608th's crew OOC

No problem, thanks for the heads up.

The tank is really small inside, they look big on the outside, but there is a lot of room taken by the weapons, the armor and the tank systems. So when a tank has a crew of four, the four crewmen barely fit. The roomiest part in the tank is the crew compartment, where the turret is. No one would be really be able to lay on the floor, but they could sit, rather cramped, while they for example get medical attention, leg extended, rest of the body contorting to fit. For sleeping, in a tank like the Patton a good place to sleep would in be the back of the tank, on top of the engine, outside the tank, wich with the engine still warm from running would make a nice place to be on a cold night.

A little info on tank layout for RP imaginative purposes:


Also, a map of the area, the tank is located at the crosshairs:

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Don't post in the IC yet, I'll tell you when. We might have a new player joining in. When I tell you to post you will decide to make an action, shoot at someone, or do something, like Ralph starting the tank, or you may decide to do nothing. If you decide to do something I will make a d100 roll, then I will write the result of your action based on that roll.

Make a post in the OOC to let us know you guys are alive, we will need to coordinate for this one.
Sergeant Lance Wallace

Age: 29
Blue eyes
Blonde Hair

Lance never imagined he would end up in the United States Army, much less during the apocalypse. He was never the star athlete in school, more likely to be playing video games than basketball, due to this he was very thin. When he joined the Army he had ambitions of getting his life together, maybe even make a career of it. He did Basic at Fort Benning, Georgia, and AIT at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland.

Not long after that he was assigned to his Unit, working long after the grunts had gone home. Many a late night was spent maintaining his Unit's equipment, but he was no slouch at the range. He was quite the Marksman with all manners of firearms, whether they be rifle, pistol, or shotgun, growing up around guns gave Lance an advantage.

He learned how to drive most of the vehicles around the Motorpool as well as fix them. Showing potential for leadership, after a few years he was promoted to Sergeant, anxiously awaiting the chance to be in charge of his maintenance squad, but it was not meant to be it seems, as the war started before Sgt. Wallace could ever give an order....
We are kind of in a mexican standoff: So in order of initiative, Lance acts first, if he decides to make an action I'll make a roll, depending on the action. Depending on what he decides to do I'll post what the NPC's reactions are and maybe Mark's actions as well. Then it's Jame's turn to decide what to do, and then Ralph's. After that I'll tell you the outcomes and post further NPC's reactions if any.

Ralph can't attack anyone from where he's at, but he can take initiative and start the tank if Mark doesn't give the order first, or decide not to do anything and just post what goes on trough his mind.

I hope I haven't confused you guys too much. I'm just trying to make this an "action-reaction" thing based on your character's split second decisions.

So, to sumarize: Lance posts, then I/Mark post, then James posts, then Ralph posts.

EDIT: Feel free to start posting now.
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Ready to go. Still new to this so bear with me.
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Just to show you how vulnerable a tank can be to infantry, here is a couple of videos. Emperor, you might be interested in the second one.


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Ok, more than two days have gone bye, since James hasn't posted yet we'll assume he didn't do anything, it's Ralph's turn now. We have to keep this thing moving people. We have someone under our tank trying to plant an explosive, his job will be harder if the tank is moving.
Agreed, let's move this thing along. I would have shot at Boyd if I would have known we would need to wait. ;)
Ok guys, no more order of posting now. Altho ideally TorontRayne should be the next one to post now.
Either way we'll be riding in the tank soon I guess so we can move it along, right? Assuming someone answers eventually. Haha.
Guys, you may want to say hello to our new arrival, if not then we'll just move on into Ajo. We won't we waiting more than two days between posts, so if you don't post we'll just skip ahead without you.
As long as the other characters don't realize it, while I appreciate the creativity have in mind that if they find out they can turn against you and deppending on their reaction you would have to end up starting a new character :(

Stew's ready!


Tired from work. I'll post in the morning. BigBoss, don't miss your chance to post!

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Ralph is at the M-60 mounted on the loader's hatch, Lance should be on the driver's position in case we need to get the hell out, the figure is at the rear of the tank, Lance can maneuver at night thanks to the infrared headlights in the front of the tank. I think Lance didn't trusted Ralph's meat, vegetarian? :lol:

Next to post is both Lance and Ralph in any order, Mark asked for oppinion on what should be done. Shoot? Walk towards it and make contact? Avoid it and get the hell out of town? We are not lacking in the firepower department, but the night is dark and urban areas make a tank very vulnerable as it offers infantry plenty of cover.

The figure is obviously not armed as it's arms are outstreched, like forming a cross with his body and the arms.

@BigBoss, second time your character is in a dangerous situation and he's not responsive, it can be dangerous for his health.
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