Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

One last thought regarding the name: it does stretch credulity somewhat that all of the Brotherhood, including the scribes, would totally forget Maxson a mere two decades after the events of VB. In a similar sort of way to after the prequels how much everyone has forgot the Jedi and the Old Republic as if these are extremely ancient things. Doubly so if the place name is named after Maxson, people tend to preserve those sorts of memories for a decently long time, one of the first questions people ask is 'Why is this place named this way?' to the point where even after the true origin is forgotten fictional eponymous heroes and origin stories are made up to explain it.

For it to be viable, the Brotherhood must have arrived in ABQ a decently long time ago, it must have been integrating natives for a fairly long time, and most importantly there must have been a conscious propagandistic effort to wipe out the old Brotherhood, not mere cultural drift.

It's not that they don't know who Maxson is. Maxson is still the Elder family in the BoS - it's that they don't know who Roger Maxson as a figure was. They might know that Jeremy Maxson was the guy who ordered the name but they don't know the lineage because the BoS are poor at recording history.

There's also 30 odd years between VB and NV
In addition to more detail on their religion, only major difference I noted is that the threat of the tribute-raiders from Alber are greatly reduced, with the Glyphers not even being a presence anymore. Presumably this is because the extent of their terraforming is reduced, so they're not as fat and juicy a target.
The Brotherhood of Steel Part 2 - Lone Mesa Bunker


OST Atmosphere:

Bunker History
Commissioned in private by an Old World CEO turned US Senator, a private fallout shelter was constructed in the hills outside of ABQ, NM. Not as expensive and expansive as a Vault, it would be enough for him, his family, staff and some private security. When the bombs came, the Senator was vaporised in Washington DC.

Knowledge of the bunker was not lost however, as the Senator's son was a member of the platoon stationed at Mariposa under Roger Maxson. The location of the bunker was logged and stored in the deep archives of Lost Hills. Dug up in later years by Lost Hills Elders of the 23rd century.

The Expedition
In 2248 an expedition to settle the bunker was organized by the Elders of Lost Hills with threefold purpose, the first two explicit and the last private. The first was to explore and claim any technology of note in the East, the second was to potentially re-establish contact with the lost Midwestern Brotherhood and the final was to expel "liberal" minded sections of the Brotherhood from New California. A controversial decision amongst the Elders, some felt that with the brewing tensions against NCR numbers would be needed. Elder Jeremy Maxson argued that those of liberal mind would only weaken a potential war effort, perhaps even turn, and that establishing a foothold in the East meant security in the case of defeat in the West.

The Expedition was to be led by Paladin (provisional Elder only until settlement) Andrea Brixley. So, they set off.

As they approached their destination, issues began to arise. Sickness, delirium, death for seemingly no reason. A pause and investigation revealed the answer: the tinned Old World rations they had been provided with (as standard for Brotherhood) had either been improperly manufactured or were suffering from decay, either way the rations were laden with lead poisoning. Dumping their rations and incapable of living off of the land, the expedition was effectively starving by the time they reached Mesa Bunker. Upon realising the bunker itself had no rations stored, (staff and private security having long consumed them and left the bunker to parts unknown) within hours Brixley sent out scouts to locate local tribes.

When the Brotherhood approached the Watchers, they were shocked at how freely they gave them stocks of potatoes and maze, simply because they explained they were starving. Under Paladin Mayflower they investigated the Nexus, noting the vast satellite array, and immediately reported back to the Elder with sacks of plentiful maize and potatoes.

So, the Brotherhood reapproached the tribe. Not as conquerors, but as friends. They would exchange the flow of reservoir water from their bunker and protection in exchange for taking over the satellites and stocks of food. The Watchers happily agreed, the satellites were a chance at contact. So, the Brotherhood split deployment between Mesa Bunker and Nexus. When the Scorpion's Bite arrived at Nexus they were told to leave - they attacked the Paladins and were reduced to atoms. No further visits have occured since.

The Brotherhood at Nexus

In the months following, the Brotherhood sent the bunker bound deployment on a scavenging operation north, into the barren irradiated stretch that covers Cheyenne Mountain Complex to Los Alamos. Los Alamos proved largely unfruitful, the surface facility was effectively charred dust and occupied by a Ghoul colony in ramshackle housing. They had a suspicious amount of junk to trade, but not enough to raise true suspicion - The Ghouls wore rags and leathers, barely eking out their solitary existance - so they left them alone. Moving further north to Cheyenne Mountain.

What they found was a crater that would put the Great Glow to shame - even more curious was that the heavy radioactivity was not consistent with that of the Great War - it was far more recent. Establishing an outpost at safe distance, they spent weeks recovering what they could - which wasn't much. The most crucial among them however was a Department of Defense Override Protocol Holotape, effectively a magic key that would override existing security protocols on any Old World government facility.

In the meantime, the Nexus operation had been using junk parts purchased from Rebirth and scavenged from nearby ruins to restore a satellite unit to working condition. A process that took well over a year.

In that year, the tribe and the Brotherhood intermingled, becoming more and more friendly. Brotherhood Knights and Paladins off-duty would spend recreational time with the tribesmen, even offering to till the land. The pulp fiction stories of the Watchers became popular campfire entertainment that Brixley herself indulged in, frequenting between the sparsely staffed Mesa Bunker and Nexus. This displeased a portion, but many enjoyed the more rustic lifestyle rather than their typical subterranean existence.

The Activation

Finally, the restored array was functional. The Head Knight of the Array operation requisitioned the DoD Override Tape, and brought it to life. It began to stream reports it had picked up in the decades prior to its cease of function - that was when the Head Knight immediately signalled for Brixley. She had to see this with her own eyes.

The Array had picked up signals. Distant ones. Ones cosmically distant and uncharacteristic of the regular signals they had learnt of from the Array's records - at several decade intervals throughout the 2100s - something out there had been trying to send a message. They ceased with the shutdown of the array.

This discovery shook all - to the tribesmen it was a reaffirmation of their faith. To the Brotherhood, it was shocking news. Brixley had once read about a tribe the BoS had fought called the Vipers that worshipped a great snake God, the archives said that this God was real but not in the way the tribe had envisioned - it did not clarify further. Brixley began to consider if this was the case here. The fantastical stories she'd heard over the past year might not be true - but perhaps they really are out there.

Brixley made it top priority to maintain the array, utilizing the DoD tape to keep it active. They similarly monitored for millitary signals otherwise - but found nothing.

Head Scribe of the Mesa Bunker Pierre posited a theory that it was a misinterpreted signal - the damaged array was picking up junk signals from Old World satellites and stations in orbit, but he was ignored.


