Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

So, no FPS... let's see, will 3rd person shooters do? If yes, check out Gears of War 1/2, I'm not a big fan but a lot of people seem to like the series.
Also, you should still give Darkness a chance since it's not on PC and is a fantastic game.
Lost Planet is a fun 3rd person shooter if you're into fighting huge things.
Fight Night Round 3 is the best boxing game I've played and it's probably the best looking game on 360.
Ace Combat 6 is a really awesome flight sim. Even if you're not into that, you should check it out.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted is the best NFS since NFS 1.
Forza Motorsport 2 is the best "serious" racer on 360.
Lost Odyssey is a good game as far as jrpg's go.
Saints Row is not as good as GTA but what little I played of it was a lot of fun.
GTA 4 is better on 360. Many people are not happy with the PC port and the 360 version will have exclusive DLC.
Also, you should still give Darkness a chance since it's not on PC and is a fantastic game.
Lost Planet is a fun 3rd person shooter if you're into fighting huge things.
Fight Night Round 3 is the best boxing game I've played and it's probably the best looking game on 360.
Ace Combat 6 is a really awesome flight sim. Even if you're not into that, you should check it out.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted is the best NFS since NFS 1.
Forza Motorsport 2 is the best "serious" racer on 360.
Lost Odyssey is a good game as far as jrpg's go.
Saints Row is not as good as GTA but what little I played of it was a lot of fun.
GTA 4 is better on 360. Many people are not happy with the PC port and the 360 version will have exclusive DLC.