total conversion

  1. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Vault 13 - Demo available

    The demo for Fallout: Vault 13 is finally available! It's a Fallout 4 total conversion mod that aims to recreate Fallout. In the demo you can explore a world space built around the following locations: Vault 13, Vault 15, Shady Sands and the Khans. If you want to know more about the project...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Yesterday - new public release with completable main quest!

    It has been a long time now since we last heard from Fallout: Yesterday but today @hexer put out another public release, and if I understand correctly it contains the entire main quest of Van Buren! The project has it's home on Patreon and from what I gather the money collected will be used for...
  3. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Miami

    I just saw this environmental showcase and thought it was finally time to create a thread for the mod. Here's the website for more information.
  4. The Dutch Ghost

    Interview with the team leader of the Fallout Vault 13 Total Conversion project

    A couple of months ago the Fallout: Vault 13 team showcased the work they had done on a Fallout 1 Total conversion for Fallout 4 in a demonstration video on Youtube, recreating the world of the Fallout 1 campaign into a First Person gaming experience. Rather than just recreating the locations...
  5. The_Proletarian

    Last Hope v1.083 Released!

    Yesterday @Forgotten Knight released the long anticipated version 1.083 of the Fallout 2 total conversion mod Last Hope. Here's the download page. The changelog is impressively long:
  6. The_Proletarian

    Fallout Sonora DLC "Dayglow" RELEASED!

    A few days ago the highly anticipated DLC for Fallout Sonora was finally released. It's titled Dayglow and takes place in San Diego. You can travel there once you have reached level 7. The situation with the English translation effort remains unfortunate and Fallout: Sonora and it's DLC are...
  7. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Nuevo México - Official Gameplay Trailer Part: 1

    Watch the trailer and give us your thoughts! I gave my impression here.
  8. NovaRain

    13V mod by Lich 1.0.3

    13V is a Fallout 1 remake/parody. Every NPC has funny dialogs, and there are a few quests that lead to alternative game endings (most are funny disasters). Quests are usually solved by finding specific items hidden in maps. The total conversion is originally made by Lich, and updated by Pyran...
  9. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: London

    Now that this project has been around for a while it's time to create a Fallout: London thread. What do we think of this mod that aims to showcase how the world of Fallout looks like outside of America? We've already had some discussion on it here.
  10. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Nuevo Mexico

    Most information available is in Spanish but I found this short summary on DSO Gaming:
  11. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland

    Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland is a total conversion mod that brings Fallout 3 onto the Fallout 4 engine and has been in development for some time. They just released a new big update so i thought it would be a good time to create a thread for the project. Judging by the update this re-creation...
  12. The_Proletarian

    NMA Fallout: Nevada review!

    @Keyboard Gecko has done it again! Last time he reviewed Olympus 2207 for us, this time it's Fallout: Nevada, another Fallout 2 total conversion mod. Whereas Olympus 2207 takes place in it's own stand-alone universe, Fallout: Nevada acts as a prequel to Fallout 1 and tells the story of Vault 8...
  13. Lexx

    Fallout et tu (Fallout 1 in 2)

    This project brings FALLOUT 1 into the engine of FALLOUT 2. Find the latest release here. For more details on the project, check out the GitHub project page. Features Replicates Fallout 1 in 2 almost 1:1. Comes with the Hero Appearance mod integrated (Bald Dude, Long Hair Dude, Punk Girl)...
  14. The_Proletarian

    Fallout Revelation Blue: Van buren remake for New Vegas

    Just saw this newly announced total conversion for New Vegas that attempts to recreate Van Buren.
  15. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Yesterday - Third release

    hexer has released a new update for Fallout Yesterday. It's the third release of the total conversion mod which aims to bring Fallout Van Buren onto the Fallout 2 engine. The project has it's home on Patreon and from what I gather the money collected will be used for cutscenes and such.
  16. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Yesterday - Second release

    hexer has released a new update for Fallout Yesterday. It's the second release of the total conversion mod which aims to bring Fallout Van Buren onto the Fallout 2 engine. As you can see the change log is quite extensive: hexer concludes the update with the following disclaimer: You are...
  17. hexer

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Older NMA members will remember how I started creating Van Buren using FOnline engine way back in late 2013. After working like a maniac for one year on it, I put the project on hold because we had serious technical issues with FOnline, we couldn't afford 3D cinematics and professional voice...
  18. The_Proletarian

    The Way Of Chosen - Total conversion

    The Way Of Chosen is a total conversion mod for Fallout: New Vegas which attempts to recreate Fallout 2. The mod is described by the developers in the following way:
  19. The Dutch Ghost

    The first episode of the Doom TC post-apocalyptic themed mod Ashes 2063 is out.

    This week a modder by the username of Vostyok released the first episode of a Doom 2 Total Conversion called Ashes 2063. Ashes 2063 takes place in a world were human civilization was destroyed seventy years ago by a nuclear war with the descendants of those that survived eking out an...
  20. The Dutch Ghost

    Second demo of Ashes 2063 TC – A post-apocalyptic themed Doom total conversion has been released.

    Over at the Zdoom forums Vostyok has been working for a couple of years now on a story/mission driven Doom TC conversion called Ashes 2063, a mod that will take the player to a near future Earth that has been devastated by a nuclear holocaust. Here the player has to eke out a living by going...