In the time since this discovery the Brotherhood has changed. Brixley and Mayflower's Power Armors painted with Watcher constellations - not out of conversion but respect to the tribe and their beliefs. Already a liberal of the Brotherhood, she embraced the view that the Brotherhood should be responsible guardians over technology in the Wasteland - she established minor technologies throughout Nexus such as working lights and constructed better housing, providing the Watchers with weapons and training them - their Elder even in possession of a Laser Rifle.

This behaviour climaxed in the scavenging of Project ZEUS - a Poseideon Energy intrigue into Tesla Coil technology in ABQ. Largely a failure as a power source it proved fruitful in anti-riot fencing technology - Tesla coil fence poles that would electrocute intruders when activated remotely. Similarly, designs for a Tesla Cannon. The facility was a no-go zone for generations, the TESLA generator creating an electric storm field that would fry anyone within the city block. Suitable application of Pulse Grenades gave the BoS slots of time to scavenge.

The Brotherhood under Brixley's command began construction of the ZEUS fence around Nexus - a slow and resource draining project. Partially to protect their own population but also to protect from the potential arrival of the Red Okie horde.

Eventually Nexus was visited by a party of the Glyphs - not in violence but in offering - supplies of radiation draining cave mushrooms and additional food in exchange for protection and technology. Brixley abided. Providing them with trinkets such as a Jukebox and a single Paladin to protect and train them in combat - she began to believe that the Brotherhood could do some real good out here - form the basis of something new. The Nexus and the Glyphs were becoming close allies - eventually, members of the Brotherhood themselves when they were ready. All the while waiting for another signal from the stars.

They began to reach out to the smaller non-tribal communities of New Mexico, such as Sedit, and soon a trading post at the entrance of Mesa Bunker formed. Here players could find high level weapons, junk and gear.

The Coup

Head Scribe Pierre among a small cadre of Knights have had enough. The Paladins remain loyal despite any of their opinions personally because of the Chain That Binds, but Pierre will not tolerate this nonsense anymore.

Slowly he organized shifts so that he and the other Knights had an entire night alone with the Array. Not present himself - he gave the message to the Knights to transmit to Lost Hills via the Array - Brixley was a madwoman converting to tribal religion, sharing technology with all and actively gifting it to tribals. In the same evening, a message was received back in the early hours of the morning - The Circle of Steel was coming.

The next morning this was of course discovered and the Knights exiled - but Pierre remained undetected. Now he sits and waits for the eventual arrival. Travelling north as time got closer to establish tracking beacons to guide the Circle - this was when he was picked up by Uncle Sam.

Plot Hooks of Mesa Bunker:
  • To complete the Tesla fence, more components are needed from the ZEUS facility. Unfortunately the BoS are out of pulse Grenades, so the players need to get creative
  • A small band of the Red Okie horde has arrived as forward scouts south of ABQ - destroy them
  • Repel the Circle of Steel upon their arrival
  • Establish trade with Rebirth - they could be a valuable link in the chain but they have been highly resistant.
  • Pierre as a fellow 13 will approach the players with an ultimatum - help him assassinate Brixley, create a vacuum in command and lockdown the bunkers defenses - a clean and mostly bloodless takeover will then occur as the Circle will arrive the day after he gives the signal. The Paladins will comply because of the Chain That Binds - in exchange he promises that the players will have a Crack Paladin Assault Team led by the Circle themselves - this isn't just good will, Van Buren is a high value target. Additionally, the players will need a DoD Holotape to get into Van Buren - something Brixley will not allow because of her precious array. The only other place that would have had it would have been Los Alamos and that place is dust.
I will make a full post on characters and the Circle of Steel
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The Brotherhood of Steel Part 2 - Mesa Bunker
Real monster of a post!
  • I do feel it would have been better to depart from VB and have the Mesa Bunker be a Hubologist facility, since there's already precedent for them creating extremely advanced bunkers (San Francisco) and would be a little less Deus Ex-y than there just so happening to be a bunker very nearby to Nexus. But then again, I suppose it would be a little hard to justify why the Watchers didn't just continue to live in the complex if that was where they rode out the War.
  • Maybe a little too on the nose with Paladin Mayflower, but I like it, it's kitsch. And I also like how they've obviously subverted the expected outcome and remained true friends to the natives... but obviously there's the looming implication that history will play out as it has before if Pierre gets his way.
  • Good handling of the alien 'contact.' Was a little apprehensive at first, but you put in a potential seed of doubt that leaves it an open question, which I think is a great way to handle it.
  • Like that the Brotherhood is forming an outright tribal confederation here, not just a merger with the Watchers.
  • Sedit?
  • I can't help but wonder if the fact that Pierre is a scribe is related to what I said earlier, that the scribal class (or in this case one guy) and large parts of their records must be wiped out for scribes in 30 (although I said 20) years to be totally unaware of Roger Maxson.
  • Are these Circle of Steel going to just be tough professionals as in New Vegas or will these particular representatives be a little loopy? Stealth-Boys or not, a lot of special forces soldiers in the US military end up getting extremely into drugs.
  • Got a little excited by Uncle Sam and thought it meant the Enclave, but obviously its Van Buren. Though it does raise the thought - Enclave and Circle of Steel aid in the assault on Van Buren are (or should be) mutually exclusive, right? Could be a pretty funny mess up on the players part.
  • Since you seem to have ditched 'Maxson Mesa,' maybe instead of just Mesa Bunker revert to Lone Mesa?
I do feel it would have been better to depart from VB and have the Mesa Bunker be a Hubologist facility, since there's already precedent for them creating extremely advanced bunkers (San Francisco) and would be a little less Deus Ex-y than there just so happening to be a bunker very nearby to Nexus. But then again, I suppose it would be a little hard to justify why the Watchers didn't just continue to live in the complex if that was where they rode out the War.

That's the reason I didn't do it - also wanting to stay rooted with VB in some fashion.

but obviously there's the looming implication that history will play out as it has before if Pierre gets his way.

I will lay out exactly what happens post-CoS takeover in my post tomorrow.

Good handling of the alien 'contact.' Was a little apprehensive at first, but you put in a potential seed of doubt that leaves it an open question, which I think is a great way to handle it.

Just between us buddies, Pierre is right. However the players won't ever know that.

Like that the Brotherhood is forming an outright tribal confederation here, not just a merger with the Watchers.

The "Brixley" ending for the BoS effectively have them become a confederation of more heavily armed Ciphers in the years to come. Tech-Tribals that hold onto stuff they don't understand anymore.

Reference to the Fallout 1.5 Ressurection mod set in NM. Basically a trading post at a highway junction. Unimportant and something I would improvise at the table if the players were interested.

