fallout 4

  1. KingArthur

    The True Moral Quandary of Fallout 4 (no, not how to destroy the disc)

    So, like it says on the tin. In my mind, and, I suppose, in most minds, the Fallout 4 faction system is utterly stupid and pointless. Which got me thinking; what’s the real moral “dilemma” (used loosely) in that game? It can’t be the racism against ghouls in most settlements except...
  2. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Bethesda's Bigotry Exposed

    After a long dungeon crawl in Skyrim my character, a level 81 Imperial was ready to call it quits, he was ready to settle down and live a quiet life. So he began with building his houses and was ready for the next step. He wanted a wife, and not just any woman would do, he wanted a voluptuous...
  3. C

    Fallout Excessus

    https://www.gofundme.com/fallout-excessus?utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow Anyone who liked (or didn't) Fallout 4 but may be looking for something extra I highly suggest donating to this cause, there's a lot more information on the page but they are...
  4. Earth

    Is there an argument to be made that Fallout 3 took a lot of inspiration from Modern Warfare?

    Now we've seen the way that Bethesda aped off of Fortnite's success with Fallout 76, Minecraft's in Fallout 4, and the success of mobile games in general with Fallout Shelter, is there an argument to be made that Fallout 3 was made with the intent to ape off of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's...
  5. Q

    FanFic CG Animation - Loot, Not Worth It! - Part 1

    I put in way too much time into this FanFic animation. Probably took a few years of my life in doing it. Hope you like it. If not, oh well...

    I missed the feeling of playing Fallout 4 for the first time... so I got my non-gamer girlfriend to

    Anybody else miss that sense of wonder when you first step out of Vault 111 for the first time at the beginning of Fallout 4? I really did, so I got my non-gamer girlfriend to play through the game without any prep or previous knowledge of the Fallout universe. We've only done a couple of...
  7. The_Proletarian

    Project Arroyo - Total conversion

    Some modders are involed in yet another total conversion project. This time the attempt is to remake Fallout 2 in the Fallout 4 engine. Since it's possible to bring back skills and traits into Fallout 4 that engine might not be so bad. There's an article about it here. Keep in mind that there...
  8. multiplexity

    Fallout NYC

    If you're an artist or a roleplayer in general please take a look at my group on DeviantArt : FalloutNYC !!! Our group is filled with our own lore and setting as we go along, we have documents and guides to read for easier understanding! It takes place in New York 2388, 100 years after Fallout...
  9. Nirv

    Bethesda going out of its way to ignore New Vegas

    Has anyone else noticed the things Bethesda has done to go out of its way to ignore Fallout: New Vegas? I know New Vegas takes place on the opposite side of the country, but they seem to go out of their way not to reference it in their games and even their merchandise. They also seem to...
  10. J

    I don't like Fallout 4, but...

    I gotta say, I really love how much interesting Mods there are in the Nexus. (Fuck Creation club.) Mods that brings back previous Fallout Weapons like R91 (My favorite Fallout 3 Weapon design-wise), Plasma Caster, LAER, Wattz, DKS-501, etc. I also want to try the mod that returns Skills and...
  11. Nirv

    How did Fallout become what it is today?

    I can't 100% prove this, but I find that Todd Howard gets way more of the blame for the current state of Fallout than he deserves. My friend found this old interview with Todd Howard recently: Redguard came out on October 31st, 1998. Fallout was acquired by Bethesda in 2004. This show that...
  12. Nirv

    Modern Fallout Wildlife

    Hi, I've been a lurker on the forums for a while now. I've seen a lot of talk about the stories, lore inconsistencies, nonsensical settings, etc. of most of the modern Fallouts, but I haven't really ever seen any discussions about the creatures introduced in the newer additions to the series...
  13. P

    Backup Discord, say fuck fallout 4 to let us know your in when you join

    https://discord.gg/GZasaJb Link to the backup server, important that you join so we can get the user bonuses for the main discord, say fuck fallout 4 when you clock in.
  14. KingArthur

    Why Is Mayor Hancock Not Mayor Adams?

    So, I'm gonna start off by saying that for all the things I disliked about F4, I loved Hancock. As someone who has also had drug issues, having a drug addict ghoul was not only representation but also a nice touch to the world Beth created in 4 (by that I mean he as a character continues their...
  15. Uber Morpth

    Another post for Critique/Review Of Fallout 4?

    So I recently bought Fallout 4 GOTY out of morbid curiosity to see for myself all the things people say about It, now with being 2 days Into it with a character beating the main quest including dlc's I feel I experienced all there can be to do In this game enough to where I like to try my first...
  16. Thisistoomuchpol

    ”Fallout fans”

    https://imgur.com/gallery/j6m8cCs Here you have 2 groups of special needs kids: 240,184 idiots who think fallout 4 is enjoyable when it’s literally just fallout flavored call of duty. And 12,012 retards who think a rehashed stalker clone with no choices or play styles has an iota of fun in it...
  17. Uber Morpth

    I'm (Slightly) considering getting Fallout 4 GOTY Edition

    Now course I did play Fallout 4's base game when it came out since at the time my brother just got his Xbox One and the first game he got was Fallout 4 (This was back when me and him where still Bethestard fans not anymore) I remembered just having lots fun with exploring, collecting and...
  18. yfk12

    What did you think was bad about Fallout 4

    What, in your opinion, were some of the bigger mistakes made by Bethesda in Fallout 4? Please be specific. Also don't be lazy; vague and generic insults are not very helpful.
  19. VIXRE

    A book containing the whole Fallout Lore

    It's been various years since i first started writing a sort of book containing every major and non-major events in the fallout universe sorted by date (DD/MM/YYYY) spanning from the XVII century to the very last years . I am from Italy so the only copy existing online is in italian and has been...
  20. Ranger N

    What will happen to the NCR

    I'm gonna be honest. The NCR is my favorite faction in Fallout. I will give an honest thought to what I think and not because they're the best. The NCR suffer from political corruption,traitorism and much more. But they are probably the best thing that could happen to the Wasteland. They are...