10 best games.

1) Fallout 2 (Black Isle, 1998)
It isn´t worth to write anything, FO2 is simply a prodigy. I highly value his replayability and huge, but still more or less compact world. During that time I almost kicked from school because of FO2, but it was worthwhile. :) In time I "discovered" many of its rubbish like talking rats/flesh-eaters/deathclaws, but it is still my nr. 1.

2) Quake 3 Arena (ID, 1999)
Excellent multiplayer which lived through 3 generations of Unreal games and will live through at least next two. IMO the best weapon ballance and the best movement ever.

3) Fallout (Black Isle, 1997)
Above standard written plot, very atmospheric, very small, very buggy. Unhappily it seems to be not so much replayable to me...

4) Far Cry (Crytek, 2004)
IMO better game than unseemly overpraised Doom 3/Oblivion. Great graphic and world generally, running surprisingly fast on today´s low-end PC. It turned out that STALKER is not so RPG-like how GSC promised at one time, but from the point of my view it is even not so excellent action. Far Cry is.

5) Thief 3: Deadly Shadows (Ion Storm, 2004)
Maybe it was a little heresy of me that I have not ever played first two Thiefs and started with Deadly Shadows, but... it´s definitely a big piece of game art in spite of technically it is often quite poor. I rate Shalebridge Cradle mission as one of the greatest (and bizzare) stuff what gaming industry has ever produced.

6) Half-Life 2 (Valve, 2004)
It was clear long before the release date that HL2 will be once a golden classic. Above all I really enjoyed Highway 17 and Sandtraps missions.

7) Unreal Tournament (Epic, 2000)
Another golden classic. Epic is very good at building deathmatch maps and implementation of all sorts of game types, but in the rest was IMHO better ID/Quake.

8) Aliens vs. Predator 2 (Monolith, 2001)
Stupidly slow alien (in AvP 1 the aliens were often a masters of the world just thanks to its quickness) and completely stupid predator, but during the Marine missions I was pretty scared. Good design.

9) Mafia (Illusion Softworks, 2002)
Almost all the mafioso games are stupid in some way. Mafia was not. I was proud to be Czech... rarely. ;)

10) Railroad Tycoon 2
As you can see, I evidently prefer 1st person, ideally with good plotline. I don´t play a strategy games because they are less and less about strategy, but RT2 was so cool that I was playing it for many many hours.

So, that is my Top 10 list... I warn that I didn´t played a lot of classics like System Shock, Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment, so they logically can´t be taken into my account.
Allright i'll give this a try also:)

1. Fallout 1 & 2 (do'h)
2. Total Annihilation
3. Planescape Torment
4. Thief Series (Life of the party & Cradle OMG!)
5. Baldurs Gate 1,2 & TOB
6. Quake 1
7. Freespace 1 & 2
8. IWAR 2
9. Rome: Total War
10. Civ III vs Alpha Centauri

Honorable Mentions (couldnt make up my mind)
Monkey Island Series (yes even the 3d one)
Half-Life 1&2
Supreme Commander
Jedi Knight Series (maybe not jedi academy)
X-Com:UFO Defense
Caesar III

i have to stop now :)
1) Fallout 1 + 2
2) Baldurs Gate 1 + 2 (Plus ToB)
3) Blades of Exile
4) Dawn of War (All Expanssions)
5) Old Sierra "Quest" Series (Particularly KQ6 + QFG3, SQ3 and PQ3)
6) Monkey Island 1 + 2
7) Colonization + Civ 1
8 ) Diablo 1
9) Age of Wonders
10) Metal Slug!!!

That concludes our tutorial for how to fit 20 games into your Top 10 list. :)

Honorable Mentions:

- Anno 1701 (Give it a few months and it'll be in my Top10 list)
- Tetris
- Golden Axe
- Diablo 2
- Red Baron
- Heart of China
- North & South
- Below the Root
in no order and just games i have enjoyed, no faves.

pro evolution soccer (ps2)
fallout 2 (pc)
nba jam (arcade)
final fight (arcade)
street fighter 2 (snes)
super mario kart (snes)
wonderboy in monster land (c64)
bionic commando (c64)
c&c redalert (pc)
links ls 98 (pc)
interstate 76 (pc was just a demo)
pokemon (gameboy)
age of empires (pc)
mortal kombat (snes)

never played any of these 'classic' games like half life and friends..
never had a good enough pc at the time.
Fallout (1, 2, FtBoS)
Systemshock 2
AoE (and other strategy games like settlers emire earth)
hack'n'slash games like divine divinity dungeon siege
Legend of Zelda
Heroes of M&M
I don't play often, these are the games I've ever played
I don't remeber more games maybe few more...
This list is of games I enjoyed a great deal. Also there are games I cannot remember the names to including a text based RPG game set in a underground labryth... Was like 7-10 when I played it

10- LHX IBM attack helicopter game first game I played again and again. Sure spaced invaders and other games like that were around but I didn't like them all that much.

