Abandon Hubology (hack?)


First time out of the vault
Got into hubology. Went too far before realizing I can't get lots of quests I was planning for.

Any way to remove that Hubology mark? A game trick? A hack?
mx_ said:
Got into hubology. Went too far before realizing I can't get lots of quests I was planning for.
Oh? Which ones? I can only remember one with the vertibird plans, and Per's guide seems to agree.

Any way to remove that Hubology mark? A game trick? A hack?
If you have no earlier saves you might be screwed. Try one of the Fallout 2 character editors from our downloads section, though, they might allow you to remove the marks.
Suffer said:
Try one of the Fallout 2 character editors
First thing I've tried Falche. "Hubologist" unfortunately isn't a perk. It's some internal game variable (hence no help from editors). I'm sure that some modder, who took the game apart, could correct that variable in an instant. I was hoping someone knows where it is.
No hack that I know of. We'd need our Code Scribes to figure out if a varialble can be unset thet corresponds to your Hubologist status. It's not in the character sheet, so Falche won't cut it.
Silencer said:
We'd need our Code Scribes to figure out if a varialble can be unset

That'd be a great addition to the collection, if someone wrote a utility that allows changing status vars, like Slaver or Hubologist.
Well there actually already is such a utility. It is called Fallout II savegame cracker. It can edit save games like falche does as well as change the value of global variables, which is what we need to do in this case. The file can be found here: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=666

Be sure to backup all your savegames though as this utility is known to corrupting them. I always suggest running flache on the samegame after using this utility and making sure your main stats are still the same. (it sometimes alters them to values the game cannot handle)

Now on to the important stuff. I believe the variable you want to edit is "GVAR_SAN_FRAN_ELRON" This should be number 366 in the list of global variables. Scroll to that in the program and check the value it is set at. I think if you join the Hubologists this value should be at 4? Whatever it is at, change the value to 0. You should no longer be a member of the Hubologists now. Do backup before doing so though.

Let me know the outcome of all of this.
I deeply appreciate the help, Killap. I'll test it when I'm back from work today.
killap said:
Well there actually already is such a utility. It is called Fallout II savegame cracker.

I was going to say that. However, I was also going to say:

Teh guide said:
If you become a Hubologist, none of Dr Fung, Lo Pan or the Dragon in Chinatown will talk to you (so you may want to do all quests related to them first). Strangely enough, the Shi will. If you fight the Hubologists you'll be able to talk to these people again.

So you don't really need the hack.
If you fight the Hubologists you'll be able to talk to these people again.

Awesome. There are more possibilities than I thought. I will try to avoid fighting them, as I am playing for negative karma. (I'm not sure, but feels like it would bring karma up.)
I'm positive in my first game I couldn't get to talk to the martial artists and the doc despite having wiped out the Hubs after being ... '"aligned"
Argonnot said:
You get negative karma from killing hubologists dont you? At least in random encounters you do...

Very possibly. Haven't checked specifically. Never mind.
I believe you get positive Karma for killing the Hubologists in San Francisco. Of course, if your companion NPCs actually land the fatal blows your Karma is unaffected. I can also confirm that Dr. Fung, Lo Pan, and the Dragon will talk to you again if you wipe out the Hubologists in SF. You should get Crockett to upgrade two suits of Power Armor first, though. Even though you can kill them and leave him alive, it may be problematic getting him to upgrade the armor afterwards.
I'm positive in my first game I couldn't get to talk to the martial artists and the doc despite having wiped out the Hubs after being ... '"aligned"
yeah I'm stuck with this same issue. the guide says if you murk all Hubologists then you redeem yourself but not on my game for some reason. also chip is not spawning for me so not too big a deal i suppose.
I'm using RP 2..4.32