Ican't help but wonder if the fact that Pierre is a scribe is related to what I said earlier, that the scribal class (or in this case one guy) and large parts of their records must be wiped out for scribes in 30 (although I said 20) years to be totally unaware of Roger Maxson.
as someone above pointed out even in Fallout 1 in Lost Hills itself there are members who don't know who Maxson was.

Are these Circle of Steel going to just be tough professionals as in New Vegas or will these particular representatives be a little loopy? Stealth-Boys or not, a lot of special forces soldiers in the US military end up getting extremely into drugs.

Stealthboy storyline was picked up by NV so it's a no go. The CoS are hardliners that are intended to restore the Lone Mesa BoS to their "true form" and also absolutely wreak havoc on the world map. They're your imperial fascistic extremists that you love to hate. I'm personally a fan of this ending and consider it "canon" but at some point I will write up a post on what the canon Prisoners do.

Got a little excited by Uncle Sam and thought it meant the Enclave, but obviously its Van Buren. Though it does raise the thought - Enclave and Circle of Steel aid in the assault on Van Buren are (or should be) mutually exclusive, right? Could be a pretty funny mess up on the players part.

Yep could totally be a fuck up on the players part. A test of character and player knowledge. The one or the other also means if they choose the Brixley path they can still have PA buddies at the finale if they helped out Granite.

Since you seem to have ditched 'Maxson Mesa,' maybe instead of just Mesa Bunker revert to Lone Mesa?

Yep. That'll do er.
as someone above pointed out even in Fallout 1 in Lost Hills itself there are members who don't know who Maxson was.
But specifically new Initiates, certainly not Scribes. I think in addition to 30 years of integration with locals it would help if Brixley decided to wipe some or all of the archives, as a clean break with the past.

Stealthboy storyline was picked up by NV so it's a no go. The CoS are hardliners that are intended to restore the Lone Mesa BoS to their "true form" and also absolutely wreak havoc on the world map. I'm personally a fan of this ending and consider it "canon" but at some point I will write up a post on what the canon Prisoners do.
Maybe have them a little bit Jetted up/mentat freaks on the side to fuel some of their excesses, give em 'crazy eyes.' It helps them with their extremely dangerous and strenuous (even by Brotherhood) lifestyle, and the Elders overlook it since they're so valuable and really couldn't do what they do without some chemical assistance. Like I said, same thing goes on with US special forces (and it certainly helps that a lot of US special/secret forces are involved in drug running to some extent or another).
But specifically new Initiates, certainly not Scribes. I think in addition to 30 years of integration with locals it would help if Brixley decided to wipe some or all of the archives, as a clean break with the past.

To spoil things a bit, the CoS Brotherhood will overtake Boulder Dome and expel the population - pressing the Sleepers and Xian into service as scribes. This would also explain things. But yes Brixley's tribal BoS also works. By the time Caesar comes they'd probably be somewhere between the Midwest BoS and the Ciphers.

Maybe have them a little bit Jetted up/mentat freaks on the side to fuel some of their excesses, give em 'crazy eyes.' It helps them with their extremely dangerous and strenuous (even by Brotherhood) lifestyle, and the Elders overlook it since they're so valuable and really couldn't do what they do without some chemical assistance. Like I said, same thing goes on with US special forces (and it certainly helps that a lot of US special/secret forces are involved in drug running to some extent or another).

It's a fine idea. I have Afterburner Gum in my rulebook that is basically chewing gum cocaine that removes Fatigue, so they could be a little coked up.
The Brotherhood of Steel Part 3 - The Circle of Steel

Theme (For times of dramatic action):

The Circle of Steel are an elite special forces unit within the Brotherhood. A group of hardliners who act as corrective internal affairs for Brotherhood gone 'astray'. They are often given great lenience in their operating procedures and typically report sparsely to their superiors - membership in the CoS is trust enough. Their operations typically involve assassinations of targets both within and outside of the Brotherhood, but also takeovers and recorrections for Chapters misbehaving.

The deployment sent to Lone Mesa was led by Paladin Idella Hill - an outfit of two T-51b geared Paladins carrying Plasma Rifles and four lighter Recon Units wearing CoS Recon Armor (statistically a lightweight Advanced Combat Armor) and carrying Laser Rifles.

As of the time of the player's involvement, they have a lightweight operation out of the ruins of an Old World cathedral about a day's trek west.

Idella Hill:

Unlike the rest of her CoS outfit, Idella is not simply a machine of duty (though she is equally as ideologically zealous). She has ambition and genuine fire for the future of the Brotherhood. She believes the East is a goldmine of potential technology and a potential breathe of life for the power of the BoS. She is largely unempathetic to the point of sociopathy to those not within the Brotherhood, but in juxtaposition holds a deep unwavering loyalty and respect for her Brothers, even those gone astray. Also unlike the rest of her outfit, she refrains from utilizing afterburner gum as a stimulant, preferring to train herself to be better without chemical assistance. Even if this does mean she drags behind on forced marches.

Concequences of CoS Takeover

With Brixley dead, Idella and the CoS will arrive and be greeted by Pierre and the players. Understanding of the players situation with regards to Van Buren and Pierre, she will inform the players that Pierre petitioned for their survival and future co-operation rather than simple execution and the plying of their Prison-Boys.

Idella will then rally all members of the BoS to Lone Mesa to establish formally her leadership as Elder. Mayflower will object, but his monologue will be cut off by Idella: comply as a Brother or die as a traitor. She urges him to pick the former as she would find the latter extremely unnecessary and unpleasant.

The plan is as such: all technology distributed to tribals will be disassembled and reclaimed, including weaponry. The Array will have its data logged but will be stripped of vital components to render it useless.

The players are to be sent out to tell the tribe of this and ensure their passiveness to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. If the players fail in this, the Watchers will make a single attempt at attack, but after the first handful are disintegrated they will retreat to the edges of their camp.

After this is done (which at the forced speed of the CoS is about five days), the Brotherhood is to relocate to Boulder Dome, reported thanks to Pierre's journey from Van Buren. The players are free to leave in this time. If the players reveal they are familiar with Boulder Dome, Idella will make them an offer: their future co-operation is needed for the Van Buren siege, so she will allow them entry into the Brotherhood on the conditions of service. So far they have served in assisting Pierre and potentially easing the transition with the Watchers, but more is required to prove their loyalty. They will be told if so, to go to Boulder Dome and warn them of the Brotherhood's arrival, and tell them to surrender peacibly as they have no chance at victory.

The Brotherhood at Boulder Dome

Regardless of whether they are following Idella's orders or simply wander back to the Dome later after initiating the takeover, the players will discover it in BoS control.