9-Beer where you fill mugs and slide them down the bar... Hella fun and addicting

8- Elevator odd but fun game where you play a CIA agent going up and down in an elevator shooting bad guys in a hotel.

7- Operation Wolf or Commando ... Almost identical.. Mounted SMG coin op game

6- TIE Pitfall and Frogger on Atari... Obvious reasons

5- TIE Doom, Quake, and Castle Wolfenstein. First FPS experiences

4- TIE Monkey Island Series and Relentless Great adventure games.

3- TIE Syndicate Wars, and Crusader series.

2- TIE Baulders Gate series and E-Nova

1- Both Fallout Games and hopefully 3
Always a hard list to make...

1. Diablo 1 (revolutionary and damn athmosperic)
2. Half-life 1 (best story driven FPS for its time)
3. Fallout 1&2 (most athmosperic RPG ever)
4. The Longest Journey (Best adventure game ever!)
5. Star Wars: Knight of The Old Republic (KOTOR 2 isn't half as good)
6. Street Fighter 2 & Street Fighter Alpha 3 (best fighting games ever)
7. Broken Sword 1&2 (The original two still stands as two of the all time great adventure games!)
8. The Curse of Monkey Island (funniest adventure game ever)
9. Max Payne 1&2 (funniest and most twisted action game ever)
10. Syberia 1&2 (most beautiful adveture game ever)

Had to cut out StarCraft, Warcraft, GTA, SOF, Elder Scrolls (yes it is good!), Vampires: Bloodlines, Fahrenheit, Grim Fandango, Blade Runner... and more.... ahhh... the pain!
IT was hard to narrow the list to just ten titles, the original had 20.

Wasteland (1988)

THE first post apocalyptic role playing game. Crude graphics, but immesurable depth... play it. Just, play.

Trivia: My Wasteland games often reflect my current life ;)

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn (1995)

Ah, the classic... if there is someone who hasn't yet heard of this game... he should play it. Immediately. My reasons for loving it? Kane at his best.

Trivia: Did you know that there were at least two Temples of Nod erected during the First Tiberium War?

Albion (1996)

What is Albion? Simple - a paradise world inhabited by the Iskai and Celtic humans. Why is it my favourite? Beauty, engaging storyline and setting, convincing characters, well developed setting (paralleling even Project Nomad's complexity)... another of the games that need to be.. experienced.

Trivia: I wish I had a trii...

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game (1997)

A game that changed my life forever and still plays animportant role. Intricate and mind-boggling settings, morally ambiguous plot, rich and detailed world (at least as rich and detailed as a wasteland can get)... you have to experience it.

Trivia: I have four copies of this game: one from a Cover CD, one in a DVD box from Fallout: Tactics, one eXtra Klasyka polish cinematic version and recently released full box edition.

Half-Life (1998)

Those who played, know. Those who didn't, don't exist. As for those who don't know? One of the best science-fiction shooters in existence. Interesting premise, twisting plot and believeable surroundings...

Trivia: I want to see Half-Life remade.

System Shock 2 (1999)

A true horror... the essence of science fiction and terror are contained within this single game, along with perfectly executed voice overs, storyline and atmosphere... I have been taught a new meaning of fear.

Trivia: I refuse to play this game with headphones. Just, no.

Homeworld (1999)

One of the most personal and dramatic games I've experienced, Homeworld is truly epic - with the destruction of Kharan, the Kushan, now on the verge of extinction, play va banque, in hopes of reaching Hiigara, their homeworld, against the wishes of the Taiidan Empire... this is one of the absolutely moving games. Those who witnessed the afternath of the destruction of Kharak and fought the Emperor know what I'm speaking of.

Trivia: I love the Karos Graveyard mission.

Deus Ex (2000)

This game has forever changed my rather extreme political views... suffice to say, I rethought my approach to politics and consider Paul Denton one of my idols :)

Trivia: Maggie Chow? I'd hit it.

Beyond Good & Evil (2003)

If there is a name for excellence, it is "BG&E". It's one of those flawless games, whose amazing setting and story remains with you forever. This is one game that cannot be put into words - you have to experience it.

