city ruin design?

    I fucking hate it. What a blunt way to start a post, but recently I've been getting into Fallout 3 after finding a GOTY disc lying around, and I've actually been having a lot of fun! So what's with the intro? Well, after visiting Rivet City and accidentally skipping the "Following in his...
  13. The King of The Worms

    Why Does Bethesda Make Fallout Games So Buggy?

    A very common trend Bethesda does is they make these games with huge worlds and lots of quests and things to do but no matter what they add in these games they always end up filled with bugs we're talking falling thru the world scripts not working areas not loading etc. Why does Bethesda do this...
  14. The King of The Worms

    Fallout Then and Now Graphics

    This is basically gonna be a large post showing I guess changes in the games graphics from then and now using screenshots and stuff. GRAPHICS Fallout 1 - Grim and Broken World Fallout 2 - Not a whole bunch of change from a graphics stand point slightly sharper Fallout Tactics - A slight...
  15. The Dutch Ghost

    Fallout BOS vs Fallout 3 vs Fallout 4

    Yeah, I went there, I am probably one of the few if not the only here on the forum that actually played and finished Fallout Brotherhood of Steel, and not once but several times. Not because I am some glutton for punishment but at the time I was just dying for anything Fallout related Of...
  16. NMLevesque

    What Mothership Zeta Should Have Been

    ...instead of objectively being a steaming file of refried fecal vomit. I just thought it would be interesting to see if the concept can be salvaged. Some say that aliens should always just be a random encounter/easter egg b/c everything should always stay the way it was in the first two...
  17. CT Phipps

    Fallout 3 is The Force Awakens

    One of the things I always think is lost with many critics of Fallout 3 is that it's a remake. It's basically a retelling of Fallout 1 and 2 in miniature. While the Water Chip story is gone, it's replaced with building a gigantic water purifier (which is what the water chip does) and covers most...
  18. TheWastelander121

    What would have to be the worst occupation in the Fallout world?

    From mercenaries to prospectors and everything inbetween what do you think would have to be the worst occupation in the world of fallout from your experience playing the games.
  19. Atlas

    What Would You Have Done to Make Bethesda's Fallout 3 Better?

    Ever since Fallout 3 was released, the fans of Black Isle's Fallout have been in arms; the game rehashed the original plot of the first two, removed the Isometric gameplay--for better or worse--and wrote a story that did little than leave a bad taste in our mouth. In fact, I'm of the opinion the...
  20. Twicklerm

    Fallout 4's lack of rebuilding

    Besides the terrible dialogue system, lack of role playing, and voiced protagonist the lack of an attempt at building ACTUAL civilizations bugs me to no end. For example, Vault city in Fallout 2 was a community built after the great war and managed to create a functioning society with laws, a...