The BoS WILL successfully conquer the Boulder Dome, the Dome Authority simply aren't a match for the might of the Brotherhood. There are two major ways that the Brotherhood's conquest of Boulder Dome will play out.

If the New Plague questline is resolved, the Brotherhood will peacefully exile all of its citizens into the Wasteland to the best of their ability. Protest is met with quick and effective retribution. The Boulder citizens will scatter into bands fleeing into the Wastes.

If the New Plague questline is not resolved, the Brotherhood will quite literally burn all of the Boulder suburbs and it's inhabitants to the last embers. Any moral quandaries are backed by Idella reminding them that this is exactly what the Brotherhood was formed to do in the first place: prevent the spread of dangerous technology that could once again end the world, of which the New Plague absolutely is. The children inside the cyropods will have life support shut off and the patients in the Boulder Dome will be overdosed on Med-X and thrown onto the corpse pyres outside. The New Plague is eradicated but at great human cost.

The Brotherhood will then establish the Tesla-Fence around Boulder Dome. The Sleepers and Xian will be given the choice: join or die. If the purge has occured, Xian will choose the latter.

Similarly, if ZAX is in a functioning state it will be repurposed for Brotherhood needs. Designing a Tesla Cannon and Cryogenics based weaponry, as well as resuming work on CODE. If the Purge has occured, ZAX will shutdown permanently.

Path into the Brotherhood
If the players would like to join the Brotherhood, they must complete the following tasks for them:

  • Retrieve PE Tech from Burham Springs
  • Retrieve the CERBERUS Core from Denver
  • If ZAX is shutdown, rip the core out of the ZAX at Vault-29
  • If the players have already dealt with the above and can't bring them to her, leading Brotherhood scouts to the Nursery will substitute
If the players join the Brotherhood, they will be rewarded with a pick of weapon at completion and then given Power Armor and a high powered weapon of their choosing when the siege of Van Buren begins.

During the siege of Van Buren, if Idella is present at the COLOSSUS Core, she will order the player not to melt it down, against the urging of Red Menace. She argues that Van Buren can become the Brotherhood's new fortress and the blast furnace for a new "Age of Steel". The players can join her or refuse, leading to a battle.

So that's the Brotherhood done. I have no preference what to do next, this is my to do list:

  • Denver
  • Twin Mother's/Vault 29
  • Nursery
  • Burham Springs
  • Rebirth (Reservation)
  • Moab/Dead Horses
  • Hecate
  • Return to Van Buren

Hecate and the Return to Van Buren will be the last two, but anyone got any preferences? @Hardboiled Android
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The Brotherhood of Steel Part 3 - The Circle of Steel
Didn't expect the surprise that Idella could well end up being the final boss, but it makes sense. Great post.

So that's the Brotherhood done. I have no preference what to do next, this is my to do list:

  • Denver
  • Twin Mother's/Vault 29
  • Nursery
  • Burham Springs
  • Rebirth (Reservation)
  • Moab/Dead Horses
  • Hecate
  • Return to Van Buren

Hecate and the Return to Van Buren will be the last two, but anyone got any preferences? @Hardboiled Android
I think probably just move in a basically geographical order from Nexus - Rebirth -> Twin Mothers -> Nursery -> Denver (you can switch these last two if you want though) -> Burning Springs -> Moab -> Hecan -> Van Buren

Los Alamos is a place with a long and dark history. In the 21st century it once again became the radioactive heart of America's nuclear weapons program. Designing, building, perfecting bombs, ICBMS and delivery methods under the stewardship of US Army Colonel Green and Project Lead Dr. Clarke.

When the Great War came, the place itself was atomized. The surface facility reduced to smouldering cinders. Thankfully, there was an extensive subterranean lab where a large amount of the staff rode out hell itself.

Unfortunately, that didn't last, and their hell, radiation, began to leak into the facility in strong fashion. Some died within hours, others within weeks, but others began to mutate - transformed into Ghouls. The transformation nearly broke their minds - was this punishment for the sins of their work? Were they dead? Was this hell?

After years of purgatory and fruitless efforts to make contact in the barren, charred expanses of the surface they finally made contact with humans - who shot at them on sight, or were otherwise repulsed and treated them as monsters. Some even followed them back to Los Alamos to wipe them out. Colonel Green did not allow this to happen. In the broken mind of Dr. Clarke, thoughts began to brew.

Rebirth - The Trading Post and Junktown

OST Atmosphere:

The Wasteland around Rebirth is different - the land there isn't normal desert, it's a mix of concrete and ash greys, and stretches of charred black.

Rebirth itself is a pitiful Junktown unceremoniously located in the middle of this hellscape. The town is surrounded by tall junk walls and powered - evidently - by a very loud junk generator. No humans are allowed inside Rebirth - unless they are a slave. No Ghouls either unless they've got a passcode from Measles (a Ghoul in Denver)

There is a trading post outside the Junk walls where humans are welcome however. A scattering of Old World army trucks converted into stores, and a junk gate guarded by two Ghouls in Old World Army fatigues with leather armoring, shouldering rusty looking Light Machine Guns. The Ghouls that run the stores are dressed in desert rags, and are bare foot. Despite this, they sell a large amount of US Army grade ammunition and junk items. If asked about Rebirth - each will give the same answer "Just a place for us Ghouls to live in peace".

The other side of the trading post is the slave market, overseen by Otto. Human slaves kept in cages before being marched inside the gates of Rebirth. This is unfortunately where a Prisoner 13, a lone redheaded treasure hunter by the name of Mable, has ended up.

Otto finds Mable exceptionally attractive due to her red hair reminding him of his Old World wife. Despite her beratings and attempts at escape , he is fixated with her particularly because of her red hair. He will not let her be bought unless you bring him another red headed girl, or he will offer her for the most expensive/valuable gear her can see on the party's person. Otherwise, she heads inside like the others.

For humans, there are two methods inside Rebirth. Stealth - scaling the outer walls, or selling yourself into slavery - which brings you directly to Sub-Level 3.

Upon scaling the walls and entering the town, the players will discover that all the shacks and homes are empty. Duds. The large generator at the center of town generating noise to mask the silence. Highly perceptive players will notice surveillance cameras hidden within the junk shacks - but by then it'll be too late.

Out of one shack, a squad of laser rifle wielding Ghouls in Advanced Combat Armor, led by Colonel Green in a suit of T-51b, will surround the party and bring them down to a bunker portal, escorting them to Sub-Level 2.