Trivia: This is another game whose soundtrack I have on my HDD in it's entirety.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (2005)

This game is absolutely THE best in all Star Wars media. Multi-layered plot, interesting and convincing characters, choice and consequence... this game is the example of how Star Wars SHOULD have been done - a truly fantastic experience. Not the "Ewok defeat Empire LOLKEWL" experience.

Trivia: Brianna is the reason I always choose to be a male Exile.
I find it rather hard to compare some games to each other, a immersible RPG is quite different from an action title... So I'm going to divide it up by genre:


1. Fallout 1 & 2 -> Fallout changed the way I feel about RPG's. In fact, it changed the way I feel about a lot of things. It showed me how character stats and game mechanics should be made in a RPG.
2. Baldurs Gate series -> Although fantasy RPG is not really my thing, I really liked these titles. Owning a castle in a RPG is quite nice :D
3. Weird that it isn't mentioned here before: Arcanum. Although I didn't play it that much, it's a should have.
4. Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines: Games inspired on an existing, well thought out universe can be either cheap spin-offs with money in mind, or superb games with a sturdy plot. VtM is the latter.

Worth mentioning: Final Fantasy series, NWN.


1. Half life 1, 2 & mods - a must have for the not braindead FPS player. It showed that FPS can have a story too, and isn't just about "finding a key, unlocking a door and shoot the monsters behind it".

2. ID software series: Doom, Quake - A must have, even if it's just to see what the fuss is about. Gaming began for me with Doom.
3. Unreal: I still remember crashing on Na Pali with the Vortex Rikers spaceship... Somewhat between the Quake and HL series: The atmosphere of Quake (and better, you have to play this in a dark room with headphones) and story of HL (finding PDA's and keeping updated)... Some unique and exotic weapon designs too (explosive bio goo, ricocheting rotating blades, shotgun that can fire a grenade containing it's flak, sec-firing a plasma sphere then hitting it with the pri-fire - genious!).
I should mention the rest of the Unreal series: These titles were OK, but didn't did the trick for me. I tried UT and U2 for a while - nice for some action, but it didn't stick around.

4. System Shock 2. Also has to be played in a dark room with headphones. If you dare ;) This is indicative of the atmosphere - but this time combined with some research, and RPG flavours. The only reason that this game is #4, is because I played the above mentioned earlier: That gives them a longer place in my history. If I were to review these games, I'd give em all almost equal scores.

5. MechWarrior series: I still remember the first time I watched someone pilot a 35 ton heavy 2-legged machine through some debris, twist his torso to the right, wait for a "lock" signal, and then shoot a barrage of about 20 missiles combined with 3 coloured beams towards a remote enemy.
The series also has a well thought out background (it's a tabletop too), and the current versions (MW4 + expansions) still amuse me. I sometimes fantasize about using such a machine against today's military forces, taking out batallions of tanks with a Particle Projector Cannon...

Worth mentioning: Tribes2, FarCry, (Return t C) Wolfenstein, GTA3, Max Payne, Battlefield series,

1. Jagged Alliance 2: The first JA was too old for me at the time I learned of the series. A very well combination of strategy with some RPG flavour. True strategists, eat your heart out. Plus: guns, guns and more guns! With the real ammo, and realistic stats.

2. C&C, Red Alert etc: My introduction to RTS. Those afternoons in my garage, playing with the neighborhood kids, hold a special place in my heart. Same goes for Warcraft 2 & 3 and Starcraft.

3. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: The combat aspect of a TBS, combined with extensive research, and a great freedom of options (ethical: nukes or not, strategical: diplomacy or blast-em-away, ...) semt to have did the trick.

Worth mentioning: Age of Empires series, MAX (turnbased space strategy)

Worth mentioning on console:
GTA (ps), Final Fantasy series (PS), tLo Zelda:aLttP (SNES), Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega MD), Tetris (GB), Mario (GB)

Looking at this list, it looks like I've got no life ^_^
Nah, I don't play that many games, I pick the ones that I would really like. Right now, I'm playing Jagged Alliance2, and am going to get SW:KotoR, Homeworld and Beyond Good & Evil.

Rather have a steady base of must-have classics, play them anytime (before they get too old to enjoy), than just devouring every rubbish that comes out.
I replay a lot too, have finished (or almost) Fallout 2 almost 7 times, re-played JA2 3 times, or just frag some online - all at night, an hour before going to sleep. Seems to clear my mind or so...

The latter doesn't go for RPG's though, those are bad for my sleep (make me not get any at all).
1. Earthbound

I took a lot of time thinking about this one, but I stand by this SNES classic. The storyline was nuts, they system was tight, and brought me to appreciate the value SNES and rpgs had.

