10 best games.

My top ten, in no particular order:

Fallout 2
New Horizons [SNES]
XCOM: Apocalypse
Mario RPG [SNES]
Europa Universalis 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day [N64]
Jagged Alliance 2
Goldeneye [N64]
No order

Fallout 2
Fallout 1
Metal Gear Solid
Age of Mythologies

Worms 3d
Conker Line and Reloaded
GTA San Andreas
Twisted Metal Black
Fallout 2
Fallout 1
Deus Ex 1
Diablo II
Lineage II
The Space Quest Series (OH YES)
Star Wars - KOTOR - JK series
System Shock
Gah, Shatterd Steel and Road Rash have to go in there too.
Fallout 2
Jagged Alliance 2
Myth 2 Soulblighter
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Duke Nukem 3D
Warcraft 3
Diablo 2
Tribes 2
Dungeon Keeper

Shinobi (arcade)
Smash TV (arcade)
Metal Slug 3 (arcade)
Gunstar Heroes (genesis/MD)
Super Mario 64 (N64)
Shadowrun (SNES)
Earthbound (SNES)
Front Mission Gun Hazard (SNES)
Double Dragon II (NES)
Xenogears (PS)
Top 10 Games for me:
1-Fallout 2
3-Final Fantasy 7
4-Resident Evil 2
5-Final Fantasy 6
6-Resident Evil
8-Final Fantasy 10
9-Silent Hill
10-Gran Turismo
In no particular order

Fallout 2
Planescape torment
Medieval totalwar
Cæsar 3
Warcraft 2&3
Heroes of might and magic 2
Europa universalis 2
Grim Fandango
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Arrange as suits:

Fallout 2
Half-life (either)
Baldurs Gate 2
Combat Flight Sim 1
Red Alert 2
Rise Of Nations
Aladdin (SNES)
Need For Speed Ungr' 2
Operation Flashpoint (hardest game EVER)
Dead or Alive 3

And don't bite me, I haven't played Fallout 1 because it is impossible to find. *sigh*
1. Quake II - for being the first 3D game i played, i learned to move in 3d there in the first map....what fights with a sealing i had....

2. Fallout2 - first RPG....what to say....just sigh...

3. Half Life

4. Planescape Torment

5. Baldurs Gate II

6. Vampire: Masquerade - for the story, characters, and awesome powers you get later on

7. Call of duty and expansion

8. Half Life 2

9. Psychonauts - for Lungofishopolis and guard mind (road crew man)

10. Chronicles of Riddick

Haven't finished Fallout1 yet, (how you envy me...i know i know...) got stuck with riding of dethclaws.... and now its disapeared from my HDD.... but i will get to it ...soon....

Right now im having some serious fun in San Andreas even though i was sure i would not like it before i played it, not having played previous GTAs before. And not liking Hip hop culture too much.
Now im going around the house saying...nigga, fool, wassup....yo...
Quake II above Fallout II? Fallout still not finished? *Uninstalled* Fallout before finishing it? Playing San Andreas instead of Fallout?

You are temp-banned until you have played both Fallout sequels at least three times. Thank you.
Does it count that i played Fallout2 about 20 times,... that i can clearly remember?
And quake 2 i played before Fallout2 just by coincidence....i did not know that fallout existed at all, its not first on the list because its better. damn...

I have just been saving it you know, playing little by little.....
Anyway...i turn too strong too soon, and i find the best equipment in a few days.... so.... ahem.... as soon as i figure out how to get rid of those deathclaws.... :arrow:
Graz'zt said:
Quake II above Fallout II? Fallout still not finished? *Uninstalled* Fallout before finishing it? Playing San Andreas instead of Fallout?

You are temp-banned until you have played both Fallout sequels at least three times. Thank you.

Well done! I've played fallout 2 to the end at least 10 times and fallout 1 six i guess...i've started Fo2 again xD

1)Fallout 2
5)Half Life
6)Fallout Tactics
7)Fallout BOS
8)Resident Evil 2
9)Rainbow Six Lockdown
1-gabriel knight:sins of the fathers
3-dungeon keepers
5-system shocks
8-silent storm
9-realms of arkania:blade of destiny

ops, seems like i cheated. but as you can see, almost all these games have sequels worthy of them so...
1. Mech Commander 2
2. Baldur's Gate +ads(all 4 of them) with all the mods
3. Fallout and Fallout 2
4. SW:KotOR (the second had a s%&/()y ending)
5. Dawn of War(Warhammer 40 000) with 2 exps
6. Freelancer
7. UFO: Aftershock
8. Icewind Dale and IWD2
9. MoM(Master of Magic)
10. Halo
Top 10 in random order:

- Operation Flashpoint (A not so polished game but a welcome appreciation away from your standard FPS)
- Fallout 1/2 (These are the games that got me into PC gaming. I've yet to find a better game, and believe me, I am waiting.)
- Freelancer (Not without very serious faults, but still managed to be one of the best gaming experiances I've had)
- Baldurs Gate 1/2 (The best I've played in the fantasy RPG genre)
- Deus Ex (Just under Fallout as the absolute best)
- X-com: UFO Defense (More games need to be made like this)
- Diablo II (I don't know why it's so good, it just is)
- Civilization Series (One of the few games that actually steals the day away from you)
- Master of Orion II (The best of this genre)
- Mafia (To hell with GTA, we have Mafia)

Honerable mentions:

- Jagged Alliance 2 (I only played the demo, but damn was it good. I can't find it anywhere)
- Arcanum (I only played the beginning but seemed like it could be amazing)

I despise MMORPGs. They represent much of what is wrong with the game industry these days. Just had to say that.
Mingus said:
- Jagged Alliance 2 (I only played the demo, but damn was it good. I can't find it anywhere)
- Arcanum (I only played the beginning but seemed like it could be amazing)

While there are problems with the latter, though it is still highly enjoyable as a classic CRPG (except in RT combat mode, of course), do not skip either of these titles. They are available in many forms in online stores, and even the local EB should carry them. A friend recently got back into computer gaming and wanted to start out with some great titles. JA2 Gold, Aliens vs. Predator 2 Gold, Planescape: Torment and Yawnbringer, and the Fallout 1/2 dual-jewel pack. All for under $50.

I despise MMORPGs. They represent much of what is wrong with the game industry these days. Just had to say that.

Nothing wrong with that, of course. :)
In no order whatsoever......

Fallout 1 and 2
Grand Theft Auto (original)
Chrono Trigger
Warcraft 2
Dark Reign
Duke Nukem 3d
Doom series
Final Fantasy 8

Honorable Mentions.....

Super Mario RPG
The Sims
System Shock
Castelvania 4

Less than honorable mentions......

TMNT In Time
Chuck Rock
Mario Paint
LoLo's adventure
Eh, what the hell, might as well join in.

1. Ultimas 4-7

2. Fallout

3. Arcanum

4. Prelude to Darkness

5. Gearhead

6. Combat Mission games

7. Europa Universalis II / Hearts of Iron II

8. Teudogar and the Alliance with Rome

9. Planescape Torment

10. Darklands / Star Control II