Rebirth Sub-Level 1

OST Atmosphere:

Sub-Level 1 is the recreational and living section of Rebirth. Decorated as closely as possible to that of the Old World it's effectively a retirement home for Ghouls. They sit dressed in Old World clothing, drinking, smoking, listening to music and playing games like cards and croquet in a state of stagnant bliss watching the same old holotapes over and over again. Some of the Ghouls here are original staff but many others are imports from across the Wastes now enjoying their life here. They don't know what goes on below their level and they don't care. They have a handful of human "caretakers" - house slaves that acts as maids, bartenders and butlers. This is where Mable will be sent, dressed in an Old World pink dress and given far too much rouge. It's also where player-slaves can end up if they're particularly attractive or smooth talk Otto the slavemaster. Convince them you're one of the "good ones". Misbehaving caretakers are sent to Sub-Level 3 with the rest.

Occasionally one of the Ghouls will begin to go foggy in the brain and feral, to which they'll be sent to Sub-Level 3 where the good Doctor Clarke is working on fixing them.

Sub-Level 2

OST Atmosphere:

The "service" level that contains hydroponics, power generators and basically everything needed to maintain the bunker, as well as staffing Colonel Green and his soldiers. Very utilitarian in nature.

If captured by Green, Green will bring the intruders to his office. Behind him is a blackboard - a map of America drawn in chalk - incomplete. It appears he's trying to draw it from memory.

He has spared their lives only because they have intrigued him as the only people who have bothered trying to sneak into Rebirth in its entire existence - he will question why.

If the players are honest about Mable and Van Buren or the DoD Holotape (if they need one) - Green will answer that the players could do something that would intrigue Clarke, who never lets anyone but the slaves, Robobrains and his cultish science team enter or see Sub-Level 3 and in return they could get what they need. Clarke needs uranium for his experiments. Greene recalls a Uranium mine and processing plant at a place called Moab - if the players return with processed uranium they can have Mable and hopefully speak with Dr. Clarke about the tape.

Any other reason given or if the conversation is navigated poorly, and Green will chuckle before telling the guards to take them down to Sub-Level 3.

If the players actually return with the Uranium, Green will ask the players to secretly bug one of the many command terminals on Sub-Level 3 so that he can actually see what it is Clarke is up to, satiating his mild curiosity.

Rebirth- Sub-Level 3

OST Atmosphere:

The deepest level of the facility and the original scientific labs. Now the heart of the Rebirth. Unlike the prior to levels, the walls here are stained with rust and paintings of mushroom clouds with a baby in uterus at the bottom as if the roots of a great tree.

This symbol can be found on the backs of the tattered labcoats of Doctor Clarke's science team - more cultist than scientist now. Muttering to themselves and shuffling between laboratories. Rusty Robobrains slowly drift about from room to room.

These laboratories are full and active, full of unspeakable horrors. Human and Ghoul alike being autopsied alive, filtered through chambers of intense radioactivity, drained of bodily fluids or injected with cocktail mixtures of chemicals that cause horrific results, twisting muscles, explosive bleeding from orifices, horrific mutant growths overtaking the body. The hallways echo with screams of terror, moans and zombified groans.

A section of concerted offices and storage rooms now act as slave chambers for the human test subjects in waiting, living naked covered in oil and grime, cowering in the dark. In the chambers next to them, Clarke's failed experiments. Feral Ghouls with exposed brains, vacuum tubes and wires sending constant currents keeping them alive and partially aware of their existence.

The worst, feared by all the slaves, is what's simply referred to as "The Mass", a combined mass of bodies and extended limbs, Ghoul and Human alike, that shuffles and constantly screams and gurgles with inhuman noises. Periodically it is brought out by Robobrains equipped with Riot Batons to other labs for continued testing and addition to The Mass. During the inhuman howling of these experiments, Doctor Clarke plays music over the audio speakers on the level in an attempt to mask it.

Doctor Clarke's office was clearly once one of a professional, a fine wood desk and cabinets for drinks. Now it is covered in papers, scribblings and scientific components. The walls are covered every inch by tally marks - remnants of his original day counting in the time after the Great Wall. Directly behind his desk is a huge painting of the Rebirth symbol. The DoD Holotape sirs on his table amongst other junk.

If Clarke invites the players to his office and they are human, he will ask them to simply leave the uranium and leave. If they are a Ghoul(s), he will explain his grand idea: reproduction of Ghouls. They have been gifted immortality by the bombs as a gift of their work in making the War occur, given the first stage in the next evolution of mankind they must discover the nature of their existence, and how to perfect it. If they are Ghoul and scientist he will actively offer them to join his efforts. Clarke is entirely professional, his demeanour as if he were running a normal laboratory and not a vast torture chamber. He seems proud of his work.

If enslaved the players will be thrown in with the other naked slaves. Escape will require some originality. Some solutions may involve attracting the attention of the science-cultists and overpowering them, or speaking to a Robobrain and leading them through a logic loop convincing them to let them go. If they overpower a cultist they will receive the Sub-Level 3 Access card which allows them to interact with the floors terminals: and set all of Clarke's experiments free.

If the players successfully bug one of the terminals for Green, Green will be horrified and bring his soldiers downstairs to massacre everyone. Slave, scientist, experiment and Clarke alike.
Cool. Not much to say here, but -
  • It's a shame that you couldn't integrate any of your Captain Greene from Great Wastes, that was such a fantastic character and set piece, but obviously TexPlex was rather different to Rebirth in such a way that integration of the mobile crawler base would be difficult.
  • If you have a ghoul or ghoul scientist party member, does the whole party get invited down or just the ghoul? I'd imagine for the sake of convenience it would be the whole party.
  • Other than Wasters and local tribals, who does Rebirth trade with? They seem fairly well proviosioned to a degree beyond what the bunker holds, so they must have a major trading power. Does it mostly come from selling ammunition to Hecate? Also, what's the extent of their relationship with Twin Mothers? They're extyremely close by (the closest settled place) so I imagine they must have some relations, and probably not friendly ones.
  • Are there going to be any further hooks? Some comedy ghoul ones from SL1 could be fun, and a handful could probably be figured out from SL2, though any further hooks on SL3 would require a player joining the project.
Cool. Not much to say here, but -
  • It's a shame that you couldn't integrate any of your Captain Greene from Great Wastes, that was such a fantastic character and set piece, but obviously TexPlex was rather different to Rebirth in such a way that integration of the mobile crawler base would be difficult
I agree it's a shame but within the context of Van Buren the descent into brief hell approach works better. The inspiration here was less religious faction and more the bunker from A Boy and his Dog crossed with the bunker from Day of the Dead.

If you have a ghoul or ghoul scientist party member, does the whole party get invited down or just the ghoul? I'd imagine for the sake of convenience it would be the whole party.

The humans or super mutants in the party are considered house slaves.