2. Fallout 2

'Nuff said.

3. Fallout

Read Above.

4. Breath of Fire 3

Awesome addition to the Breath of Fire series. Sweeet sweet story line that incorporated gnarly characters with a master/apprentice system.

5. Secret of Evermore

Another SNES classic. A real time battle system that really required skill to be good. Spanning over 4 eras in time, the player (YOU!) is lost in time and needs to find his way back.

6. Starcraft

It was in all its own respects, allright, having a third race compared to Warcraft 2's two. But it brought multiplayer to a new level with the user friendly B.Net (shut up!). It also applied the edit map function which enabled players to create their own maps with triggers and what not, making Starcraft an almost individual game maker. People could make LoTR maps, pokemon maps, or even SMASH T.V.

7. Caesar III

It was just awesome, Roman Sim City.

8. Dues Ex


9. Arcanum


10. Heroes of Might and Magic

The Whole series was awesome, but 5 was raw (I think it was 5).
Only ten. Fuck.

1. Quake

The best multiplayer experience in my life. The fastest game in the Quake series, and one that got the coolest mods. Great, gloomy techno-medieval setting. EPICK!

2. Quake III

Q3 owns everything but it's grandpa, Q1. To be honest, if it weren't for ExcessivePlus and CPMA i would not rate it so high. I don't like the textures and lightning so much on the default maps, but hell, there's a whole world of cool custom ones, so fuck it. Aside from Q1, other multiplayer FPS's have nothing on Q3.

3. Football Manager 2007

Tons of useless statistics. Shitload of obscure, little windows. A new headache every time you end a turn, be it expiring contracts, players with injuries, discovering you're up against a 10x better team in the coming match.. DO WANT!

4. Fallout 2
5. Fallout 1

I love Fallout 2 only slightly more then it's predecessor. True, Fallout 1 is better designed as is, but Fallout 2 makes up for it with a bigger, more complex world. In my case, replay value wins over design errors.

6. Deus Ex

Best FPS-RPG hybrid up to date, and i don't think that will change anytime soon. Fantastic storyline, great dialogs, perfect atmosphere. This is it. This is how cyber-fucking-punk should look like.

7. System Shock 2

Second best FPS-RPG hybrid up to date. :P At the time i played it, it was the first game in years that made me sweat and be honestly scared when playing it. Fantastic experience, this game.

8. Pokemon

Dosen't matter which one, as long as you can collect and level them. IT'S POKEMON, FUCK YOU.

9. Full Throttle

Oh, how i miss the days when good, original adventure games were everywhere. This whole genre seems to be in a sort of decline the recent years. Anyway, out of the whole bunch of fantastic adventure games Lucasarts did, i pick FT just because it's so damn unique and fun. Ben is my hero, and Maureen is a hot piece of ass. You should have scored her, Ben.

10. Planescape: Torment

When it came to number 10, i suddenly got an influx of great titles, and just stood still with my fingers on the keyboard, confused and unsure which one to pick. :/ Top 10 is really so small :( There's a whole bunch of other fantastic games i played. From the sea (ok, more like a pond..) of games i remembered, one went to the surface and didn't want to drown back down.. Torment. Ahhh. What a great cRPG it is. One of the few games i got completely bedazzled by, total fucking immersion. Everything is so.. alien, in it. You just go around, exploring the city and talking with people, wondering what the fuck is going on, admiring the freakish, chaotic architecture of your surrounding, giving a suspicious look on that black, winged demon who walks down the street undisturbed. Fuck all those "kill-collect-level up" games in the vein of Dungeon Siege, titles like Torment is where it's at.
I thought I'd posted my list, but maybe that was a DaC. Oh well it's bound to have changed.

My Top ten games across platform, in order of hours spent playing, not necessarily preference.

1. Elite - C64, if you really want an open ended game then there's few to beat Elite. Taking up less hd space than modern mouse drivers it still had revolutionary 3D (at the time) graphics, 8 galaxies and over 250 planets per galaxy. Despite the wire frame graphics combat was more engaging than many recent examples. No game since has made me feel more badass than the first time I bought military lasers for my Cobra, few games have elicited the same levels of anticipation and relief as manual docking with a space station successfully. No game has really captured the same feeling of achievement as making 'Elite'. Plus no amount of photo realistic graphics could ever create the same level of immersion as the Novella by Robert Holdstock. I played so much Elite that I used to see the starfield spinning whenever I closed my eyes.

