[Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX


It Wandered In From the Wastes
So, Since I am kind of swimming in money at the moment, and goods tend to be more valuable than money during a crisis; I have decided to Buy a Xbox(or is it "an xbox" can't seem to figure it out when it's brand-names wether it's "an" or "a")

I am purchasing the machine mainly for castle crashers co-op fun, but I'm looking to purchase some other "gems" that have come out for it, since buying a(n) xbox for castle crashers only seems a bit decadent.

The list I have so far is;
Rez HD
Super street fighter Super HD remix
Crackdown(for that free-roamy-goodness)
bomberman live

Any other gems that are must buy for xbox360?
I'm not interested in hearing how AWESUM Fable 2, Halo 3 and GTA4 Are, don't care much for 13 year olds armed with microphones.
Dead Rising.

It's a zombie shooter/beat em' up free roaming extravaganza!

Just make sure you have a HD or chair near the TV because otherwise the text is unreadable.
Spoonfeed said:
I'm not interested in hearing how AWESUM Fable 2, Halo 3 and GTA4 Are, don't care much for 13 year olds armed with microphones.

You wouldn't play GTA4 (the only reason I would consider buying an XBOX360 or Ps3 for) because there are kids with headsets in multi player mode??
GTA4 is barely a multiplayer game, seriously. Buy that fucking shit.
If you haven't played Puzzle Quest in one of its many iterations yet, thats on arcade and is tons of fun. The multiplayer is usually pretty dead, but someone will challenge you eventually if you host a game for a solid 15 minutes or so.

Castlevania SotN is on there too, great platformer / adventure game if you never played it.

They have a version of Worms you can play multiplayer as well. It's not as good as Armageddon but it's a decent version.

Smash TV with online co-op as well.

Not sure if it's worth the price if all you want is the live arcade stuff though. And unfortunately, the decent non-arcade titles are all on PC as well.
Left 4 dead is pretty good, but only get it if you don't have a PC capable of running it. COD4 is fun and I really don't hear that many 13 year olds on Xbox Live. It's mostly an exaggerated occurence. The singleplayer on COD4 ain't bad either. Also you really, really should get GTA4, pick it up for $40, buy the dlc and you've just got 45 hours of gameplay without even touching the singleplayer and I say that from firsthand experience. It's fun to play with friends, just passing the controller, around and fucking the city up major.
generalissimofurioso said:
Dead Rising.

It's a zombie shooter/beat em' up free roaming extravaganza!

Just make sure you have a HD or chair near the TV because otherwise the text is unreadable.
That is one game i always wanted to play on the xbox360, i will probably buy an xbox360 for that game someday.
Yeah Dead Rising is a cool game and a rather addictive one, especially if you are into unlocking achievements because some of them are really hard to get but they reward you with cool stuff.

Also, it is very cheap now. You can probably find it for less than 12 bucks, second hand copy.

And yeah, try GTA IV. It's rather different from the previous episodes, it has a more realistic approach and great physics.
Left 4 Dead
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts And Bolts
Forza 2
Ace Combat 6
Ninja Gaiden 2
Mass Effect (wait for a few months the game is being re-released with the download content ect for 20 dollars)

Just look on major gaming websites for older games with scores above 7.5 and pick them up or rent for a low price.

For the most bang for your buck buy the Elite System along with the Play and Charge kit.
Thanks for the thorough replies all!

I will look into dead rising, for zombie-slashing goodness.

I currently have a PC system that's capable of running GTA4, and I was not impressed at all, won't spend my money on it, even though the video-editor on pc looks sweet.

L4D is on my PC-wishlist for sure, prefer shootans on PC anyways.

Thanks again, keep on truckin'
Spoonfeed said:
Thanks for the thorough replies all!

I will look into dead rising, for zombie-slashing goodness.

I currently have a PC system that's capable of running GTA4, and I was not impressed at all, won't spend my money on it, even though the video-editor on pc looks sweet.

L4D is on my PC-wishlist for sure, prefer shootans on PC anyways.

Thanks again, keep on truckin'
If you have a PC that is capable of running GTA IV then there is no point in buying a xbox360 because most of the "xbox360 only games" are later released for the PC(Gears Of War, Mass Effect etc.) i even heard today that Fable 2 will be released for the PC.
If you have a top of the line pc right now you should stay away, from the Xbox360.
Serge 13 said:

one would think that, indeed, only problem being that i must in the name of all that is holy be able to play castle crashers, a Xbawks only title.

The main reason i want some other games for it is because i don't want to buy a 100something dollar costing machine to just play a 2d Sidescroller...
It may be an older game but I rarely find kids online, Terrorist hunt anyway. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is a pretty good game, single player is a bit lacking, but multi is good.
You sound like you hate it before you even bought it. What kind of games are you buying it for? You listed very different games so it looks like you will enjoy a lot of games on 360.