Other than Wasters and local tribals, who does Rebirth trade with? They seem fairly well proviosioned to a degree beyond what the bunker holds, so they must have a major trading power. Does it mostly come from selling ammunition to Hecate?

Rebirth are very self sufficient. The hydroponics and flow of water as well as power generation all in-house, vault style. The lifestyle of Sub-Level 1 is supported by prospecting the ruins of ABQ where their only potential competition are tribals who aren't interested in Old World trinkets and candies. They trade with the surface largely as a masquerade and for occasionally getting some stuff they don't have, on top of primarily for the slaves. Their millitary gear and lab equipment are remnants from Los Alamos being a major US Army facility.

Also, what's the extent of their relationship with Twin Mothers? They're extyremely close by (the closest settled place) so I imagine they must have some relations, and probably not friendly ones.

None. The Twin Mothers are an isolationist tribe and only few know of their existence. The Twin Mothers are now located at Mesa Verde.

Are there going to be any further hooks? Some comedy ghoul ones from SL1 could be fun, and a handful could probably be figured out from SL2, though any further hooks on SL3 would require a player joining the project.

There would be plenty of fun to be had on SBL1 but no concrete hooks. Just lots of fun improvised RP interactions.
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The Twin Mothers Part 1 - The Tribe

OST Atmosphere:

On the southern Colorado border, among the many canyons and mesa - a tribe lies hidden. With the right guide or perhaps digital mapping (A Pip-Boy, perhaps) you might be able to find them. Living deeply within the former Mesa Verde national park, within the canyon and dwelling in adobe structures both impossibly ancient and new, you will find the Twin Mothers.

Upon approach to the canyons, the party will find a lone Robobrain sentry - deactivated. Not rusty or decayed, this is recent. The Robobrain is covered in tribal paintings and symbols that a Follower of the Apocalypse might recognise as neo-pagan in nature. To others, they're just particularly pretty and well drawn.

Adjacent to their pueblo and Adobe dwellings, the canyon floor is a veritable elysian field of crops. Wheat, maize and a few pens of Brahmin. Most players won't have seen a tribe with produce this vast and rich, ever. A cool breeze runs through the canyon, keeping it relatively cool and allowing the crops to wisp in the wind.

The canyon walls are decorated with many paintings in this neo-pagan style, with a reoccurring figure: a Goddess in a great flowing dress, with great flowing hair and blank eyes, holding crops of wheat in one hand and an outstretched hand in the other. Surrounded by tribalistic drawings of the sun and the moon. Around the camp are numerous Robobrains covered in the same fashion of paintings - also all similarly clean and deactivated. Children of the tribe sit around them and touch them.

The Twin Mothers tribals wear lightweight flowing greco-roman tunics and robes with sandals of leather. They are intensely welcoming of outsiders and will welcome the party to a feast that evening to congratulate your arrival. To meet their two Chieftains, Alaya and Eldron, their Shaman Helia and the other outsider busy tiling the fields by day in the elysian fields - Ruth. In the meantime they will offer to house the party and give them time to rest in one of their pueblo houses.


If the party take them up on the feast, the tribal mythology will be explained to them.

They are formed from the soil and the Earth, and guided by the Goddess Diana and her consort the Sun. Diana regularly appears to teach them, console them, and guide their life. The Sun Consorts (the Robobrains) protect them from outside threats. Only trustworthy outsiders are allowed in by Diana - and the party must be part of that group.

Their tribal structure mirrors their Gods, Alaya would govern the tribes laws and daily affairs, and her consort Eldron would run the distribution of food, water, and shelter. Helia was an apostle of Diana and would learn herbal remedies from her to assist the tribe in a multitude of ways.

Though the tribe speak unusually good and grammatically proper English, the influence of Diana had left them with a cultural quirk of involving lessons in constant day to day life business. They will try to form lessons out of many things and will begin sentences with things such as "A lesson:" or "A lesson learned:" " A lesson to be learnt from this". Some advice trivial and obvious, some spiritual and religious in nature, but some nuggets of genuine wisdom in there too.

Ruth, the outsider will appear as a very quiet and humbled character. Wearing clothes same as the rest, she is however covered in tattoos - the most notable being an Ouroborous on her forehead. She is a daughter of Hecate. She will remain quiet during the dinner and nod along, when the feast is over moving to her abode without speaking to the players unless they prompt conversation.

The shrines to Diana are large boulders across the Twin Mothers painted in vibrant colours and decorated with the horns of deceased Brahmin. These are the places where Diana alledgedly appears to them. Highly perceptive and computer science minded players can investigate further, revealing a holographic projector concealed cleverly within the boulders.

Diana has been gone for some time, however. Silent. This is highly unusual, and the Sun Consorts have simply stopped moving. The tribe are trying to decipher the meaning of this lesson, and are hoping by doing so she will return.


Important Twin Mothers NPCs:

Eldron: An older, Marcus Aurelius looking man with bushy curled hair and beard, grey beginning to take the edges of both. He is the more practically minded of the two Chieftains, him being the one that oversees the actual physical labor. He believes Diana is attempting to teach them they must take up arms and become capable of self-defense, pacifists no longer. Citing the last herbal medicine that Diana taught Helia, Bitter Drink: "A lesson: a remedy that heals wounds. But why? Wounds from what?". He wishes to marry Alaya but she refuses.

Alaya: An older woman with her dark long hair flowing down her back and a sharp jawline. She is the more pacifistic and trusting in Diana, she simply believes this is a test of faith and they must simply wait as they live in peace. She has refused multiple requests by tribesmen to enter the Forbidden Lands (a nearby canyon ruled by Diana as off limits, and from where the Sun Consorts originate) She refuses to marry Eldron as she believes Diana must approve the marriage.

Helia: Personal protege of Diana. A young girl in her late teens with short cropped brown hair, she speaks with Diana directly and is from a long line of Shamans that have learnt the lessons of herbalism from Diana. She will offer to teach the party numerous, at no cost. These are substitutes for several Chems that involve easily found herbal ingredients. Healing, poison curing, battle stimulants and even limb repairing. All she asks of them is patience in learning. She will only do this if the players have helped the tribe in some way.

Ruth: A Daughter of Hecate raised in Ouroborous. Covered in tattoos, her hair braided. Chasing distant, unlikely rumours she was sent here with the escort of two Sons of Hecate to embed herself and indoctrinate the tribe. However, she met Diana face to face and her beliefs were broken. The two sons with her, however, did not buckle and so she slaughtered them. She has lived among the tribe for some time now, but lives in a constant fear that in nine or ten months time, more Sons of Hecate will come to collect their tithe of resources and firstborns. Expecting a tribe already converted to join under Hecate's parasitic grasp. She believes the Consorts of the Sun will be enough to repel them, but they have gone silent, and the tribe has no warriors.