2. Tetris - Gameboy, such a simple game so addictive. I played so much Tetris that while at work I kept looking around for something, I couldn't figure out what was missing. Then I realised I was looking for my Gameboy to play Tetris.

3. Star Trek Birth of the Federation - PC, Probably one of the best Star Trek games ever made, if not the most accurate. It seems a little silly to make a game called Birth of the Federation when you've only got the licence to use ships from the Next Generation era. Ships seem to have the opposite role to what's shown on screen but still it's one of those games that you can't put down. There's nothing like seeing your fleet going up against a Borg cube and crossing your fingers that they won't all be taken out at once.

4. Fallout - PC, I came to Fallout through a cack handed approach, FOT demo to Fallout 2 to FOT, to the forums via modding FOT and then a burning desire to see what everyone was talking about I finally found a copy of Fallout. I've only played Fallout 2 once since buying Fallout, it definitely is inferior, quantity over quality. I've probably played more FOT, especially with playtesting mods but Fallout just struck a cord that neither FO2 or FOT could reach.

5. Jagged Alliance 2 - PC, I'll let you into a secret I didn't like turn based combat before playing JA2. I had heard FOT compared (not favorably) to JA2 so had to try it. I thought controlling 6 characters in FOT cumbersome, I'd tried the TB modes and stuck with CTB. Then I played JA2 and couldn't imagine controlling 18 mercs any other way. It had it's faults, the poor starting equipment might work for D&D games but it didn't make sense for a bunch of mercs to go to the expense and trouble of a helicopter incursion only equipped with crappy pistols and smgs. But the combat was so engrossing that it made me an instant convert to turn based and I had to go back and finish FO2 and replay FOT just to have more. I just wish that FOT had half the tactical options of JA2, or JA2 had SPECIAL.

6. Hidden & Dangerous - PC, The original H&D was so buggy, but so good. And to play as a British or European squad rather than just another American winning the war single handed, absolutely priceless. The sequel had much better graphics and more weapons and better controls, but they changed the tactical map and just lost something of the magic of the first.

7. Severance Blade of Darkness - PC, what's better than chopping the arm off an orc? Sheathing your sword and picking up the arm then proceeding to beat the orc to death with it. This game could be tough, aiming with the bow was more miss than hit but doing a combo and slicing not only your opponent in half but following though and getting his mate as well was the ultimate two for one.

8. Starfleet Command - PC, The original one not the second, expansion pack or third dumbed down game. The second is meant to be better but due to the lackluster demo for the second installment that only had the tutorial missions (which bar one was pretty much exactly the same as the tutorials for the first game) and a skirmish/multiplayer I couldn't get working, I didn't buy another Starfleet Command game until the third came out. Based on the Starfleet Battles game more than the series it seemed at first a bit odd with missiles, and torpedos that needed to be fired at close range to have a chance to hit, in direct contradiction to what had been shown on screen. Too short a single player campaign, and a lot of new unfamiliar races but damn it was good fun. The third game had been terribly gutted, it might have improved graphics, and be more canonical with it's weapons but the simplistic control and lack of missions just goes to show that looks aren't everything.

9. Silent Hill - Playstation, dark creepy and utterly riveting. I bought a Playstation out of sheer boredom, only to end up even more bored with the unoriginal uninspiring games that were available for it. Until I bought Silent Hill, the only Playstation game I finished, not only that the only Playstation game that I replayed on all difficulties.

10. Star Trek DS9 The Fallen - PC, the best non ship based Star Trek game IMHO. A simple third person shooter, but based on a series of Star Trek novels it has been probably the closest to a tv episode. It could of used a bit more originality in dealing with transporters and other Star Trek technologies and Worf not having a phaser caused a bit of out of character retreating but damn if they didn't nail the spirit of DS9 to a tee. Not only a great game, but one of the original level designers teamed up with some fans and produced a mod that's even better.
If we were talking top ten game demos then Thief II would be up there. But the full game, I played the first mission, absolutely hated it, uninstalled it and put it on a jumble sale. I never played Thief and after Thief II have no inclination to do so.
Dungeon keeper
Dungeon keeper 2
monkey island1
monkey island 2
syndicate wars
Doom1 and 2
Hey, Requiem_for_starfury, have you tried Eve Online yet?

When I was still playing that game, my guild leader kept saying that his entire community was hooked on Elite and Freespace - migrating to Eve Online afterwards.

It might be worth looking into, if you really enjoyed Elite that much. :D
Madbringer said:
Dosen't matter which one, as long as you can collect and level them. IT'S POKEMON, FUCK YOU.
