608th's crew OOC


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Here we discuss players, player characters, and all out of character issues.
Alright, I'm thinking of RPing the gunnery sergeant.

This is just a quick rough draft:

Name: James Henderson
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Rank: Corporal (E-4)
Position In Crew: Rotates between gunnery sergeant and manning the MG (unless we find another player to do so)


James Henderton was born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was diagnosed with minor asthma at an early age, which while rarely affecting him, can trigger asthmatic attacks at random moments. James originally signed up for the U.S. Marine Corps at the age of 18, lying about his asthma history. He however could not take the physical part of the heavy training involved in the corps bootcamp program, and "washed out". He then signed up for the U.S. Army, again lying about his asthma. There, he finished boot camp and was transferred over to a US military base in Phoenix (whatever we decide to name it). James originally studied to be a field medic for the US Army, however narrowly failed the finals (tests) by a measly two points. Instead of again attempting the field medic training, he was assigned and issued to the 608th tank crew. There, he learned how to maintain and use a M2 (or M1 if you want to use that for RP purposes) Abrams main tank gun, along with operating it's secondary weapon outlets.

Major Skills:
Small Arms: James received mandatory training during his time at a US Army boot camp for small weapons. While not overly excelling at them, he can accurately use one if needed.
First Aid: During James' time training to be a US Army field medic, he picked up training in the area of First Aid. He can mend most wounds and scratches, although anything serious or near-fatal is beyond his comprehension.
Computers: James seems to have a knack when working with computers. While he can pry information out of the majority of average computer's or use them to his own end, he is far from an elite hacker.

Also, will we be using any kind of attribute system like SPECIAL or GURPS?
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No atributes, every skill, habilities, perks, etc are purely descriptive, we will do this free form, if there are any rolls I want the players to make I'll let them know and tell them if they passed or not, but the idea is for this to be story oriented. If there's any math I'll do it behind the scene, so no experience in playing any other kind of rpg is required, you guys just tell me what you want you char to do when a situation is presented to you. Playing will require more narrative and interaction with other players trough dialogue, not so much "rolling dice".

Crew roles will not be so strict, we may have two gunners (one may have been a gunner in another tank in the platoon), you guys decide among yourselves who does what. The crew is technically not in the Army anymore, so ranks are not so vertical either, a little democracy between the group in sensitive situations could be something interesting.

The tank is an M48A5. The story takes place near the end of the Cold War, and even at that time the M1A1 was rather a novelty, even in the 1991 Iraq war many M60's were used. The fact that I decided to use a modernized version of the M48 is that, unlie the Abrahams, in a post apoc environment an old tank has much more chances of operating, a brand new M1A1 would require a lot of unavailable specialized maintainance and spares (good luck finding jet fuel for those high consuming turbine engines), an older tank would be much more durable and reliable, and easier to maintain by just the crew.

The main gun is a 105mm rifled, there is a 50. cal AA MG mounted on the commander's cupola and an M60 MG in the loader's hatch, there is also a 7,62mm MG coaxial to the main gun, if we are 3 players we could all be firing one of the tank's weapons, plus there are small arms, mostly M16A1's and M1911's for you to choose from.

Even if this happens near the end of the Cold War, for the purpose of this game the outlook of tech and uniforms will be more mid Cold War retro style. For refference:

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Ideally they would have to be a soldier, from the same regiment at least, or maybe one of the support ones. I would preffer they are from the same platoon even, if not the same vehicle.
So, exactly how long after the nuclear war will we be starting?

Character draft two:

Name: James Henderson
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Former Rank: Corporal (E-4)
Former Crew Position: Gunnery Sergeant

Height: 5'9
Weight: 157 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Ethnicity: White/Native

Major Skills:
Small Arms: James received mandatory weapons training during his time in the US Army bootcamp. While he is not a master marksman, he can use a weapon accurately if needed.
First Aid: James picked up extensive First Aid knowledge during his training to become a field medic. He can set broken bones and tend to bullet wounds, however injuries requiring serious surgical skills are beyond his knowledge.
Electronics: James has a knack for understanding electronics.

Changes/Additions to Previous Bio:
• Has family living on the Apache Reservation in Arizona, and family living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. May be interested in attempting to seek out family on the reservation.
• Never applied for the Marine Corps. Instead during that time he attended college to study electronics, but dropped out
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@Gonzalez How about Quartermaster, the Cook ( or whatever name the guy who serves the food at the military) and other alike?
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So, exactly how long after the nuclear war will we be starting?

Several months after, all this just started, the crew is just departing from the improvised regimental FOB, wich is in a state of full chaos now, with the leadership gone everyone is looting whatever they can before hitting the road.

Exactly how changed the world out there is no one knows. All that is known is that any attempt to contact anyone in the govenrment, be it the military or the civilian government trough radio or even try to reach them has failed. It is assumed there is no government anymore, although at this point it's all mere speculation, no one know anything of what happened out there except that the bombs fell and all major cities are in ruins. Supplies started running out, the leadership fled, and now it's everyone for himself. Unlike the Dessert Rangers in "Wasteland" this regiment failed to keep cohesion.