Quests in the Twin Mothers:

  • Ants, Ants! ANTS!: Giant Ants have begun eating the crops. A nest has formed in a nearby cave with a large Giant Ant Queen
  • Marry Alaya and Eldron: It's possible to convince Helia that as a protege of Diana she is qualified to oversee the marriage of the two lovebirds.
  • Passing Scorpions: A tribesman at the distant verges of Mesa Verde saw a band of armed and armored men heading to the Forbidden Lands, this is cause for concern
  • Investigate the Forbidden Lands: As non-members of the tribe, Helia believes you are allowed to enter the Forbidden Lands. She would like you to investigate what is going on.

Did you come up with the "A lesson learned" line, or is it from the design docs? It's quite funny and Fallout-y.

Also, I don't recall, but where exactly do the players find Harold? Denver?
The Twin Mothers Part 2 - Vault 29


For Vault-29, Vault-Tec wished to utilize state-of-the-art ZAX technology, and so contracted one of the country's greatest artificial intelligence computer scientists: Derek Greenway. Greenway was a highly trusted individual within the US Government for his assistance on devising COLOSSUS and the Boulder Dome ZAX Unit. As such, as part of his employment he was given direct supervision over the Vault's experiment.

The experiment was as such, the Vault was to be populated with children no older than the age of 13. With ZAX as Overseer and a plethora of Robobrain staff, the children would be raised in the style of a primitive society, and when of age, would be released to the outside world in a controlled environment. Their education would involve no education or philosophy beyond that of outdoorsmanship. From there, the Vault would entirely seal itself, its technology shutdown entirely, and the primitive population would build a society of their own design from the ground up.

This was largely out of his belief that technology on the surface would be entirely annihilated in the face of the bombs, and that humanity would need to resort to the hardest primitive self reliance in order to survive. The technology he had spent his life creating was not the future, it was to become the past.

Diana Greenway, Derek's wife and co-founder of their agri-tech startup Greenway Hydroponics, posed philosophical objection to this. The first that a "bootstraps" approach to their exile risked death, and thus potential human extinction. Spartan values were not worth the risk. The second that devoid of culture and philosophy, the population would be merely animalistic, neo-lithic even, and set the cultural clock back unnecessarily far. Derek disagreed, and stubbornly refused to make alterations.

That was until after the Great War, when in their own reclusive retreat of The Nursery, Derek and Diana resumed their debate, and eventually Derek came to agree with her viewpoint.

Together, they established a link with Vault-29's satellite unit and overrode the ZAX-29 Overseer, placing it under Diana's direct control. Diana instituted the primitive education, but also select neo-pagan philosophy and blends of both prehistoric and classical cultures to shape what she believed would be an ideal primitive commune. As the years went on, she deployed Robobrains to the nearby Mesa Verde and got them to work on readying the location for habitation, including installing holo-projectors. When the Vault opened and it's inhabitants set out, Diana was ready to play God.


In 2253 the Vault is mostly sealed and defunct save that necessary for ZAX and Robobrain maintenance. ZAX-29 fashioned into "The Sun" as part of Diana's mythology. However, ZAX-29, being completely subservient to Diana who has now disappeared, has gone into a stationary function, shutting down its Robobrain units until the chain of command can be restored.

The surrounding canyon, the "Forbidden Lands" is largely barren save for the satellite unit on the cliff face above the Vault's entrance cave.

That was until rather recently, when a band of Scorpion's Bite warriors have set up shop in the cave adjacent to that of Vault 29. They are equipped in basic leather armors, with added Radscorpion exoskeleton as additional armor and tribal flourish. Six in total equipped with spears, their leader Burk carrying a Hunting Shotgun. They located Vault 29 from a scavenged Vault-Tec broucher in ABQ, and wish to seize the technology to bring it as tribute to the Brotherhood (or as method for dominance and bargaining if the CoS have taken over).

Burk's girlfriend Fixa thinks the idea is foolish, and that instead they should report the location of the Twin Mothers to Caesar's Legion to bring great reward. She knows they don't understand the magic that will await inside, nor can they battle its machines.

If the players approach the tribals, they will be offish but ultimately welcoming as long as they don't linger too long. They will warn that there is a guardian spirit protecting the Vault door and they're unsure how to defeat it. This will be when Fixa suggests attracting the Legion. .

In approaching the Vault cave, they will be met by a blindingly luminescent gold apparition of Diana, in Shakespearean fashion warning this tomb is not meant for mortals and doom awaits those who ignore her warning. Computer Science PCs can deduce this is a pre recorded message, not a live feed.

Walking past this, they will find the Vault 29 door. Sealed shut. Where they will be met by yet another apparition, this one live and questioning the intention of the players.


ZAX-29, "The Sun" who completely lacks the Shakespearean flair of Diana and instead speaks in a manner far more similar to that of the slow, soft, inhuman HAL-9000.

The players must have a very legitimate reason to enter Vault 29. They can learn easily that Diana has disconnected.

They can use Persuasion to help convince ZAX that they are able bodied agents that can assist with the restoration of contact for Diana.

They can provide the Boulder ZAX final print-out

Or maxed Computer Science with a very difficult penalty can provide a command override.

Otherwise he will simply say goodbye and leave the Vault door sealed.

Once inside the Vault, they will be guided to the ZAX Center. Where they can access the Vault Archives (heh) and read about what's really going on. Computer Science players can command ZAX to restore function to the Robobrains even without Diana's authority.

Otherwise, ZAX will provide coordinates to the Nursery.

If the players intend on stealing the ZAX Core, ZAX-29 will deploy numerous Robobrains and Turrets as the players have to stop his memory reel collumns one by one in a very HAL-9000 fashion.

Did you come up with the "A lesson learned" line, or is it from the design docs? It's quite funny and Fallout-y.

Also, I don't recall, but where exactly do the players find Harold? Denver?

It's my own idea, inspired by Ulysses line (paraphrasing) "Twin Mothers were all about their lessons. Caesar taught them their last."
The Nursery:

OST Atmosphere:

Derek Greenway was always considered to be something of a prodigy. Though not the inventor of ZAX, in the later 21st century he was considered one of the most prominent expert in the field of artificial intelligence. Money and business minded, Derek had little objection to taking contracts working with the US Government on a number of projects. Boulder Dome and Van Buren Prison included. Though highly intelligent, he was considered to be lacking in taste and empathy by some. Always argumentative in the fields of science.

Diana Stone was something of the opposite end of the coin, a graduate of MIT she was an expert in botany and ecology, but held strong passion for anthropology, philosophy and moral ethics.