BTW, Halo 3 IS pretty awesome, it's among the best, if not the best, FPS on consoles. Plus, multiplayer is not likely to die anytime soon.
FIFA '09 for the X-Box and PS3 is the best football game in years, strangely.

It sucks for the PC, though, since they decided to basically copy FIFA '08 for the PC.
Spoonfeed said:
(or is it "an xbox" can't seem to figure it out when it's brand-names wether it's "an" or "a")
[offtopic] The rule for whether you use "a" or "an" is solely based on whether or not the spoken word begins with a vowel sound or a consonant sound. The only reason "an" exists is because saying, for example, "a apple" is awkward due to the fact that you're trying to say two separate vowels in a row. So, you add the consonant "n" to "a" to form "an" and say "an apple" instead. Therefore, the answer is that, since Xbox is pronounced "ecks-bocks", beginning with a vowel sound, you should say "an Xbox." It's correct, and it's less awkward. [/offtopic]

As for the topic, I'd say:

Street Fighter IV (of course it's not out yet but it looks good)
Dead Rising
Ninja Gaiden 2 (if you like fast, bloody action games)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (if you like sorta-realistic fps shootin')
Resident Evil 5 (another one that hasn't come out but looks to be a good one)
Kyuu said:
Spoonfeed said:
(or is it "an xbox" can't seem to figure it out when it's brand-names wether it's "an" or "a")
[offtopic] The rule for whether you use "a" or "an" is solely based on whether or not the spoken word begins with a vowel sound or a consonant sound. The only reason "an" exists is because saying, for example, "a apple" is awkward due to the fact that you're trying to say two separate vowels in a row. So, you add the consonant "n" to "a" to form "an" and say "an apple" instead. Therefore, the answer is that, since Xbox is pronounced "ecks-bocks", beginning with a vowel sound, you should say "an Xbox." It's correct, and it's less awkward. [/offtopic]

As for the topic, I'd say:

Street Fighter IV (of course it's not out yet but it looks good)
Dead Rising
Ninja Gaiden 2 (if you like fast, bloody action games)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (if you like sorta-realistic fps shootin')
Resident Evil 5 (another one that hasn't come out but looks to be a good one)

Thanks for clarifying it, never too old to learn!

I am a complete wuss when it comes down to "horror games" occasionally i still have nightmares about resident evil 2, which was over 5 years ago that i played it...(they don't scare me anymore nowadays, but they are still stuck in my head)

Dead rising seems to be a solid choice, as free-roamy goodness combined with dismembering zombies sounds very good.
Street fighter IV looks too good to pass up on.

Ninja gaiden 2 was as far as i've heard less ninja's, more demons, which put me off for that title.

Vegas is shooty, but not really my style, i prefer the more arcady shooters, or 100% realism shooters such as FLashpoint, which is mostly PC only.

maximaz said:
You sound like you hate it before you even bought it. What kind of games are you buying it for? You listed very different games so it looks like you will enjoy a lot of games on 360.

BTW, Halo 3 IS pretty awesome, it's among the best, if not the best, FPS on consoles. Plus, multiplayer is not likely to die anytime soon.

I hate consoles, yes, but ever since I've seen Castle-crashers i felt i must has it.

Halo 3 IS indeed pretty awesome, but I feel that my money will be spent better elsewhere, as I know I wont put in the hours needed to become good at shootan with a controller, I'd rather play my FPS'es with a (decent) laser mouse and keyboard.

The Xbox will mainly be for "good looking" games, Co-op games(at least until i can afford a 2nd computer for guest players) and Console-exclusive titles, minus the FPS'es.
Also, i am a bit IFFY about former-Rare titles, as i've played the games released under nintendo, which makes me biased.

So, any other exbawks titles for co-opy or otherwise awesome goodness?

So far my list consists of;
Castle crashers
Street fighter IV
Rez HD
Dead rising
Afro samurai(Don't judge me; I like Samuel L)
Warhammer 40K; Space marine(for Intimate brutality, shitrox)

GTA4 has more potential on PC, so i will most likely stick with that.

I think I've got a good list going there, Thanks all!
Always interested in hearing arguments for why a game is awesome(preferably not yet mentioned in this thread.)

And because of that game FOX news (cunts) calls it the "Sex Box". Perfect reason to get the game and the console. Stick it to the man!
ah yes, mass effect, fortunately i allready played "through" it(aka got tired of mediocre story and world-interaction)

Keep em coming!
I dont own xbox myself but i play little bit of halo 3 on multiplayer at my friends place every now and then, indeed overhyped console shooter it is, but still can be quite fun multiplayer game at times.

Prey(shooter from 3drealms) can be at least here found at any market for 10e and for that price its good buy IMO.

Lost odyssey if youre into jrpgs...