total conversion

  1. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Announcement: Whispering Winds

    Howdy everyone, today I have come to you to talk about Jesus Christ and... No, wait... that's not why I'm here at all... Background (you can skip this if you don't care) As I already announced in my old Shattered Destiny 2 thread, "Shattered Destiny 2" is no more. In fact, it is canned...
  2. hexer

    Fallout 3: Van Buren (Spoilers!)

    Hello NMA! As some of you might know ( ), I've been modding Fallout 2. Lately, I've been busy with modding Van Buren into Fallout 2 (yaaay). I'll post short updates here from time to time. All of the...