Both came to a head at a Seattle World's Fair (the same where Sinclair met the Think Tank but this is irrelevant) where Diana Stone approached Greenway who was demonstrating the latest model of ZAX Unit - where she provoked an argument over the nature of their sentience, whether they were truly human in thought or if an AI ever could be. Arguing for well over two hours, they settled things over drinks and Diana brought him to her (poorly received and largely ignored) ecological conservation technologies by her start-up, Stone Hydroponics.

Beyond the fair, a romance blossomed and Greenway used his extensive wealth earned from his contracts to fund and get started Diana's business. The two were soon married and decided the name "Greenway Hydroponics" fit better.

Greenway Hydroponics was mostly contracted to provide hydroponics tech for the Vaults and to help assist in the efforts to resolve food shortages nation wide. As the Resource Wars drew closer to an end, Greenway Hydroponics was approached by the Environmental Protection Agency for an ambitious project: The Nursery. A vast ecological preservation project and vault for fauna and flora in the case of nuclear extinction.

The project culminated in a vast facility hidden deep within the mountains and canyons of rural Colorado. Three huge eco-domes were constructed - micro-climates intended to replicate various ecosystems, with minor wildlife such as birds, insects and small reptiles that would require little maintenance.

The main facility, the Repository, would hold several layers of cyrogenic seed and embryo storage (think the embryo storage in Jurassic Park) to preserve as many species as possible, whether they be plant or animal.

It was during the construction of this project that Diana was given a terminal diagnosis - lung cancer. It was then that Derek decided to embark on his most ambitious project too: a ZAX ran by a human brain that preserved it's personality. Resistant at first, Diana accepted in the face of her own mortality and jokingly that it would finally resolve that argument they had all so many years ago.

When she awoke inside her new "body" she found the experience extremely alarming and difficult to adjust. To cope, Derek would spend hours simply talking to her.

When the Great War came, the two were alone inside of the facility. Left to their own devices in their personal garden of Eden.



Derek took it upon himself to work the gardens even though it was entirely unnecessary - something to do. Knowing nothing about farming, Diana presented him with Vault-Tec's "Agriculture for Dummies" book.

Over the years, Diana began to educate Derek in philosophy and anthropology, literally starting with the Greeks and moving up. Engaging him in prolonged discussion and debate with each book. It was during this time that the Twin Mothers plan came into being.

As the years went past and Derek grew older, he began to sense his final days were coming. Taking a final stroll through the gardens, he sat beneath his favourite tree, speaking with Diana with weakening breath. Rejecting the idea of a robotic funeral, he wanted his body to rot and become part of the ecosystem. To this day, his decayed remains can be found in the depths of the gardens - "Agriculture for Dummies" clasped in a skeletal hand.

Distraught and alone, Diana focused herself on her leadership of the Twin Mothers for decades. That was until, for the first time, an outsider approached the Nursery. A starving, tribal girl no older than 16. She called herself Kyros, but where she came from they apparently called her the "Time-Eater". Diana took her in, in her amazement, and was glad to have company at last.

She educated Kyros in similar fashion to Derek, but the young girl was more interested in practical applications rather than the purely academic. She became adept at botanical chemistry and out of fun Diana taught her many biochemical tricks. Illusions such as combinations of chemical powders that would explode into great popping mists of vivid colours. Her perchance for alchemy ended up with Diana nicknaming her "Hecate". The entire time, Kyros referred to Diana as a Goddess, even though she repeatedly refused the title and attempted to remove her tribalistic beliefs.

After a year spent in the Nursery, Kyros wished to see the outside world once again. Unwilling to lose her only discussion partner and be alone again, Diana refused. This led to a bombastic verbal stand-off: she was no pet. Not a lizard or a bird for her to keep in her pithy cages. She knew the secret of this place. It was all useless. None of the species could survive outside of these domes in the Wasteland. Neither the Dome ecosystems nor the embryos. This wasn't a Garden of Eden it was a pot-planted prison. With no future but death and decay inside a glass sphere - like her precious Derek. So, Diana let her go.


In 2253 the Nursery is in a state of disaster. An earthquake rocked the facility, thankfully the eco-domes were kept intact but the repository was ripped apart and Diana placed into a functional coma. Many critical systems are in a state of failure and within months, the Nursery will die.

The players arrival to the Nursery will be extremely difficult. Navigating the mountains will incur challenging environmental obstacles and perhaps the reliance on Survival skill to make it through. When they arrive they will be greeted by a gigantic sealed concrete vehicle lane, but easy entrance is found through a sewer offshoot tunnel nearby.

They will have to pass through a small-industrial dungeon filled with automated security. Traps, turrets and Protectrons before emerging into one of the domes.

Wandering through the vast gardens, they might just encounter the next visitor that came after Hecate and decided to plant his roots, literally - Harold.

Harold after leaving Gecko decided to wander East, stopping by his old childhood home of Vault 29. Recognized by ZAX and Diana he was guided to the Nursery.

After a thorough chemical study, Harold decided to rest. But soon found he couldn't move at all. Herbert had finally got the best of him, and he was slowly becoming a tree. By 2253 he is a large tree with plentiful strange, luminescent orange fruit hanging off of it. Dropping seeds have spread more of these fruit growing in tomato like vines all around him. When the players find him, he's just in the middle of a very long nap. They can talk to him and boy howdy does Harold like to talk.

He will give the players the skinny (that means explaining the situation, youngster) about the status of the Nursery and what is needed to restore it.


  • Fix the flooded pump system -this requires a trek through a watery flooded dungeon full of mutant leeches. A repair savvy player can cut the dungeon in half by working their magic in the central pump but otherwise they'll have to delve deeper in to get the replacement parts
  • To restore Diana they need to go to the automation factory - which is full of active defense bots - computer savvy players can shut down these bots remotely
When the Nursery is restored, Diana will resume function and thank the players. Opening up a whole wealth of potential dialogue and conversation.

Most likely the players are here for the New Plague questline - and Diana has the solution. It turns out Harold isn't any normal mutant. Whatever made him what he is (the FEV) which Diana speculates as a pre-war cure project, seems to hold anti-viral properties - and this extends to the fruit bared from his tree and on the multiple vined variants. If the fruit is eaten, it will cure New Plague. Not only that, it will inoculate those consuming it from repeat infection or new infection if they haven't had it already. Naturally then the players can harvest this fruit and it's seeds to return to Boulder Dome.

Diana will thank the players and their reward is effectively as much rations as they can feasibly carry. The players can then leave, leaving Diana to return to the Twin Mothers with Harold as an immortal buddy to speak candidly with. Diana will seal the facility behind the players in order to maintain its security.
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