How about Quartermaster, the Cook ( or whatever name the guy who serves the food at the military) and other alike?

Cook, mechanic, comunications specialist, not all roles are combat oriented. In the video I posted they talk about support roles in an armored division. Kitchen staff is just fine.

Go to 19:20 in the video, you can pick any of those roles, or a cook. We could actually use a well versed mechanic.
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Name: Ralph Juhor Maxwell aka ''Rajuma''
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Former Occupation: Kitchen assistant

Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown

Born and raised in Flagstaff, Ralph had lead a normal life till the end of high school were he couldn't afford college and most of the jobs rejected him because of his ''many talents''. As last resort Ralph tried to enlist in the military but soon had showed that he was not fit for the uniform. After begging for some time, he got a job as a kitchen assistant and stayed like that till the fire rained from the sky.
Ralph only joined the 608th when the same went looking to gather food in the kitchen, where Ralph had taken shelter from all the madness in the base. After begging and maybe convinced the team that they needed a cook to prepare and treat the food, he was allowed to tag along.

Major Skills
Blunt Weapons: Often guarding the kitchen at night against midnight visitors had made Ralph famous for his beatings with a nightstick.
Sharp Weapons: The kitchen's work had taught many things to Ralph, how to proper prepare dishes and how to cut many things in the process, the cutting part was easy.
Cooking: Ralph was not one of the best assistants but even the worse can learn something, for example how to fry an egg or make a salad, just don't expect him to cook full dishes or even rations, he missed the day were those were showed.

(Height,Weight and Ethnicity not included mainly because of cultural differences here in Brazil)
Might as well post my char:

Sergeant Mark Latham
Tank commander
Age: 30
Brown eyes
Dark hair

Mark would have hated to be a Soviet tanker, he was tall and, due to a disdain for phisical exersice and an overindulgence in food, large. Luckily for him he was a tanker of the free world, where the tanks were roomier and he could fit in them, even if barely. His size was also intimidating, his height coupled with his thick arms and legs along with his barrel chest, albeit a siezable belly hanging from his belt, told you this is a guy you dont want to mess with.

He was hoping to make a career in the Army, get a retirement, but now nuclear war has foiled his plans. All that putting up with the bullcrap within the system for nothing, not only he wouldn't be getting his retirement money, but money probably had no value anymore.

Even if out of shape, as long as he has bullets he will be relatively safe in the wasteland. He allways exceeded in all marksmanship scores without even trying. When he entered the Army he was forced to wear glasses "at all times" the doctor said, but once he finished basic he stored them in a drawer and forgot they existed, he was a good shot even without them, he was even a good shot firing a pistol with his right hand even if he was left handed.
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We'll wait until tomorrow to see if anyone else wants to join in, then we get started.
Ok, I'll be posting the first bit tonight. Lets try to do a turn at least once every two days. A "turn" has nothing to do with time within the game, just the way I will refer to the cycle of me posting something, then the players reacting with one post each and me posting the reaction or results and so on. I'll post then you both post once, and so on.

For your first post just say what your characters are doing in the middle of this situation, then my character will find you either one at the time or both at the same time and present you with a situation that will either involve choice or your character reacting to a situation.

We start at the camp in the middle of the chaos, I'll describe it as best as I can in the first post using an NPC, try to imagine what your characters are doing in that situation. James is part of Mark's tank crew, they both know each other. Ralph may or may not have crossed paths with either Mark or James, but he is kitchen's staff and does not know either of them in a personal level.

Mark has sent James to find someone with a key to where the food is stored, Ralph is one that might have access to such key.
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I will not post in the IC as a player yet, I would like to see how the situation between James and Ralph is resolved. Mark will come into play once James returns to the tank, hopefully with a new addition to the crew. So this first turn is ended and both BigBoss and Emperor should post again. Note that the "turn" rule is more to keep things organized and not something rigid, it can change if necessary, like in this case.
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Try not to respond to dialog for other players, I know it's kinda weird but rather than doing that or making post after post of replies you can PM among yourselves and let each other know how you want to proceed, I know it's kind of metagaming but you guys are on the same team, not working against each other, so it's ok if you comunicate those things in the OOC thread or via PM if there's something you don't want the GM to know ;)

Remember, this is kind of a collective story, consulting each other OOC is encouraged.

I'll be away the whole day tomorrow, and then it's Christmas. I'll be posting on the IC on the 25th afternoon.
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Just wanted to let you guys know I'm sick. Sorry for the inactivity. I'll get back on tomorrow though for sure.
A video about the different crew positions in the Patton (a later version of it but still very simmilar)

Ralph will have to learn how to make himself useful in the tank, we already have a commander and a gunner. Loader and driver positions still need an assigned role. Thus far the two man crew has to multitask a lot, Ralph could help alleviate their duties.
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Just a quick new: I'm going away to a place to celebrate the New's Eve, a place which unfortunately doesn't have internet, so for a few days I will not be able to post ok? Also, after the New's Eve I'm going away to another place ( is travelling season for me this time of the year) but fortunately is has internet so I will be able to post.

I think that today I will still be able to post, just tomorrow and New's Eve that will not be possible.
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